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Posts posted by Eridani

  1. Hey All-

    I owe you all an apology-

    I've been going through 2 weeks of hell (funn), it started with a partition table crash, and hasn't gotten any better. (It's always fun loosing 2 term papers a week before they're due)...

    I hope to resume normal play here tonight wink.gif I can get back enticing your poor men to soil their pants wink.gif

    Geoff- I still haven't revieved my last turn from you... I lost your email in the crash... if you wanna go ahead and call it a win though... you had be pretty well beat.

    oh well, c-ya on the battlefield


  2. I'm very sorry for useing this public forum to say this... I just don't have any other way to get ahold of you...

    My Partition table got wiped last night (my idiocy), bascially meaning that I've lost EVERYTHING... Email addresses and pbem games included...

    if you could drop me a line with our last turn, we can get back to business.

    and to the rest of you, again, I apologize for using this forum




    Your Source for Combat Mission Scenarios and Operations information-


  3. *nods in total agreement*

    and this is coming from someone who takes pride in the fact that he has not paid a dime to M$ is the past seven years (even though he always has their latest software)...

    I've already had friends asking to borrow my CM cd after I got it, my answer was hell-no... as a small-time coder myself I can just barely imagine how much time/work Steve and Charles have put into this, and I will make sure neither myself or any of my friends fail to compensate them for their job EXCELLENTLY done.

    my friends will just have to order the CD themselves wink.gif


  4. Why should anyone take someone elses opinion into account when determining weather or not a movie is good? Why is the movie good simply because some critic says it is?

    The success of a movie is registered by the number of audience members it turns, not the number of stars or reviews it gets...

    just my personal feelings...


  5. I've noticed the same thing as Bill- The Sherman's seem to be great anti-infantry platforms. I'm not talking one specific engagement, I'm talking from dozens of games, vs. both the computer and humans. The Turret traverse speed, coupled with the large amounts of HE and two very effective MG's make an unbuttoned Sherman a very valuable asset anti-personell. Stug's on the other hand (don't play around much with the Tiger, but from what I've seen, it has similar problems) HE limited in both number and effectiveness, and is much more vulnerable to a concentrated infantry assault do to its limited field of fire (or turret traverse speed in case of the Tiger).

    basically, in CE, once I knock out the Shermans I don't find much use for my stugs, a few shots to spook enemy troops, then its mostly keeping them hidden so they aren't taken out by a lucky zook. When playing as the Americans on the other hand, Once the Stug's are knocked out, I use and rely on the Shermans to Decimate the enemy forces and break them before launching any form of infantry assault.

    just my experience....


  6. I've noticed the same thing as Bill- The Sherman's seem to be great anti-infantry platforms. I'm not talking one specific engagement, I'm talking from dozens of games, vs. both the computer and humans. The Turret traverse speed, coupled with the large amounts of HE and two very effective MG's make an unbuttoned Sherman a very valuable asset anti-personell. Stug's on the other hand (don't play around much with the Tiger, but from what I've seen, it has similar problems) HE limited in both number and effectiveness, and is much more vulnerable to a concentrated infantry assault do to its limited field of fire (or turret traverse speed in case of the Tiger).

    basically, in CE, once I knock out the Shermans I don't find much use for my stugs, a few shots to spook enemy troops, then its mostly keeping them hidden so they aren't taken out by a lucky zook. When playing as the Americans on the other hand, Once the Stug's are knocked out, I use and rely on the Shermans to Decimate the enemy forces and break them before launching any form of infantry assault.

    just my experience....


  7. I have clearly seen on multiple occasions the hull mg and the turret mg targetting complete different units... one of the reasons I find shermans to be so devistating anti-infantry (if you can keep the 'schrecks away)... I don't believe there is any way to target each machinegun yourself, I think that is up to the tac AI


  8. The age antagonism on here seems mostly in jest (I hope wink.gif)... but I thought I might chime in...

    I think for many younger people, patience is lacking... (I know that's a big problem of mine... rushing a platoon in too early and loosing them, not waiting back until I have enough fire support... may they rest in peace)... Some of us youngsters also seem to lack some of the nuances of military strategy. If I may comment on a specific battle, The Fionn vs. Rick pbem game, it seems that Rick (who it is my understanding is Capt. Manieri) seemed to use the default setup, and didn't understand the concept of a covered retreat or holding forces back until the best possible moment.

