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Posts posted by K_Tiger

  1. Hmm.. the 76mm is also a gun i do wonder about...the gun is with standard ammo a bit weaker as a german 75mm L/48 but with tungsten it has over 200mm penetrating rate unbelivable. I never found a WWII gun who could double his power by using tungsten ammo.

    If someone could point me to a site where i can see stats about US guns...or a statement from rexford would be enought for me.

  2. I read somewhere, it needs 5 min. to start an WWII Tank engine. Dont now, if the resurce mean only russian tanks or other "diesel" Vehikels...

    Could be a nice feature for CM:BB, if we can hide tanks like AT weapons, but only with shut down engines..and if you want drive around, the tank needs to start his engine.


    Tank turrets were allready used in the italian campaign 43`.

  3. The Tigers accuracy is really worse..if i play against the AI, i try to drive those behemoths so near as i can onto the ennemy tanks...like in real live...

    On the other hand, last nigth i made my own scenario. Placed one of my Panthers in a hull down position, on the other side, a Hellcat drived with full speed downhill turned his turret (broadsited) to my Panther (500yards away) and killed my Tank with one shoot...was a regular crew i forget to say..

    No modern high-tech laserguided Tank couldn do this...and this wasnt the first time i saw such über-move-and-shoot thingy...

  4. Jason..seems you see it to easily to lift a 100lbs bullet...the poor crewmens could not stand up inside or choose a "good" position like in a training-gym.. ;)

    A other fact is, they could not lay down the bulletts in front of the breech or elswere (for a fast reload)...they must put it out of the storage-box and with other 4 men inside..puh..isnt really a dream to be a loader of a 155mm sp gun.. ;)

  5. The "pause" style he means, i would like to see in games like close combat in a larger scale. I know what he mean, he would play and not sit back and show a hollywood movie.. ;)

    Its a good idea, i hade it long time before and hope someone made such a game. Not changing CM, but for a hole new one. Not only a pause button, also a stepless speedcustomizer to slow down the game insteed to stop it complete to save the "Battleatmosphere".

  6. Bates@

    Seems you need to make a closer look on it!!..

    I think, its a good new way to play a game. Not like the single heroes like in other games "im the super rambo sniper" or "im the taktical rommel two".

    No Aiming supports like crosses. We r now 50 men in our Unit (Squad) (only Inf. and Pak). If the most of it r online and we start together an attack..would be really fun.

    IMO, its a new and the rigth way for online gaming. Sure, the grafik isnt up to date, but its a first step into the rigth direktion.

  7. I say it again....the most important thing was Lend-Lease food...The germans held the most and best farmland of russia...and that was the reason why stalin send two times diplomates with a peace "threatment"?? <..hmm right word?? but AH sayed no....If he accept it...the war would be over..


    No Baz in 42....the other point was, the russians decide, they hade enougth tanks...so they dont need em.


    I dont think so..without any help from outside, russia would lost the war...her luck was AH...the worst leader of all times..

    The space here isnt enougth to list all mistakes he made. For example: Stalingrad was a true win... 9/10 was in german hands. Dunno who asked (Paulus??) about 2 good or 4 normal divisions to conquer the rest but AH was thinking that the allied land in 42 in france. 39 Divisions were deployed in france 4 of the best divisions too. We must say, this was a indirekt help from the allies.

    And to the superior T34 Tanks...did someone know, that they was build with german machines? or early at guns up to the 45mm..direkt copys from the 37mm.

  8. Rexford@

    my mistake...with the HVAP ammo...i was thinking, this is the same like HEAT..on the other hand...you have an accurate ammo..but without an equal gunsight?

    JSII is big?? what i see on pictures (may in Kubinka) the JS is far smaller as a KTiger..looks like in the range of a Panther. Slow, sure...and the slow reloading gun made it not a good tankkiller. A Panther or a 17 Pounder would shoot it in peaces..after the JS trying to load the second round.. ;)).

    Your statement about the impackt of the pershing to win at remagen...I think, every other tank hade do the same job..

    No one needs to kompare Ktiger`s with pershings...if a smaller gun could deal with the Pershing...who needs such beast`s?? Insteed to build Übertanks, i prefer, let me say 1000 Jpanther...

    how many made it to the front?? hmm.. may the most of it...but dont forget, the allies hade no problems with partisans nor with massbombing from railways and others..On the other hand, king tiger`s saw the front far more and longer (over a jear)...

    IMO.. the ktiger wasnt really a bad choice to bild..from the taktical view...as a weapon for pick of targets at long ranges or attacking on a small area..supportet from smal tanks who made flanking manoevers.

    If the allied hade it...the history would saw the ktiger a way better...if you advance, you did not need to destroy a tiger after a breakdown or immobilization.

    I think..the big ones werent soo bad..the soldiers needed experiance at first...if you know what you can made or not with him...it would do the job you want. Sure it was hard to bring him in position in a bad terrain..

    And to the russian testing`s....I give nothing to it...at this time, the russians claimed himselfs r the best and her equipment was the greatest and you will not find any positiv test from products outside the Soviet union...may i did not need to say this..the US guys know this allready ;)))

    Oh..im now outside of the thread.. ;)

  9. Rexford@

    The HVAP is a problem for the "Heavy`s" but not so accurat on longer ranges..even like the tungsten rounds. Its another plus for the german tanks.

    The allies used Ap round without an explosive filler..so must not everry penetration be a "sure" killer.

    Another question...if a round with explosives did not pennetrate a tank...will it explode outside of it?? and damage anything?

    All of this pen. tables r pot shoot`s..mean exactly from the front..Most of the tankers trying to avoid a frontal shootout...R this feature in the game...or coming in the next??

    Who will also be on the wwIIol battlefield??

  10. Like MarkIV sayed.: you could not compare the Bar with the 43/42 mg...other leage..

    And i hear allways, the mg 42 isnt accurate!!..hmm..if you look how they use it..imo like a riffle...sometimes the 42 on the tripod r used with optics. The other thing is targeting....you do it like a riffle..press it on your shoulder that minimize the recoil...

    I have here in a old book a nice picture..a man standing in the open with a mg 34 on his hip...(without a tripod) with full autofire...you will see no recoil...the picture was really clear..if not, you must see it due to the poor cameras at this time...

    Another good feature is unjamming..really fast..

    The allied counterparts you cold allways forget in the assault view...0.50, 0.30 you must put on the tripod... with the mg 34/42 you have so many choices to use it...in trenches (standing) on walls..laying down position...on the hip..(ok not verry effektive)..

    Someone sayed 2,5 sec`s- 50 shoots!! I say..every commander will kick your but, if you use it with autofire...bursts is the keyword..

    Just my 7,92mm

  11. The turret was to small to put 5 men into the tank...if they made a bigger turret, the t43 would be heavier=slower, and need more full.

    Another aspect is...the T34 must allways follow his target with turning the turret. And could not avoid a dangerous situation behind it or from the side.

    The russians like the other allied`s uses mostly tanks for inf support..and believed, they didnd need a radio...biggest disadvantage of all..IMO

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