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Everything posted by Fenris

  1. Agree, pretty grim. I guess it's always like this, we're just getting a close up, unsanitised view this time
  2. Pretty grim thread showing what's being said was a failed small Wagner attack, the aftermath and then the clean up some days later. It very much appears taht after the attack quite a few of the wounded were left to fend for themselves, it's not nice to watch, there are a lot of corpses shown in the later posts where they're collecting gear from the dead wagner men. https://twitter.com/666_mancer/status/1637054537725878278
  3. Sure it's kinda amusing but if it does the job, meh, why not. Maxim's and DShK's can still be lethal. Some armour and tracks are better than a Soviet Scooby Van, in some situations, like for mounting surplus naval guns I'm interested to see what else comes out of the back of the cupboard over the coming months.
  4. There were some clips like this from Mariupol last year IIRC.
  5. Taking out that third launcher with their own rockets... With luck like that you have to wonder who's side the universe is on.
  6. Pretty much par for the course for the so called professional arm of the RU armed forces. My initial take on the whole thing was that the pilot took it on himself to play the clown and he screwed it up. He's lucky he didn't end up taking a swim himself.
  7. Haven't seen one of these for a while. Is UKR still able to produce Stuga's?
  8. Any validity to this one? What is the impact of this in Germany currently?
  9. This was my first thought. We've seen a lot of examples over the past year showing us that not all RU servicemen are nearly as proficient or switched on as the pre-war propaganda lead everyone to believe.
  10. Maybe UKR should pull back, create a nice bulge in the front. I mean if RU's remaining best get bogged down in street to street city fighting and UKR pull off their own Op Uranus... The effect of inflicting one of the holy grails of Soviet WW2 victories against them would really be something.
  11. This makes me glad. I saw the full clip without sound last night, the injured guy was in a bad way and very pale so I didn't watch it to the end, I thought he wasn't going to make it which made me sad.
  12. Defending from a trench whilst being fired upon. I keep thinking someone should start mass producing those little one-eye pipe periscopes so these guys can see what's over the berm.
  13. There's a comment on UA Weapons or Oryx that the two tanks are new, the M113 has been there a while (apparently since January). I saw a longish youtube of some UKR TD guys defending that crossroads a few days ago and the M113 is there. Found the clip, can see the M113 at 10 minutes if it doesn't go there automatically. The whole time I was watching this I was thinking/saying - "Guys, get behind some cover FFS". The russians are just down the road to the left as they approach the M113. You can see the incoming fire hitting the building next to the 113 and one of the TD men gets hit.
  14. Drones in the clip were probably looking for infantry. Was going to say they really need something that can be a HEAT warhead, those cluster bomb sub-munitions would appear to be a perfect option.
  15. More drone footage, interesting in that it shows a T-80 going from initial harassment to abandoned to destroyed.
  16. Poland has been living up to what it promises so hopefully this pans out sooner rather than later
  17. From bad to wurst. Sorry, sorry, I'll get my coat.
  18. Some more detail in this thread (I can't verify the accuracy of the details in the thread)
  19. As the comment suggests, a slight widening of the cracks in RU ranks
  20. Looks like a tense situation, hope they're ok.
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