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Posts posted by Eridani

  1. It is very Possible to get the computer to SAY that a Sherman is hulldown, unfortunately to do so you must expose far more of the Sherman than one would expect you would need to to "hulldown" the Sherman (I.E, you need to expose a significant area of the hull in order fire a shot while hulldown, as opposed to simply exposing the turret like I'd expect)...

    niether tank has LOS.

    I have lost plenty of Shermans who's Turrets have been exposed and who could clearly see the opponent, but because the LOS calculation location on the Sherman is in the belly, did not "Officially" have LOS, therefore could not fire. The only way to get them to shoot was to inch them forward, a tactic that usually gets them killed.

    I have the file, but I'm afraid I left it at home... I'll see if I can get it too you.

    Also, I'd love to see a picture of that file from the Stug's POV looking at the Sherman.


  2. Something has been bugging me about American Shermans for a while and I finnally figured out what... You can't hulldown a Sherman... Now to explain what I mean I have some screenshots from a game I was playing against the computer...

    Here is a German Stug III on a hill, in the distance you can see just the turret of the Sherman... The turret of that sherman as a CLEAR shot right at the Stug

    <A HREF = "http://users.erols.com/scragg/Hulldown1.jpg"> Overview </A>

    <A HREF = "http://users.erols.com/scragg/Hulldown2.jpg"> Sherman's View </A>

    Unfortunately, the LOS tracking point on the Sherman seems to be in the hull, not on the turret (like I would imagine it would be... so even though this is a PERFECT hulldown position for the Sherman, the Sherman cannot fire at the Stug because it supposedly doesn't not have LOS. If the LOS was modeled from the turret (like I'd imagine it should be) this would be the most vicious hulldown position available, look at the tiny target presented to the German Stug-

    But note, the entire turret, and most importantly the barrel of the gun, is fully visible to the German Tank.

    <A HREF = "http://users.erols.com/scragg/Hulldown3.jpg"> Ground-Level view from Stug To Sherman </A>

    As a prodomnently American Commander, I have run into this problem ALOT... a Sherman CANNOT hulldown properly, when it does, it does not have LOS, in order to attain LOS the sherman must pull out un-realistically far to a point where it is extremely vulnerable to enemy fire (weather the computer calls it "hulldown" or not).

    I'd love to hear input on this... I'm hoping its been fixed in the final game. (It provides a MAJOR unrealistic tactical Disadvantage to the Americans by not letting them Hulldown their tanks properly IMHO)I notice that the Stug doesn't seem to have similar problems because its gun is so near the center of mass of the tank (where it appears you are doing your LOS calculations), so therefore if you can see the barrel of the STUG, for the most part the stug can shoot you...

    As it should be with all vehicles (within reason)...

    If I'm wrong on this I'd love to hear why, god knows it wouldn't be the first time wink.gif


    [This message has been edited by Eridani (edited 01-05-2000).]

    [This message has been edited by Eridani (edited 01-05-2000).]

  3. My friend showed me a little blurb in PC Gamer basically saying that next month they were going to Review The CM Beta demo. (they have some war-gaming editor who aparently has been keeping an eye on it)...

    Usually I don't touch that mag. with a ten foot pole, but I might just need to see this...

    If anyone is interested I can see about posting the actuall text of the blurb


  4. I'm sorry if this has been mentioned before, I searched but I didn't find a clear answer-

    Will it be possible to bundle indevidual textures with scenarios, say sand for a normandy scenario, without overwriting the default textures included with the game (I.E, be able to play the normandy game without turning Riesburg into a desert)

    It'd be cool if there were a number of textures open for scenario designers to use that would not interfere with any of the built-in designs...


  5. Hey-

    A little question about the final release here-

    I'm playing a pbem where a lit a part of the forest that the enemy was hiding in on fire.

    The enemy soldiers fleed this area, but none of them took casualties... is this realistic??? I'd imagine that you'd loose quite a few guys if you found yourself in the middle of a blazing inferno...

    The fire animation is another thing... I'm just wondering if it has been improved to appear more organic...

    The third and last little thing was I was wondering about Zooks and Schrecks... in CM you model the allied and german Rifles and machine guns beautifully, but the zooks and Schrecks are just tube polygons, has this changed or have you turned your focus to other things...


    just wonderings smile.gif

    God my GPA is going to fall through the floor when CM is released... Steve, Charles... Congrats- I haven't been hooked this strongly on a game in well... ever wink.gif

    Much thanks, praise, and otherwise good stuff to you two wink.gif


  6. I have to agree with all the games above, with one more...

    Anacreon, Reconstruction 4102...

    You want old? This space strategy game originally shipped (I believe) 1985, you want in depth and re-playability??? I don't believe that there has been an equal to Anacreon YET TO THIS DAY in terms of game balance and immersion. (MOO and Pax pale in comparison)... It was complex to learn, but once you had it down, it was a truly amazing strategy/empire management game (simply running a large empire could take 5+10 minutes a turn, then you had to deal with waging war above and beyond that... really neat...

    I still boot it up and play it when I get bored. Its only 1 meg, small enough to fit on a single floppy.


  7. Steve, Charles, Bravo for taking your time to make sure CM is truly complete when you ship it. The software industry is too obsessed with dates, they rush and ship incomplete software to meet deadlines, and the result is the garbage we call Windows, CC, and 75-80% of software we see on the shelves.

    Its kinda ironic that I read this post just after I spent the day touring at M$'s headquarters in Redmond (my bro works for them)...

    keep up the good work, and I look forward to seeing the complete Cm, but god knows I can wait (hell, I expect my gpa to take a nosedive when CM is released, the longer that is post-poned the better. wink.gif)


  8. I know its fun to Badmouth Shermans, And I'll admit that their anti-tank capabilities leave something to be desired (understatement of the year)... but I've found sherman to be awsome anti-personel vehicals if used right (i.e, farther than 150 meters from the opponent)... they carry far more HE munitians than their equiviolent German counterparts, and their two MG's do wonders at keeping enemy heads down.

    Stick 3 Shermans on a hill overlooking enemy troop units (and be sure there are no stugs around), and their limited glory really does shine through.

    Stug's I found to be the opposite, Great anti-tank (low profile, powerful gun)... but I've run out of HE WAY to many times in stugs, plus their lack of a turret means its easy to sneak Zooks in for side shots, so I definately don't consider them Idealy suited for anti personnel (Tigers seem cool with that Hermiwhatchmachalit granade thing, but the only tiger we have played with has limited HE rounds, so its usefullness against fortified troops is somewhat limited)

    I dunno, just my experience


  9. Compassion-

    Amen to that...

    I have a friends who are very paritisan, AMD or Intel one-sided (I myself in noticably biased as I'm sure is clear)... but Whether you love AMD or hate them, thier viscious competition with Intel has had one clear winner, consumers everwhere. Intel was forced to get on the ball, AMD was forced to create strong products to compete, and both were(are) forced to keep prices low...

    No matter what team you root for, the winners are clear



    Merry Christmas to all and to all a goodnight, tis time for me to retire (at my brothers right now... the kids are probably going to wake us up in a few hours because "SANTA CAME"... uggh)

    Christmas was so much more fun on the other end...

    and remind me never to have kids

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