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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Major Tom

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Everything posted by Major Tom

  1. Although you may not believe it, the pre-war French Army did a lot of studies in the use of camoflage for tanks. To make a long story short, due to the fact that any tank that ends up moving will cause so much mud and dirt to stick to the hull that any camoflage will be obliterated within a few metres of moving. Camo is only really good to hide from long range spotting. Indeed, the French Army discovered that painting irregular patterns on tanks, over natural camoflage, (like they do with some naval vessels) would cause confusion about angles and size of the tank, which could possible cause the first few shots fired to miss. Camoflage to hide in a battle the size of CM just won't work to the extent proposed.
  2. I am sorry for my lack of replies, I returned home for Reading Week from Univrsity, and, my parent's computer (the only one connected to the internet), is not working right now (using a friends). So, for the next couple days I am unable to reply to e-mail's and PBEM files. Sorry for the delay and inconveiances, but, this was the first time in a couple days that I have been able to get on a computer connected to the internet.
  3. Supression really counts, same with the experience of the soldiers being assaulted and those assaulting. If you are attacking a building that has Green troops defending it, shaken troops, or troops low on ammo this is a penalty for the defenders. If the attackers are of weak quality, low on ammo, or shaken then they will have a less chance in defeating the enemy. In the Reisenburg PBEM with Germanboy, after he assaulted one of my tall buildings and got a platoon chewed up, I assaulted one of his with a Regular SMG platoon on shaken troops. I did have high casualties, but, I was able to take the building probably because my troops attacking were fresh, full of ammo, and were of good experience. When having to assault buildings, without tank support, you have to have around a platoon per large structure left in reserve in order to take it effectively. The best way in taking these structures is to smash them down.
  4. I have to say that I really like the smoke. I probably couldn't go back to using the old kind. Covering Smoke looks great, same with the smoke as a result of fire. I always felt that there should be a difference between the two. I really like it how they are all at different heights, it furthers the realism. JPEG's and GIF's don't do the game credit. What you see at CMHQ is not a total replica of what you would see in the game, frankly, the smoke in the game will look much better than it already appears. Wether or not the game will be released soon, who is to say? Possibly this was the first of multiple tweaks that BTS is working on. Maybe it is the last. I wouldn't actually worry if the game isn't released until the Spring, thereby giving us an extremely high quality game. I don't think that there is a single Wargame in Computer history so dedicated to detail and realism as CM.
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy: Bazookas and Panzerschrecks definitely can start fires if used from inside a building - ask Major Tom Major, I think I lost about 80% of the two platoons when assaulting your strongpoints understrenght. What was left was no use afterwards but just cowered, hoping to God that it is over soon. Lesson learned - next time I am going to come in real strength AFTER sending patrols first. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yeah, what you didn't realize was that my guys were practically out of ammo by the end of it! This happened when Germanboy decided to assault my positions in 2 story buildings without the handy support of Shermans. It was in the major Building complex to the German rear in Risenburg. Held out 3 Platoons of Infantry there, and 1 platoon dug into the forest directly to the right. He lost 2 Shermans, but, had one flank my left (but was out of action for most of the game due to it didn't see many of my troops until the end) and the other one was concentrating on my very sucessful 88 and platoon in the forest. What happened, was, that he charged a platoon of infantry into a building held by an understrength SMG platoon, and got annihilated. If you aren't afraid of enemy tanks, the best place for infantry is up on the top levels of 2 story buildings and position them that they can mutually support eachother. Not only is the enemy tired from running into the structure, but, you are firing from above. I must have lost 6 guys in his assault (and used up practically all my ammo!) but managed to attrition an entire platoon to bits. The same thing happened on my forest flank. He ran down the length of my defenses, I lost a HMG and basically an entire squad, but, managed to effectively destroy an entire platoon. It wasn't until enemy tanks appeared that my defense was breeched. Yes, I fired a Schreck from the bottom story of a Victory building, killed a Sherman first shot, and lit my own building on fire. No DIRECT casualties, but, everyone decided to run resulting in the loss of the Schreck team and 3 other men to small arms. It was really funny seeing that tank go up, and my defenses burst into flames all cause of 1 little Schreck.
  6. Yep, Runyan, don't hide in buildings, especially when I target them with HE at long range Germanboy is right, if you don't have any heavy artillery attacking buildings is a tough deal. How many squads did you lose when walking into my building block?
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt: No he means the color of the CD...As in he is playing it currently nad all the beta testers have beta copies that were burned on GOLD colored cd's...Poor choice of wording on Fionn's part and he will be summarilly sacked! Madmatt <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> We would like to appologize for the unwarrented sacking of those responsible for the misunderstanding of the Gold demo. Those who are responsible for the sacking have now been sacked.
