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Everything posted by Fenris

  1. From the cutting edge to a pimped out Maxim... As someone says in the comments, this is almost steampunk. Bags not carrying it though.
  2. Always interesting to see the pieces put together to paint a bigger picture. Wish LC Zhybrov had survived. Reminds one of the price Ukraine is paying.
  3. Glad to see some in fighting in the RU ranks. The version of the clip below is (thankfully) blurred so allows the general to retain (some) of his modesty. The thread has more details and speculation.
  4. From a couple of weeks ago "Trench Warfare". Shows what it's like at the front. Turn on subtitles for English.
  5. Don't hear a lot about this stuff, although I'm sure it's going on.
  6. Regarding the RU home front I'll repost this (think it was posted up thread) - I think it demonstrates the complete control of the narrative that Moscow has over rural russians. Giving someone a dove with with a Z on it is some real cognitive dissonance, imagine giving someone a cardboard dove with a swastika on it.
  7. Being the number one in the world doesn't come without effort.
  8. Hopefully these make a difference - might go part way towards explaining the large number of HIMARS destroyed claimed by RU?
  9. Sorry for spamming, a lot of stuff now coming out from the various places where there's been action lately
  10. Short CM level 4/5 of UKR mech-infantry attack(?) looks like M113s
  11. CM level 3/4 for failed attack by RU infantry, south of Vuhledar (little warning, it's from a drone but you can still see a number of them being hit and the aftermath)
  12. Back in my Warbirds days we used to have great fun creating crazy long German sounding names for things.
  13. Yes I kind of agree. If RU tries some sort of Op Bodenplatte we can hope that UKR has enough AD to inflict the kind of losses the LW suffered and for the net result to be to knocking most of the VVS out of the fight longer term. I would posit that the missile/drone campaign over the past months has already turned the UKR AD system into a well oiled machine so I think this lends weight to the chances of favourable result.
  14. Auto translate says ERA saved this tank from an NVKh hit - anyone know what that is?
  15. Short (unfortunately) interview with US Army Ranger/Green Beret from Spotify podcast posted up thread. Spotify interview is even better.
  16. Frontline comedy (if this is inappropriate I apologise)
  17. Couple of recent tweets, is the first one correct?
  18. DefMon posted this today re the above clip
  19. More DIY, guided AT UAVs footage. Will be interesting to see how this tech develops and is used.
  20. This is my hope also. The current situation feels similar to Sievierodonetsk last year. RU pushing hard for small gains in a meat grinder battle. Not much of an apparent response from UKR. A good deal of doom saying and anxiety in the online commentary. Fingers crossed there's something similar to the Kharkiv operation in the works.
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