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Posts posted by K_Tiger

  1. I played the kursk map and gave me 200% plus units to try a Tank only battle (5 against 15).

    In turn 9, one of my KV`s opened fire (with 71 HE; 9 AP; 1 C; ammo left) on the last remaining Pz III. The german tank didnt fire back (he hade a gun damage i saw after the battle). But instead to use the remaining 9 rounds of ap, my tank shoot around 40 he bullets on my ennemy. Was funny to see..button up, down, up, down.... ;) ) Some boring rounds later, the german commander popped up smoke and startet to withdraw.

    Would be nice to hear, why they do this?

  2. I think, for the date (43) its effektive for its class..

    I hade also a courious situation on the kursk map, my last at-gun destroyed a Pz III and after this round, i decided to target the last Pz III 650 meters away in the other direction. What can i say, i was really astoned, he hade a hit percentage from 97%...if we count the Pz with a lower profile as standard and the gun crew wasnt elite...so for what i need better crews or optics??

  3. Hussar:

    You forgot to thank god for the hole world, eddison for the elektrizity, gays for the christopher street (threat) day...damn the list is long.

    Come out of this hole...it smells. In the future, i see it coming, someone will say to me on a shiny sunday "come on...lets place some flowers in front of our beloved car producer...

    Im wondering about, no one wrote any negativ opinions about the Demo...for me, the kursk szenario is one of the boringst szenarios i ever played. The cmbo demo is the holy grail compared to it. Dont know what bts hade in mind to give us this piece.

    I liked the changes they made, did some small tests with the new features and i liked it mutch, but i deleted it imedialy after 2 hours. I will buy cmbb in three weeks...but why to play this demo, if i can play cmbo with the full features?

    I stop now before i loos my mind...and my registration...

  4. Ben:

    the 37mm gun isnt an autoshooter and also didnt tell us the small size of the gun a double rate of fire compared to a 75mm weapon. Not to mention on longer distances were aquiring the target with retargeting ect. is the most time consumpting thing.

    First hand accounts from german mentioned, the "vanilla" shermans were unable to hit at distances over 1200 meters, i dont belive the stuarts would be any better.

    In "real" no stuart commander would try to outshoot at this distances with a regular tank and if, he will lost every time. Even he hade a lucky day and hit....he need a point blank shoot to defeat even the turret....but the allied tankers werent trained to put her life to the faith of luck.

    To reload and shooting r two pair of shoos...especialy on such long ranges. I could imagine, the crew who shoot at first and misses at first, could get really buisy.... ;)

  5. If you ask me, its a matter of defense or attack. Wen you r the attacker, you you have no time for searching for a hd position. You get your orders and must fullfill those. As defender you have mostly more time to search for such a position and you nead to know the weakness of your tank. I think, for the germans the first choice would be to find good cover with one or two of the flanks be covered, then the line of fire. Then they can try to bring her armor in a hd position.

    For the allies there isnt a must to bring her armor in a hd position. All german guns over 75mm will penetrate the shermans from all directions.

  6. I read a statemnt from a panther co. where he stated the only one advantage the allies, or disadvantage from the panther compared to a allied tank, was the longer barrel, who it was often impossible to drive into woods and rotating the turret.

    To the who one the war and the lend-lease: The quantitys of Trucks, Trains and the most important things "Food" played a more decisive factor then Weapons.

    Not the army lost the war, the leader`s did. Dont need to say: Duenkirk, no winther clothes in front of Moskow, airwar over Britain, Jugoslavia and a lot more.

    Maybe the russians were able to win the war without a helping hand, but they didnt also not fight a war in Afrika/Italy, over the reich, in the Atlantik, nor they need to fight against partisans all over europe and also they need holding troops for security in all countrys they occupied.

  7. Wasnt it a a rule, after the germans lost so many Pz III and IV`s in the early stage of war thrue molotovs and other infatrie weapons, to avoid citys until the inf hase cleared a way ?

    Even the germans r in hurry to secure the bridge, every CO know that he cant hold the bridge only with 2 Tigers and without inf.

    The funniest thing were the germans in the middle of the street some r standing....like "come kill me, im not the main actor".. ;)

  8. I know what he mean....or i think.. ;)

    A hole europe map like in WWIIonline... may with forts like Maginot-line and eben emael or something other small but different bunkers and original citys.

    Its also my dream with giant, may some smaller "kessel" where you can surround your ennemy and cut of his supply routes ect.

    Sorry to say, CM does not fullfill my emotions anymore...there is nothing to reach for my troops. I need real targets with a greather campaign like "offensive reconing" or "capture this T-34 factory"...or hold of the ennemy on the left flank who is trying to break thrue...

    Yes...for such a game, i need to wait some more years, but im still hoping...

  9. Ja wie? Einfahrt Tiefgarage....was weiß ich, wo die Tiefgarage ist, bin erst einmal froh, wenn ich Mannheim finde.. ;)

    Würde sagen, daß wir uns vor dem Hauptbahnhof treffen.

    Ich hoffe, daß es nicht zu heiß wird...ist ja mörderisch hier...

    Also sagt bescheid, was ihr vom Treffpunkt Bahnhof haltet. Meine Email findest Du am Anfang des Threads.

    Sers Leutz

    Hat jemand ne gescheite Kamera oder Fotoapparat?? Müßte dann nämlich nicht mein Billigteil mitschleppen.

  10. At the time of the Worl Championship in Soccer, it doesnt exist any traffic in Europe, nor does anybody work for a full month.. ;) )

    Respect for your US-Boys (dont forget, they played without two of her best players)...to beat Portugal one of the favorites of the WC and hardest opponent in this group.

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