  8. I would actually consider rushing your enemy to be a realistic and good tactic. Suprise is a vital asset. If you charge up on your enemy firing SMG's they are going to be shocked and react badly to your advance. However, if they charge across a long open field, then you are toast because there is no shock. The Japanese small tree attack (bonsai) actually has it's merit. The Japanese were very adept in tactical psychological warfare. Infiltration tactics were very successful in getting your enemy to abandon a position without fighting. Bonzai tactics worked well if they were able to cause fear in your enemies, like during the American Civil War with the Rebel Yell (no, not the Billy Idol song). However, doing a Bonzai charge against a well entrenched and well armed enemy doesn't work. The tactic was sound, they just used it too frequently and in the wrong situations. Dealing with the Japanese infiltration tactics, General Slim took notice stating something to the effect, "Sure, the enemy is now behind you, but remember, now you are also behind your enemy as well". General Bennet, commander of the 8th Australian Division in Malaya was very successful in stopping the Japanese Crack Imperial Guards division inflicting severe casualties on them by resorting to Japanese tactics. I still say that an early war Pacific game would work in the CM invironment. However, it would be difficult to create, and too many battles will be fought in dense jungle (like constantly fighting in woodland).
  9. Yep, more credit indeed. Was that the 'excuse' you are using for your 2 dead StuG's in our CE game Foo? All that smoke you layed down is really hampering you now, eh? [This message has been edited by Major Tom (edited 02-17-2000).]
  10. Much cooler? Are you on crack?!? Why copy the British, (like Australia, New Zealand, etc..) when you can come up with a lovely original?
  11. Hey, Knaustwit! Sent that CE file you were begging for. I still don't understand your desire to get beaten so badly on the battlefield.
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Simon Fox: Dieppe IMO would be a hopeless subject a tale of futility and woe, incompetence and pointless heroic sacrifice- oh yea great. How about Crete (the WW2 Gallipoli). Elite Commonwealth troops once again wasted on a stupid operation by bumbling moronic British commanders and politicians. Inadequately supported, with insufficient ammo, antiquated weapons especially arty, insufficient small arms to arm all troops. Still coming within a hairsbreadth of victory against an incredibly motivated opponent who gained victory by metaphorically climbing a mountain of their own corpses. Strictly tongue in cheek suggestion of course <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The thing about Crete, is, that most of these troops were refugees from the battle of Greece, there wasn't enough transport to get them from Greece to North Africa, but, there was enough to get them to Crete. There was enough Artillery for 50+ full servicable pieces. The 30,000 men had a full complement of small arms (Rifles, LMG's, HMG's and Mortors) and were only lacking motorized transport and heavy artillery. Yet, the Germans too were lacking heavy weaponry, except for airpower. Crete could have been saved given the tools the troops had, yet, to no fault of themselves they lost the battle. However, most of the Allied troops got away, and they had a Strategic Victory, never again would the German parachute corps be used in such a scale as their casualties were so high. The British High command had nothing availible in which to reinforce, let alone quickly evacuate the troops on Crete. The Island was very strategic, and, since they were there anyway, might as well make a fight out of it. Also, they did sort of make a movie/mini-series dealing with a bit of the invasion of Poland. It was a late 1980's or early 90's mini series, can't remember the name, but, it focused on American's trapped in Poland during the outbreak of war. A movie about Dieppe, as the mini-series that I saw had, would focus on the soldier's lives, and their sacrifice for freedom. Sure, it won't have the SPR happy ending, most of the people in the flick would end up dead or captured, but, there were some interesting stories which should be told. Not every unit didn't make it off the beach. Over 50% of the force managed to penetrate inland, and even on the main beach some troops managed to get into the town of Dieppe. The Commando's were EXTREMELY successful in knocking out the two batteries. A Dieppe movie would be a 2 hour movie of the first 20 minutes of SPR. Just constant action.
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Knaust: Goanna.......not Joanna! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Sorry Knuts, my bad! Still, by the style of his playing, should not his name be Joanna?
  14. I think that Mr.Ping has cracked under the stress of not having Joanna around to comfort him at night, wisper sweet nothing's in his ear, and to pleasure him in ways no small wannged, mini skirt wearing, Austrialian has ever done in his life.
  15. Today is the birthday of the Canadian Flag. On February 15, 1962(?) the modern day Canadian flag was proclaimed our national symbol. O Canada, our home and native land...
  16. What Fionn is taling about is the tactic of... NOT BEING SEEN merely hiding in the only cover apparently availible does nothing for your camoflage. Positioning your troops in places that the enemy doesn't expect is another mode of hiding. Some hiding spots are so obvious that you deserve blowing up. Oh, and when the enemy asks you to stand up, don't.
