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Posts posted by Lanzfeld

  1. I too am trying to build my first battle (or operation...still testing the waters). I am building a situation where the Amis are pushing through a forest with one road to a town several KM's away. The Germans are weak but they are only there to do a delaying action to the Amis. I have it so the Germans get a towed IG in a reenforcement and you have to blow up a wood bridge before the Amis can capture it. Cool. The Amis have to take a longer route to town then.

    Some problems I have:

    AI driving is not the best. LOTS of traffic jams on the one road.

    Question: Is the AI's choice of going off road less likely if there is wet/mud/deep mud conditions? I know there is fuzzy logic involved but is it condition dependant? Will I see them do it less in bad conditions?

    Also......The AI is not good at dealing with mines when they block the road. I use Daisy-chain mines so the AI sees them but it still demands to drive over them even when I give them Engineers to help clear. Oh well....

    As for the AI using the IG to blow the bridge when they play the Germans I know that is not possible. Oh well.... Still the BEST game EVER!

    I am impressed with the "general" pathfinding though. Traffic jams aside.....the AI takes the shorter route over the bridge until I blow it.....then, after much shuffling, it finds the longer route over another bridge and continues. Not bad.

    Obviously, this battle will be better against a human player.

    After playing the battle that came with the game "Merry Xmas at Hemroulle" I thought the AI driving was better. It seems to be in that battle anyway.

    Any thoughts on the AI clearing mines?

    [This message has been edited by Lanzfeld (edited 01-17-2001).]

  2. I have run into this twice in a row so please let me know if this is a bug or me.

    I have done two QB as Allies and I am on the defense. I make the points 500 and let the computer pick forces. I also give the AI +1 in experience. In two battles in a row now (ver 1.1b22) the computer gives me about 250-280 points worth of stuff. I thought I was suppost to get 500 points worth of stuff.

    Is this a bug or am I missing something?

  3. I have run into this twice in a row so please let me know if this is a bug or me.

    I have done two QB as Allies and I am on the defense. I make the points 500 and let the computer pick forces. I also give the AI +1 in experience. In two battles in a row now (ver 1.1b22) the computer gives me about 250-280 points worth of stuff. I thought I was suppost to get 500 points worth of stuff.

    Is this a bug or am I missing something?

  4. Walter....

    What in the world would I ever have to say I'm sorry for? Go back to bed.


    You are telling me that you didnt mean to slam Ambrose with you comment? Please, you sound like Clinton. Look at that context and tell me more lies.


    Your correct in saying that stereotyping is not in popular fashion nowadays. But I think at some point you have to admit that some of them are true. At some levels we seem to do it and accept it everyday. I dont want to slip too far off topic here. Anyway, my original post was saying that I have just read alot of these accounts. It makes me wonder, at least, if they are true. I suspect everyone has an answer but the truth is nobody has an answer.


    Well, I certainly didnt sit here and call anyone STUPID. That seems to make you feel better though. By the way...it's Lanzfeld...no I. Go check your history. The Russians were slow to learn and they were on the offense just as much as defense. In fact on the offense is where they were very slow to learn and it cost them millions of lives. Your comment about me thinking like Hitler is really off. Wow. I never said Americans were beter soldiers. Dont worry there little NZ. Your just as good as us. I simply said there are many accounts of non-American soldiers bringing this quality up. Why did you call me stupid for writing this on the Forum?

  5. Bastables....

    I am not ignoring anything. I just have read many accounts of this behavior from Americans. I did'nt say it was never shown by Germans or Brits.

    I believe it is a fact that certain armies have certain behaviors. The book I am reading now, "Fighting in Hell" is a collection of reports from captured German officers for US intel about the characteristics of the Russian soldiers in battle. These were written by the men who were there, they are accurate. So maybe certain armies of certain eras exhibit certain qualities: Good or bad. Maybe, because it is written of so much, Russians are slow to learn on the battlefield but are some of the most viciuos fighters. Maybe Italians, for whatever reason in WWII, did have a tendancy to run reguardless of training (not all....but alot...again...reading this). Maybe Americans did exhibit better inititive qualities then most when stripped of their leaders. and maybe the Brits did like to stop everything to have tea.

    and to my dear Germanboy....

