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Posts posted by Lanzfeld

  1. The only German equipment I think is not simulated correctly is the 88 gun on the tiger tank. I have done many tests in the "Last Defense" battle and find that the 88 on the tiger tank just plain misses too much at short ranges (600-800 meters) compared to the Allied 76mm gun on the hellcat. Just my observation.

  2. Well, I have to also chime in and complain about the 88's accuracy in this game compared to other guns.

    I just played "Last Defense" as the Germans. I had a veteran tiger which I keep back to fight the three hellcats when they arrive as and experiment. I keep the tiger back because the hellcat shells will bounce off at this range. The hellcats (which I think are regular crews) were hitting the tiger four or five times EACH for every 88 hit. This was not a one time thing either. Try it for yourselves. The 88 mounted on a tiger just HAD to be more accurate than this! For crying out loud! Just point and fire at this range!

  3. Ahhh....now I see what you guys were saying. I agree, when played as the Allies against the AI the Germans do need more stuff. Also, I have noticed that when the German AI gets reenforced with

    ***************SPOILERS HERE*****************

    the "gun" it does not have a clue what to do with it. It just sits at the start location and never unlimbers or moves. A limitaion of the AI I guess.

  4. "All or Nothing" (AON) was one of the best battles I have played in CM. Does anyone know of any other battles that are like this one? What I mean is, a battle that makes you follow a path and overcome local difficulties. It doesnt have to have as many units as AON. Please list if you know of any great progression battles like AON.

    Remember the great battle AAR classic between Fionn and Moon (I think)? Something like that is what I am looking for. A battle with a story behind it.

    [This message has been edited by Lanzfeld (edited 04-05-2001).]

  5. We have all played battles where we know that ammo is going to be very tight for our troops. The one thing that really gets me screaming at the AI is when I have an entire platoon intact after assaulting or repelling an enemy assault and everybody is shooting at the last enemy unit with only one paniced poor bastard in it at 10 meters! We all know how quickly the boys go through the ammo at those ranges and it kills me to see them all shooting (and hitting nothing) when just one team would do! A little fire disipline would do. I can see the view that this is realistic. after all, the adrenaline level after close quarters battle is pretty hi but sometimes I would just like to see the LT get the boys to cool it!

  6. Well.....

    1. It depends on the model panzerfaust your boys are sporting. There are three types (all three are available at any time period in the game as far as I can tell). Bring up the info window and it will say either panzerfaust 30, 60, or 100. That is the MAX EFFECTIVE RANGE of that faust.

    2. It doesnt matter anyway because you dont really tell the boys when to fire those things. The AI will handle it for you. Many factors will go into the AIs thinking process on this (range, unit experience, surpression, indoors or outdoors, ect).

  7. I was building a battle and I notice that even in the early date (June 1944) you can equip German troops with panzerfaust 100's. My question therefor: Is this accurate and how do you guys decide what range fausts to give your German troops when building battles or ops? Was the panzerfaust 100's made as early as June 1944?

  8. After D-Day I dont think there were many locations that the Allies in Europe fought on that were covered with sand. Keep in mind that Combat Mission is BEYOND OVERLORD. After D-Day. They didnt model sand because there wasnt any. I think some people have used the wheat texture to look like sand but it wont give the same cover for game purposes.

  9. Good point Tiger about how MG42's in infantry squads do carry grenades. I didnt think of that. I will assume that the 6 man heavy MG42 teams (.30 cals and .50 cals too) are just really too specialized to carry them. I would just like to say, however, that if I were one of those six men, I WOULD have a few.

    With respect to the other thing you said, Tiger, about just spraying the rubble with MG fire. Sure.....but I would MUCH rather spray to keep 'em hiding and lob grenades over what they are hiding behind. That would be much more effective.

    Good points all. Thanks.

    [This message has been edited by Lanzfeld (edited 01-22-2001).]

  10. I noticed something today for the first time and I really cant believe that it has escaped my attention for this long!

    I was close assaulting a MG42 team today in rubble with an infantry squad. Both teams started close quater fighting but I noticed that only the infantry used grenades. I would imagine because of the rubble grenades would be perfect to fight with (soldiers hiding behind piles of rubble and such). Now I could be mistaken but wasnt MG teams issued grenades? It seems to me that they really should have them because of situations outlined here. I am not a programmer but I dont think it would be too hard to code it in there being that certain units use them already.

    What are your thoughts on this fellas?

    Also.......along the same lines......shouldnt bazooka and schreck squads carry pistols?????? This just makes sense to me!

    Anyway.....great combat simulator!

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