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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by Eridani

  1. Yes there are mission objectives... but these are only a part of the total decision of who victorious... As in real life, if you do manage to win a battle, but in the process of doing so castrate yourself so badly that you are in-effectual for the rest of the war, then you didn't really win.

    This also brings in the crucual fact that there are different levels of victory...

    There is a BIG difference between a commander who just manages to edge out his opponent and a command who stomps on the enemy...There is too much of a factor of luck to make simply win/loss the determining factor, a great general could have hit a string of bad luck which would through off the rating (and luck does play a factor in CM as it does in real warfare... all you can do as a commander is play the odds to your favor)

    The only common demoninator (that I can see, I may be off kilter Here... Fionn is the true CM expert and the one to ask) is the final score, which is in effect "percent victory"...

    So in order for the ladder system to be accurate, it will have to use this final score, not simply who won and who lost.


  2. Yobobo-

    I can definately see that you are trying to help.

    However, you do show a clear lack of experience to CM. Your statement that "as in any game a win is just a win" is most definately false in context for this game. There are MANY ways a game can end...

    I agree that the simplest way to gauge the "level" of the victory is the final score, although that is still a little rough around the edges. There is a very real difference between a pyrric (sp) victory of 51-49 where the battle ended simple because there was no combat-capable units (but still a tactical victory for one side mind you) and a sweep of 100-0 where one side is simply squashed. This is something which a 3 way system cannot model.

    I'm seriously beginning to think that we should set up an Email list or dedicated board to debate a new CM rating system... A lot of good ideas from all parties, we should put together one standardized algorithm.

    We're not saying (at least most of us I think) that your help would not be appreciated... Especially if you have Java or CGI script programming abilities, we are saying that ur current system is not sufficiant, and it would take considerable adaptation to make it suit CM.

    thanks wink.gif


  3. I think a big solution to this problem that I'm sure we've all had (especially with those *!#! stugs) will be the fact that in the full Beta Tanks (and guns I hope) will be able to set their own ambush points, so if you know an enemy tank is going to come around a corner, all you'll need to do is put and ambush marker at the corner and tell ur Gun/Tank/Other_Big_thing to target it.


  4. Ok I realize I am probably in a minority here-

    I run a dual moniter setup... I love it (I'd take twin 17 inchers over 1 21 incher any day)...

    CM handles the dual moniter fairly well, the only problem is that when I try to do stuff on my secondary moniter, CM automatically minimizes...

    This is more a nuisance than anything else, but I was wondering if there were at all plans to make CM run in a window so it would make dual-moniter support easier.



  5. Hmmm

    I have that problem all the time...

    and the ambush comment... now that I think about it, all of the games it start's happening in are games where I have ambushes set up (and seeing as I do that in almost all my games... that would be why they all don't work)...

    all I do is hit escape and the pbem text file seems fine...

    but this is the first time I've heard of a connection to the Ambush command... and I could easily believe that...

    I think I'm going to try and pay more attention now... see if that is indeed what is causing the program to hang.


  6. Cs = Computer Science... it was a class we were in together...

    I wrote a 3d engine program with nothing but a Trig textbook...

    I was quite proud wink.gif

    Hmmm, a chess-ranking system...

    I can try... Alas, I do not know Java, but I need to learn anyway and I hear it is similar to C++. Unfortunately I'm also a little iffy on how Chess Ranking systems work, but I'm sure its not hard...


    Colin- Bill could port to Mac pretty easily I think... My question is : is there already one included in the Demo?

    I'll work with Bill to get that email to you


    [This message has been edited by Eridani (edited 02-16-2000).]

  7. I might be able to help as a core programmer for windows programs... I love the Scenario-pack idea, I could work on some of that, (I figure you'd need a script language to some extend so the scenario programmer could tell what files need swapping, what is included, ect). I program in C++.

    Keep me away from any type of interface programming though... I am horrible at that.. (I'm not joking, ask Bill)...

    And I think Bill will agree when I say feel free to use CMSO in any way you want... We totally lack content right now (although I love our layout, but I'm probably a little partial wink.gif) So I think we're cool to adapt in what ever way you need us.

    I was already considering writing a Pbem manager for PC... I just needed to figure out how I was going to do the interface...


    [This message has been edited by Eridani (edited 02-16-2000).]

