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Conscript Bagger

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Posts posted by Conscript Bagger

  1. Originally posted by manchildstein II:

    ...a heavy 2nd level building with its own doorway (dot) side facing into the row of factory tiles.

    Can you confirm that the dot facing matters in your setup? I've never noticed that it had any effect on movement between adjacent large building tiles - my experience has been that troops can always move through a "double" wall if one side is a factory tile, but they could never move through if both sides are large building tiles.
  2. Just a couple of questions that might help zero in on what exactly is happening...

    So far it sounds like the effect has appeared when HE is fired at (a) buildings or (B) soft units - AT guns, infantry. No one has complained about armor-piercing rounds fired at vehicles (i.e., hull-down for armor still seems to be working correctly), so the problem must lie somewhere in between. I wonder what happens when:


    • AP ammo is fired instead - does it impact in front like HE, or does it strike the building/unit targeted (even if it does little or no damage)?</font>
    • HE is fired at vehicles and bunkers in an (evidently) "HE-proof" position - does it impact in front, miss long, or have a chance of striking the target directly?</font>

    I'll test this myself when I get a chance, though that's not likely to be today.

    edited because you shouldn't use the same word three times in two sentences.

    [ March 05, 2003, 10:48 AM: Message edited by: Offwhite ]

  3. Some folks around here like "Franko's True Combat Rules" - I suspect if you played a game that way, you'd find more of the confusion you're looking for (but again, not perfect verisimilitude, since the AI will always have the God's-eye view you're denying yourself).

    You might get the most drastic results by playing a game under Franko's rules, and assigning one of your friends to every single discrete unit in the game (HQ, squad, sniper, tank, MG crew, and so forth) on both sides. If you don't allow any of them to communicate except when their units are within shouting distance on the CM battlefield, I bet you will see an unholy mess unfold, and those confused real-life AARs will look tame by comparison. smile.gif

  4. I started to throw together a conversion of "The Citadel" for my own amusement a while back, and foolishly thought, "I wonder if there's anywhere on the Web that would show me what the Brest fortress really looked like." Of course I found just enough info to really get interested in making the map and forces accurate, while not finding enough detail to actually do it!

    Can anyone point me to Web sites or books that have period photos/maps of the fortress? I found several sites with recent photos, but am having a heck of a time figuring out which of the open areas in those shots were open in 1941, and where buildings were destroyed in the battle. Haupt's "AG Center" has one photo, which will be helpful once I can determine what part of the citadel is shown...

  5. Originally posted by DBaron:

    Today I started it again as the Germans and saw the extent of the minefields on the map. I was suprised to see alot of minefields that I didn't even spot or have them go off, even though I had whole platoons running/advancing right over them.

    You will always see your own mines on the map; you couldn't place them in setup if they were invisible. And it may be that your troops can't trip their own mines, but I don't know, I never tried it.
  6. Originally posted by demoss:

    "Hey, Hans, you tink maybe we should put this front armor between us and the enemy?"

    "Nein, Fritz - they told us to do that with panzer III, und again with panzer IV, and it never did no good.

    Bull. ;) An uparmored PzIII (a model with "30+30" armor in front) is giving my BT-7s fits in a QB right now...
  7. I've followed this thread with interest, and now I'm going to help muddy the waters. :D

    Rune - I respectfully suggest that you not assume that a one-point difference in rating is the cause of a tenfold difference in downloads. I have no idea which two scenarios you're talking about, but perhaps the "ignored" one had conditions that scared off casual players (time, date, weather, force mix, PBEM suitability, fictional vs. historic), or perhaps it was a general situation that folks had already seen in other scenarios and they were looking for something fresh (that's not a reflection on your scenario, just a relative thing - when I've had pizza six meals in a row, a burger starts to sound good). Granted, the lower rating probably didn't help matters any, but my point is that many factors were probably at work.

    Spook - isn't a five-star system allowing half-stars really a ten-point system? ;) But your mention of movie reviews goes along with what I was about to suggest for the Depot: that review scores not be averaged until there is a minimum number of reviews (I think IMDb does this). That would help alleviate the problem of one bad score torpedoing the average.

    Another suggestion I liked was made by more than one person, and that was to provide the separate, hand-entered "Reviewer's Gut Reaction" score. I would suggest that, the Depot add this category and average only this score for the overall rating that is displayed on the scenario list page (besides requiring a minimum number of reviews before averaging). On the scenario detail page, I would still like to see the averaged scores in the current categories (whether they stay with the ten-point system or not) and I always read the reviewers' comments as well.

  8. Originally posted by Stalin's Organ:

    Don't you think CM would benefit from having a few lasses hanging around? :cool:

    Of course it would, but every time a new female starts a "Hello" thread, all our resident lonely hearts crash the gate and swarm her. By page 2, someone's asked about her boobies, and by page 3, there's nothing but a chorus of "where did she go?"
  9. Yes, please release it. Anyone who can read English well enough to find the download on B&T or the Depot (or wherever it's posted) ought to be able to understand your briefing comments. If you're really worried about it, you could give the scenario a yellow-journalism-style title like "Valor in the Ruins" or something -- but I don't think that's really necessary.

  10. Originally posted by Juju:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

    I have a trench mod with sandbags and ammo strewn all about, but I hate how they get stretched out at lower views so i didn't post it. I don't know how to stop the stretching of the bitmap. The only problem with the ammo is it looks to uniform - not random.

    I know what you mean. Put in one crate, and for every purchased trench you will see four, in a repetetive pattern.</font>
  11. Originally posted by redwolf:

    If you want to make me happy then you point out to me how I can move a HMG into effective range in an infantry-only attack with only spots of cover, without getting it out of business for 15+ turns on minimal fire which should be good for 3-4 turns of slackery.

    I've read most of the thread, but I could've missed it if this suggestion has already been made... I apologize if you've already somehow shown this won't work:

    If your HMG is being suppressed so easily, doesn't that mean it's already within effective range? Particularly since most German MGs have a higher FP at a given range than their Soviet counterparts. Why not stop where you are, or earlier if your troops really don't like that spot (keep panicking/routing), and shoot from there?

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