    On the flipside, however, I notice that younger generals seem to be willing to take more risks and try more complicated/un-predictable attacks which the more traditional wargamers can't always adapt too... Things like rushing tanks into Riesburg without infantry support to occupy the troops while you post a full infantry attack... (a costly but extremly-effective tactic if used properly). I've seen these tactics, while clearly not militarily sound, do wonders against traditional defences if anything else because they are so not-traditional and therefore not expected.

    So basically what I'm saying, younger people tend to be more impatient, inexperienced but more creative, while older generals tend to play more by the book because they have more experience to go on, but are not always ready for the unconvential attacks of the youngsters..

    I'm making a lot of general statements here... I know there plenty are exceptions to my broad statements... (Myself included)... I'm just saying that if you were to map general trends, I think that this is the pattern that you would find... at least its what I've noticed...

    on a slightly less related note... I honestly hope that you older guys don't mind us around... I truely do love this game, and I've learned more on this board in the last few months than I have this entire in class(arrgh, I hate my school, but that's another story). I have enormous respect for all of you, and I enjoy throwing unconvential attacks at you guys and seeing how they turn out (so far to very mixed success)...

    I know the experience with teenagers on this forum hasn't entirely been positive, but I'd like to think that not all of us are a pain in the ass wink.gif

    thanks, that's enough of my little schpiel8)



    Your Source for Combat Mission Scenarios and Operations information-


  9. I just found my thread on Sherman LOS, and I still had one last question...

    I understand that a vehical is either hulldown or not... That makes perfect sence.

    but what about LOS... my sherman should have clear LOS on the Stug, but it doesn't... has this been fixed?

    or if it shouldn't, I'd love to know why


    (sorry about the new thread, I was originally going to bring something else up, but then I realize it has already been mentioned in my original thread... I should read more carefully)


    [This message has been edited by Eridani (edited 01-13-2000).]

  10. Hey, CM draws all ages...

    I'm a senior in HS (17)...

    and I know of a few freshman and sophmores (in HS) who play CM (thanks to my sitting and playing it in the computer labs during break)...

    Not all of us teenagers are morons and/or impulsive. I feel honored to be among you guys... I've learned soo much from this board (and god knows I love the game, and a few people here will attest that I'm half-way decent at it smile.gif)

    I think you'd be surprised at the draw CM has to half-way intelligent youngsters (not the twitch crowd mind you wink.gif)



    Your Source for Combat Mission Scenarios and Operations information-


  11. Something I have been thinking about... does anyone else think that it would be usefull to have a pbem manager built into the Game... now I have a very basic Idea of how hard this would be (pretty damn hard I'm sure)... but it would be so nice to be able to simple start up CM, go to your list of current games, click on a new turn, play the turn, and have CM automatically send out the pbem turn to your oppenent while you go and play another turn...

    who knows, I may try to write something like this... (well, I don't know about native email support, but at least an organizer or something to that effect (can you tell that I'm started to get overloaded with pbem turns??)

    the only problem of course with me doing anything like that is, well, I code on a PC... I'd need someone to port to mac.....

    and It'd take a lot more spare time than I have at the moment... maybe when the new semester starts...


  12. Just gotta chime in on that Paintball comment... You all wanna shoot, why not shoot something that you fire AT someone (without all of the nasty legal reprecussions)...

    I actually use a lot of paintball mentality when I play this game, especially LOS/ambushes when using infantry... I find the bast way to use a platoon is think "what would I do if I was them", which is extremely easy for me because I find myself in similar positions once a month... wink.gif

    I do pray the paintball is the closest I ever find myself to the real battlefield...

    Anyone else here play?



    Your Source for Combat Mission Scenarios and Operations information-

    <A HREF = "http://patriot.net/~carey/cmso/"> CMSO </a>


  13. I was playing as Americans- one of my Shermans moved up on a German Stug who was sitting there firing on the church in CE, fired 4 shots, 1 of which RICHOCHED, but the German Stug just sat there and continued to shell the church until the fourth one finnally knocked it out... now I'm not complaining, but you'd think that the Stug crew would have heard the shot hit it and turned to engage my Sherman... doesn't that constitute an immediate and direct threat to it?


    [This message has been edited by Eridani (edited 01-08-2000).]

  14. Hey All-

    Billcarey and I have finally gotten our new site up and running. CMSO is going to be a depo for scenarios and operations of all types, including reviews and discussions of Scenarios, Operations, and the process involved in making them.

    Check it out smile.gif obviously right now we don't have much to review, but We're just gearing up for the full release of CM



    Your Source for Combat Mission Scenarios and Operations information-

    <A HREF = "http://patriot.net/~carey/cmso/"> CMSO </a>


    [This message has been edited by Eridani (edited 01-07-2000).]

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