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Conscript Bagger

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Posts posted by Conscript Bagger

  1. April Fools: Turn ~14 - I just saw another German!

    Dies Irae: Turn ~16 - Germans everywhere. What I wouldn't give for a flight of Typhoons...

    Mech. Bushmen and Arch Enemies Haven't heard from these opponents for a few days; they must be having fun with the demo.

    Just for kicks: Yelnia Stare: (vs. AI) Turn ~13 - Having some success moving untried Red troops toward the enemy. Finally threw caution to the wind and moved 3 tanks to within 200m of the flag... and was rewarded with several new spottings and some canister kills. Dunno what I'd do without the thickskins...

  2. Originally posted by Suicides-by-Steve:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Offwhite:

    I've seen members of this board post that they preferred basic Squad Leader to ASL too. I can respect someone's wanting to stay with a simpler, familiar game if they're satisfied with it (even if I don't agree in this particular case smile.gif ).

    Well, it's not that it's far more complex so much- it's maybe just the fact that the demographic and Western Front is more appealing to me. But you're right- it is familiar to me, and until I get the full game of CMBB, I really can't compare the two. I'm sure glad you can though after only playing the demo! LOL ;) </font>
  3. Originally posted by Keef:

    It seems an awful waste for the AI not to get it's, ahem, load off in the first turn...

    The AI must have some of those stamina-enhancing pills I always get e-mailed about...

    (BTW the AI did use the German artillery on the first turn of my Yelnia game. Didn't even scratch the tanks' paint, but it played hell with a couple of infantry platoons who were too close.)

  4. Craig and Tero - are you guys there? If you didn't get my last file, let me know so I can re-send. smile.gif

    To all my Axis opponents:

    I'm committed to finishing the tourney regardless of September 1 and 20. I will try to maintain a turn-per-day rate, but my schedule is unstable enough that I cannot promise more than that. I prefer not to play TCP/IP, partly because I don't think a tourney is the right place to do so for the first time :eek: , and partly because you would only become enraged at the amount of time I spend planning moves, watching and re-watching movies, etc. (how is that any different, I can hear you thinking).

    See you on the fields o' strife...

    Allied C1

  5. Allied C1 (ezp@mail) here...

    Mech. Bushmen (Axis W1) - file 07 sent 11 Aug.

    April Fool (Axis X1) - file 20 resent 21 Aug. as your e-mail leads me to believe you didn't get it before.

    Dies Irae (Axis Y1) - file 26 sent 21 Aug.

    Arch Enemies (Axis Z1) - file 20 sent 11 Aug.

    Except on weekends, I've tried to send turns within 48 hours of receiving them, so please let me know if you don't hear from me for longer than that... a couple of my mails have apparently not gotten through, but they were not bounced back to me, so I have no other way of knowing if you guys don't get them.

  6. Originally posted by wwb_99:

    Not necessarily. I think having something with a 5m wide clear spot as opposed to having to put 20m wide scattered trees in forests to simulate paths passable to vehicles.

    Don't you get this already when you put different types of tree tiles next to each other? If a "forest" on your map is half pines and half woods, there will be an open seam right up the middle.
  7. Originally posted by YankeeDog:

    From my experience, the chance of bogging in light snow is about as bad as "damp" ground.

    Just curious about this because frozen ground with an inch or so of snow doesn't strike me as much of a bogging threat to tracked vehicles (in real life, I mean). Or am I the victim of conditioning by too many lite documentaries' assertion that the autumn freeze allowed the panzers to resume their drive in Moscow in late '41?

    [ August 15, 2002, 05:16 PM: Message edited by: Offwhite ]

  8. Originally posted by Traject0ry:

    Ah, I have to intervene on your otherwise nice argument by starting my own BUT -

    we have agreed not to reveal too much of the scenarios here.

    Originally posted by desim8:

    Yes less of the tac intel as I have yet to find this beastie!

    I'll add my own: please don't post unit-specific info without a spoiler warning. smile.gif

    Maybe only a few of us think it's a big deal, but most folks will probably play differently if they already know that new sound contact beyond the hedgerow is, say, a Pz-IV and not a Tiger.

  9. Olle makes a good point about time. I use recon squads/teams in one of two ways: If there is plenty of time in the scenario, then I might try scouting across the battlefield in hopes of finding a weak point to attack. For this you need several scout units on a fairly broad front.

    If the scenario is short, then I've usually already decided on my route of attack during setup, and I would use a smaller number of scouts to lead off the advance and locate ambushes.

    At any rate, my success in scouting often depends on keeping the main force far enough back to be somewhat safe, but close enough to support the scouts when they run into trouble.

  10. Originally posted by Rat:

    I don' t see any GOOD reason to ban these icons out of the game. As far as I noticed since the day I purchased CMBO, every player is very interested in the war, how it was, the troops, the machinery, but is not affected by the POLITICS behind it. Banning all these things to be deprived for a community that appears to be more then intelligent enough to know where simulation ends and RL begins, where electronics stop and RL politics come in, is in my eyes the most hypocrite and idioteque thing to do. And as been said before, there will be mods banging in faster then the speed of light to correct this ridicilous censorship. People on the boards who make these decisions seem to be sure that they too would suddenly go for Naziïsm by seeing signs on tanks in a WARGAME. Its not because of the fact that these people are completely spineless, that everyone else is too. Im pretty sure that those who embrace the way of thinking that is behind the signs are totally uninterested in a game that resembles the need of skill and common sense instead of the urge to kill off your foreign happy neighbour...

    Do a search for CDV, waffengrenadiers, and lawyers and you will see that BFC has stated clearly and repeatedly the reason for this "ban." Nobody here needs to agree with it (and many don't), but it's been talked to death and, by all indications, isn't going to change.

    [ August 05, 2002, 11:14 AM: Message edited by: Offwhite ]

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