  17. Japan's Military advances into China and the South Pacific can be related much to the Manifiest Destiny, or Monroe Doctrine fever that swept America in the 19th Century. Japan felt it had the sole right to govern/decide policy for Asia and the South Pacific in much the same manner America felt it had the right to throw it's influence around in North, South, and Central America. The main reason that America put these embargo's on Japan was that if they managed to conquer all of China then America would have to go through the Japanese for trade in the overly large Chinese market. The occupation of Indo-China in 1940 was a multiple threat. It gave a large base for operations against Southern China, and possibly Southeast Asia. America issuing embargo's was the only way in which it could protest Japan's expansion. Japan, a nation without many resources, felt that it needed and deserved (for being the only powerful native Pacific power) these resources in China and in the South East. It was a war mostly based on economics over that of freedom even though, many of these nations were to recieve independence soon after the war, either through a planned release (India, Philippines) or through rebellion (Dutch East Indies). If Japan was left in control of these Islands, there would probably be no doubt that they would still command them today.
  18. Well, what Steve is stating that the Island Hopping tactics were very one sided. The Japanese had NO hope in defending any of the islands invaded after 1942. Would you want to play an entire game where you know the outcome? Sure, it was bloody for both sides, but, it was quick and bloody. It would be like fighting the Normandy landings over and over again. THIS would tend to get a little boring. However, there are some Pacific War battles that would be good in CM, as I already mentioned. The Japanese invasion of Malaya, Philippines, Burma, etc... were all on very large islands, peninsulas, or the mainland. There were more tactics involved rather than just massive beach landings. These would make a good CM game, not just a bunch of Tarawas. This is not to say that these battles are boring or not worth mentioning, it is just that they aren't diverse enough to base an entire game around. Back to the desert. There was A LOT of terrain. How could Rommel use his brilliant tactic of constantly ambushing British armour with concealed AT Guns if there was no cover? North Africa isn't flat. It is rocky, hilly, and offers a lot of cover for infantry and armour. Hellfire Pass was a very rocky and hilly area and offered the best route into Libya from Egypt. Coutless battles were fought over this pass from 1940-42. Tobruk and Bardia were all heavily fortified towns, with bunkers, tank ditches, trenches, etc... Plus, the sand itself was easily kicked up into the air with all these tanks roaring around, resulting in almost 0 visibility. Air superiority was always shifting back and forth, resulting in bloody noses from aircraft for everyone during almost every battle. The Battle for Crete could be an entire CM game in itself! An early, mainland Pacific War would be interesting, but, North Africa will still be a great CM game.
  19. Manieri, yet again this board is not bashing you out of hatred or distain, just out of concern (that and enjoyment People should indeed have the right to do whatever they want to their body. People should have the right to smoke cigarettes. People should have the right to smoke pot. People should have the right to smoke crack. People should have the right to die young of a terrible disease, take up loads of taxpayer money, as well as money from their own family in order to get you radiation therapy and a hospital bed for a few years. People should also have the right to die, leaving a husband, wife, and/or children without a parent in which to raise them, and leave them in financial turmoil. People should have the right to be selfish. My mother smokes, I and my father have, and use, every right to criticise and mock here to the point that she will quit. And it is working. My roomate's mother died when he was just about to get into Highschool because of smoking induced cancer. It was an extreme financial and emotional burden on the family. Smoking is stupid.
  20. Does it have something to do with Jock itch, or VD?
  21. RESPECT MY AUTHOR-O-TI!! [This message has been edited by Major Tom (edited 02-13-2000).]
  22. One suggestion, the faces look kind of juvinile. I know that many troops were only 16-21 years of age, but, how about adding some 5:00 shadow? Maybe this will make the guys look a little more threatening?
  23. Thanks for the replies, my PBEM stock is full.
  24. The Japanese 'Knee Mortor' was mistranslated. It should be known as a theigh mortor, as, when they were on the move the soldier would strap it onto their theigh. However, many American's assumed that they fired it braced on their leg, or knee, resulting in countless broken legs. The Japanese also had a 47mm AT gun, copied from the Russian 45mm AT gun during one of their many skirmishes. The 47mm was able to punch holes in a Sherman if the range was right, and on a small Island, the range is always right. Tarawa was assaulted by the 2nd Marine division with 3 Shermans and a few Stuarts. 2 of the 3 Shermans were knocked out by friendly fire or Japanese AT guns, the Stuarts were virtually useless.
  25. Since Goanna has mantally cracked and has now checked himself into the Betty Ford clinic I am in need of some more PBEM opponents. Any side, any level, it doesn't really matter.
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