  8. Hey CCJ-

    I was playing last night, and I realized.. you know what REALLY needs larger textures? more than anything else, the ground. The reason I say this is I have an awsome screenshot of an m18 sitting RIGHT behind (2m) a stug (about to make the Stug very unhappy), the picture looks AWESOME in all things, except for the fact that the ground looks like a solid piece of green plastic (at view 1)...

    If you could double or quadruple the ground textures, I think that would do a lot to the overall realism of the game, especially at the lower views.


  9. Question for the military guys here-

    I would think spotting for a Battleship would be a hard...

    Land based artiller, you fire a shot, the gun stays where it is (for the most part), so its not hard to simply adjust your aim and shoot again...

    For a battleship, however, I've heard those things are blasted back nearly 3-4 Feet from a full broadside, I'd think that would easily be enough to fully through siteing calculations... so how do the know what angle to shoot at the next time if the whole firing platform moves between shots?

    -EridanMan the curious

  10. Hey Madmatt-

    this is Ot, but I was wondering what the chance was of you guys putting together a Large AAR of the Beta to tide us over until game release... Something like the Alpha battle AAR. The only reason I say this is because the recent highlights of new game features have done a lot to tide over us poor masses forced to wait until the gold demo wink.gif You might be able to keep us in check for another good 2+ months (60 turn battle, 1 or so turns per day) if we could get an almost-full-featured glimpse of what we have to look forward to wink.gif

    How about you and Fionn go at it? wink.gif


  11. How to write a computer game:

    NewGame MakeGame(time tons)


    for(time allspare = alot; allspare = 0; allspare--)


    Learn_To_Code_In_C(money ForBooks);


    for(time whatsleft = some; whatsleft = 0; whatsleft--)


    Learn_3d_Modeling(money AgainForBooks);


    for(programmer = has_life; programmer = no_life; programmer -= time_spent_on_game)


    Game = Actually_write_Game(money For_compiler);


    Return Game;



  12. hehe

    Answers as I understand them-

    1- yes - Search for more info

    2- yes - Ditto

    3- Not in the first release, but BTS has not said no it won't happen maybe as a later addon.

    Nice to see someone else asking for a Modern Addon... That seems to be a rather popular request... I take the fact that Steve hasn't said know to be a good sign for the future... but first I want to see the game smile.gif


  13. Wow, a lot of V770 owners here...

    I've definately been pleased with the card

    (accept someone STILL has to write linux drivers for it)...

    thanks for the warning about 7.0a

    *says to himself "I will not get into mac/pc debate... I will not get into mac/pc debate..."

    ok the urge has past...

    ne-wayz... there are two products about the come out that I am dying for.

    1- Combat mission

    2- 1ghz Athlon wink.gif (damn AMD, They have the chips already... they're just delaying the release for profit reasons)

    oh well..

    Good things come to those who wait...

    or at least that's what some wise old guy said a long time ago;P


  14. Fionn-

    Beside CMSO (which is more Bill C.'s Doing than my own), I have lots to say in the way of Tactics and Military movements (mostly how not to do what ur opponent expects- i.e, unorthodox military tactics)

    I also do some decent photo manipulation/editing, and I know C++ (I was thinking of writing a PBEM-organizer before I heard one was included in CM)



    Your Source for Combat Mission Scenarios and Operations information-


  15. Although this kinda constitutes a glitch, it was still funny as hell.

    I was playing Riesburg. I decided to be insane and charge two of my Shermans into the middle of town with no infantry support (hey, I was bored)... The Shermans spotted the '88 right next to the road in its default position and fired... next thing I know, the Shermans RAN INTO the 88, firing at point blank.

    Then the 88 turned around and TRIED TO RUN AWAY... I don't mean the men, I mean the whole gun turned to !panicked! and turned 180 degrees, instead of whacking two shermans at 10 meters.... finnally a Shell from the second Sherman took out the gun with a pt-blank shot to the rear (all crew dead)...

    I was LMAO...it was really funny



    Your Source for Combat Mission Scenarios and Operations information-


  16. Hehehe, if you do a search you'll find a post about this a few months back...

    there are a few of us who are petitioning for a patch for the game that will give a few modern tanks... M1A2, T80 ect... these would just be for fun "what if" battles...

    I dunno, what do you t hink? 1 M1A2 vs. 10 king Tigers? wink.gif

    (I think the General consensous was with the Abrams... but It'd be fun to try out you have to admit wink.gif)


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