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Stalins Organ

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Everything posted by Stalins Organ

  1. Somewhere in a book on Kiwi ANZACs I recall seeing a poster/flyer for NZ troops in Egypt in WW1 - it was along he lines of "these wogs (sic-ish) are not nice noble darkies (sic-ish) like Maori - don't expect them to behave the same, and don't treat them the same" - I'll see if I can find a reference for you - I do have the book somewhere.....
  2. I guess divorce is a bit too much of a recent invention for you huh?
  3. That is not my experience - smacks did no good whatsoever with my son. And it took a bit of training for me to learn that time out, although not actually a "punishment", was actually something that reinforced the "need" to follow the rules. Oh and I had an experience like yours from the other side - my son had hit a kid at a playground (no real damage done - the other kid had gotten "t close" & swas "pushed" away) & the mother went berserk at me, insisting I smack my son, etc - I put him in time out, that wasn't enough, the ranting went on - in the end I told her to shut up and shove off! I'm sure she still thinks I'm a delinquent parent... that's just tough. Autistic people are short on emotions - so (IMO) they simply do not relate to fear and pain in the same way as non-autistic people. However give them time to think then they will make the relationship you talk about. Time out is not about punishing them - it is about getting them to make a connection that they will not make otherwise (again IMO) It also took training for me to learn to do it absolutely everywhere - in the supermarket, at MacDonalds, on a playground....I got some strange looks but it worked very quickly.
  4. I'm puzzled Michael - how would you know anything about the human race???
  5. apparently an autism blood test is on the way!! the not sitting still thing is interesting - my son couldn't do it all through primary school - he had to stand at the back of school assemblies with a teacher. But in his intermediate school production he was in the choir with 250 other kids, packed cheek-by-jowl for 8 x 3-hour productions plus all the practices and rehersals without any bother at all!! apparently he'd remembered the intermediate principal coming to primary school and telling them all that they had to enjoy intermediate....so that was the rule he followed there!
  6. "off the rails" is not actually a useful diagnostic for autism - all it is is an indication that something is wrong, somewhere. my oldest son was "off the rails" as a toddler & was diagnosed with Aspergers at age 6, and that was refined to autism a few months later. What was"wrong" was not the autism (which is as far as I am concerned, not a problem, defect or anything else that "needs treatment") - but that we did not know that he was autistic nor how to relate to an autistic child. Within weeks of the diagnosis, and an improved understanding of what autism is, he was "on the rails", and has been ever since. So what did we change? We gave him rules. Ten of them, printed and taped to his bedroom wall, and when he broke them, he got time out and told which rule he had broken. that was it - period. He is still autistic of course - think of "Sheldon-lite"...but only marginally "lite" - but like Sheldon his behavioral "quirks" are not threatening nor dangerous to anyone or thing except his potential for breeding!! IMO people need to stop trying to "treat" autism, and need to understand that it is a behavioral pattern that can only be changed in the same manner as other behavioral patterns - with massive difficulty and with the risk of completely screwing up the person being "treated" even worse.
  7. Looks like they're thinking of restarting the remake or something - see this blog entry that latest local news appears to be from the middle of last year - the dog will be called "Digger"....
  8. Stop shifting the goal posts - you only wanted to know how many good ones there were!
  9. Yep - plenty of wind for sure.....
  10. I as trying to throw that particular baby into the bathwater to get it cleaned up!!
  11. And we all know Aff has plenty of that, so it's a perfect place for him OTOH I wonder if we were a bit hard on JK - he always provided plenty of entertainment.
  12. So they're going to have a bigger building to do what they already do? no - a bigger building doesn't seem like reason for concern.
  13. Well spotted - clearly his condition is worse than I suspected, since he can control where the reference will occur.
  14. Sigh.....Dear Michael - have a look at the page number when you railed against this not being off the 2nd page yet. Your distant but obviously better educated cousin.
  15. I thought it was the modern educational system that was supposedly weak on math. Or perhaps you've just forgotten how to count??:cool:
  16. PanzerBlitz was the first boardgame I ever owned some time in the early 70's - I don't recall how I purchased it - probably from the UK using UKL2 postal orders that were virtually the only foreign currency that was obtainable here at the time. I've had a few memorable games that I recall over the years - I used to play S&T's magazine games a lot, and 2 that stand out are WW1 - which was one of the small games they published with limited map size & counter mix, and "Frederick the Great" (I think) - which was a full sized one - both received many, many replays Other games that I recall are the "Drag Nach Osten" series - the same friend had it and "Unentschieden" (?) set up in his parents' spare room for a year or 2! And "Russian Civil War" - with players controlling troops of all factions, purges and counter purges, assassinations and the like, all in a game that only ran 5 turns! and of course a lot of time was spent playing Squad Leader and it's expansions, but I was never really a fan. More recently "Fall of the Iron Dream" is the only board game I've looked at in the last 10-15 years. for me they are now just too unwieldy and poor value compared to the electronic versions.
  17. Nah - they're just cheeky types looking for the beef.
  18. When my son was being diagnosed somwhere I picked up a pop-definition of hte difference between Aspergers & Autism - it goes like this: both are socially inept/unaware. Aspergers people are aware that that's a problem & want to change it but don't know how. Autistic people don't care. A few years later I mentioned it to a psychologist & he reckoned that it's probably accurate as far as it goes, but it's only a small part of both situations.
  19. Yeah -JS probably has more experience of teen pregnancies than me so I defer to him on that....but Paraparam' is a pretty nice spot. Sheltered from southerlies & generally a degree or 2 warmer than Wellington. Lots of my colleagues live up that way & take the train to work. Have no idea what the schools are like, but all in all it's a pretty good part of the country. Come 20km closer to Wellington & you have Porirua...which is another mater entirely......but since she ain't going there I'd have no qualms
  20. No, no - congealing blood is due to vast amounts of aluminium we are being sprayed with from chemtrails that is causing alzheimers. But I guess that might explain what it takes for Aff to become decoration.:cool:
  21. So you are the decoration then. That's a disturbing thought!!
  22. I don't think so - it is possible to go down in the sea.
  23. Trying to reload this game again, but don't recall what the tricks are for the original 2005 CD - the server config texts in here don't seem to help I think someone might have sent me a file last time I did this, but if so it/they are lost..... Anyone go any quick tips??
  24. Absolutely - there's a reason for the stereotyping of engineers!
  25. There's an account of the landings at Walchern here ....more ships sunk, but only 1 or 2 of them LCF, and some of the damage done by wayward rockets from LCR's!!
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