    I was writing about how you said "Where did you pick this gem of info up??? Ambrose??"

    as if anything out of Ambrose mouth is garbage. That is what I meant by you slamming him, not about you later reserving your judgement, which doesnt make sense after you already judged him.

  6. There is merit in what Buddy says though....

    I too have read several accounts by German and British soldiers commenting on the inginuity (SP?), self-governing and inititive of the US troops in the absence of leadership. Yes there are plenty of instances of troops refusing to budge or take orders when they were stripped of their leaders but there are just too many testomonies of non-americans that say the otherwise to dismiss this. You can find that many soldiers of all nations showed incredible resiliance and inititive in the face of gloom and doom at some time but I have just heard of it mentioned about American soldiers more.

    Again.....for what its worth...

  7. I recently returned to CM after taking some time off from the computer to complete some life-tasks and forgot how incredible it was!

    To jump back into the mix I set up a QB with me as the Germans defending a villiage from an assualt with 1000 points (computer had 2000 and I gave it +1 in experience).

    I bought two platoons of SMG and one of Volks plus three MG42's and three schrecks. I also bought a 75 mm RR and a lynx to cause trouble. The epicenter of my defense was a Tiger. I put a SMG platoon in the villiage and the Volks at a wooded VL to the side. I had the second SMG behind the town to act as a reserve where needed. The town was a dense cluster of buildings with long roads leading to it so I put the tiger in town to take advantage of this. It was going to have long LOS and that is perfect for the 88 mm gun onboard the tiger.

    To top it off I bought a FO for 150mm rockets to send the Allies a welcome message at the start of their attack. All of my troops were vets.

    Start game.

    My tiger is hiding in town with a great narrow view down the main road. Along comes a crack pershing and with one shot wrecks my defensive anchor!!!! (hmmmmm...makes you wonder how he saw a static hiding tiger before my tiger saw him). Any way...I send the rockets out and start a defensive tactic of pulling back into town. WOW...I have never seen such BRUTAL and HARSH firefights ever in this game. It was awsome. The Allies came into town using great covering moves for each other. Two or three squads would enter a building together and under command to take on my SMG squads. It was Viscious!!! When it was all over I barely was able to pull off a win. Allies surrender. I thought I was toast when my tiger died on the first turn and I still had three Allied tanks to kill (I only killed one but the others were smart enough to stay out of town for the whole battle). It just goes to show you who is queen of the battlefield.

    Thanks BTS

    [This message has been edited by Lanzfeld (edited 11-22-2000).]

  8. Hi fellas

    I was playing a battle that came with the game called "Merry Xmas At Hemroulle" and I have a question.













    As you know, when you play the Allies in this battle you have several 75mm Howies to defend with. Well....the Germans throw plenty of Mark IV's and a few Panthers at you. I had several 75's waiting in ambush to hit some Marks as they came by. The trap was a success and I had two 75's open up on a Mark and a Panther. Now the question and observation: The 75's would only use the HE shells on these tanks!!!! They had several "C" shells to use (Shaped Charges) and they didnt use them even though they shot at least six times each and under command. Why wouldnt they use the proper warheads??? BUG????

    [This message has been edited by Lanzfeld (edited 11-13-2000).]

  9. Divide $45.00 by the number of hours you have spent totally facinated by Combat Mission. When I do it I come up with something like .16 cents per hour and the more I play it the cheaper it is! Now I dont think that is too expensive!!!!!

    WTG guys on this GREAT simulator!

  10. Hi guys,

    I have noticed a problem with V1.05 that I have not seen before. I will capture the enemy and give him movement orders. The enemy in NOT shocked or paniced but when the turn ends they still have not moved. Okay, maybe it just took more then 60 seconds for them to obey the order. Nope, the movement line is gone the next turn!! They do this alot!

    Any answers??????

    Many thnaks for a great sim:


    [This message has been edited by Lanzfeld (edited 09-14-2000).]

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