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M Hofbauer

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Everything posted by M Hofbauer

  1. eck...doublepost [ August 09, 2006, 11:24 AM: Message edited by: M Hofbauer ]
  2. Trumm in contrast to any dictionary definition in actual bavarian usage isnt necessarily a big thing. (what Andreas is describing would be better described as an Oschi*). Trumm has a strong negative flavor to it and can be used to correctly label any annoying object. Since even relatively small objects can be annoying, especially by being in the way, they can easily be a Trumm despite their relative diminutiveness. If one of Grandma's cute Hummel figurines features prominently on the table that Grampa wants to use for reading his newspaper, he will wonder aloud what this Trumm is doing there and request the Trumm to be removed "or else...!" Note that it is not impossible but unusual to use the plural, as Trümmer is usually associated with ruins/debris. A Trumm can easily become Trümmer, however, if it became too annoying or in the way. oh, and I am sure RMC has a full grasp of the konkrete usage of Trumm and other local specialties here in Southern Germany... *btw: "Volks-Oschi"... ROTFL...
  3. No. We love the Fugen-S. Its the next level after Umlaute and Komposita. but you ... -you hate it, dontcha?
  4. great idea to annoy the hell out of your opponent. if you cant beat them, annoy the hell out of them. when the original CC came out I played a number of online battles with people from all over the world, well, mostly the US and Australia. quite an experience back then. It was universally seen as very bad form to pause the game during a h2h battle (yes even the original CC had a pause function). you wouldnt do it w/o asking and informing about the upcoming use with the in-game communication. even then it was disliked and only done for urgent needs (el bano, for example)
  5. damn right you are. cc shows us the way.
  6. you're all off target. except Jussi; he made the only adequate reply to the original post.
  7. well what exactly is the message you're bringing?
  8. M Hofbauer


    Little pixelated sprites doing some gyrations is in a completely different class from what we're getting in ToW. Now we get 3D soldiers viewable from any angle. </font>
  9. M Hofbauer


    oh excuuuuuse me, I was under the impression that this was supposed to be a *new* game, you know, as in "new" things included, not just a rehash (or even loss) of things already done in other games. better than nothing, I guess. CC did it that way (generic stabbing/fighting animations). did it bother you so that you rather not have it at all? it worked fine for me and I guess most other players, too. why does ToW's combat model, eleven years later, have to fall behind even such a generic animation ? Hell, I could even do without generic looped animations. Just do it like CM where the zombies stare at each other and you hear some melee sound and some drop dead. Just dont have them stare at each other doing nothing at all.
  10. thats exactly sebastian's point: sebastian complains
  11. Oh, that prompts an important question: how detailed will the soldier info be, namely, how detailed will the after-action revioew of forces be? will it be like CC where you could look at each soldiers attributes and any change therein? the AAR screenshots I saw so far were rather..general and lacking a bit in detail. or did I miss some rspective screenshot?
  12. oh, I remember those from Bonus Levels from Super Mario Brothers on the Nintendo in 198somefink... so instead of the Super Mario Bonus Levels it will be the Mega Yeltsin Vodka Refit&Resupply Screen in ToW. Nasdrovie !
  13. M Hofbauer


    so you're not exactly a cc2 sniper, then. but you are not representative. you are endstufe in cc terms.
  14. btw did we even get to talk about weapon jams just yet? seeing that in the screenshots the (time-jumped) MP-40s were loaded to the full 32 rounds, which was an invitation to malfeeding and jamming of the weapon. You shouldnt cram more than 30 rounds into it, as every Landser (rather: squad leader) using the weapon quickly found out.
  15. well thats exactly the aspect where the Char B-1 excels and proves superior, just like the Grant.
  16. but why then the famous Bundeswehr Feldwebel phrase "Wir sind hier nicht im Bundestag !!!" when a fresh recruit dares to muse about discussing the logic and practicability behind a certain order ? I thought this was one of the many Wehrmacht traditions (~"nicht im Reichstag!!")carried over as part of the "proud military heritage" AFN always talks about?
  17. M Hofbauer


    but if the concept of hand-to-hand combat has not yet been discovered (btw which science branches/project do you need to develop that ? - is that when you have "conscription" and "rifles" but didnt invent "gunpowder" yet? Or do you need "commerce" and "Sommerschlussverkauf" ?? ), why then does the Army bother to do even their phoney bayonet stabbing stuff? are you seriously saying you have never been tought all that "attacker with knife, attacker without knife" etc. bull****? was that only you, because your brain was too big so they had already earmarked you for REMF duty as a Major Power-Point Gunner at some think tank? I know the Army is constantly lowering PT standards and all so they offer equal opportunities even for female obese tetraplegics but still I *am* - or would be - surprised if they didnt teach hand-to-hand and rifle-clubbing/bayonet in boot camp any more at all. even then...so the Mrines are big in those melee skills, and the Army isnt. I gues thats also the reason why the regular Army soldier is widely regarded as a much tougher fighter than a Marine, and also the reason why when push comes to shove its always the Army that gets selected to get the job done...eh? [ August 07, 2006, 07:43 AM: Message edited by: M Hofbauer ]
  18. what about this "leader-dies-no-more-ordering-possible" thing then? do these ad-hoc grouped squads instantly create the highest-ranking / most senior member as the leader?
  19. Computing a flight path with trejectory, ending in both penetration and ricochet computations, for several MG42 firing on the map will not be possible with today's computers (well, maybe with mine ). </font>
  20. M Hofbauer


    coincidentally thats also the reason why armies all over the world do not teach close quarters combat in basic training.
  21. Im the wrong person to ask - because I can readily wait another couple of years. but then I want houses, mortars, ballistics, medics, chicken, kung fu, and... MG barrel change.
  22. We've missed you Markus....now please leave again and take Monsieur Sajer with you! </font>
  23. it would have been the Somua and two of those minitanks. and what would you get in return ? an inpenetratable Char B-1 bis. its like swapping Marders for a Königstiger, or BTs for a KV, when in both cases the enemy has only AT rifles and 25mm to 37mm AT guns. hmmm...wondering - how often do mobility kills occur? [ August 07, 2006, 06:52 AM: Message edited by: M Hofbauer ]
  24. M Hofbauer


    ok so we have two opposing squads near the end of a battle, both low in ammo, rushing to the tiberium source victory location. just kidding. they both rush to the top of a hill which features an unoccupied 8.8 as the prize. they use up the rest of their ammo while closing in on each other and the VL. so they stand around at the destination, groping each other for "weapons" ?
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