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Everything posted by Donan

  1. I've been looking around for about a week and can't seem to get a clear definition of the make-up of these that were used in the Ardennes Offensive. It seem's there were a CCA, CCB, and a CCR for each division. Mostly armour, but also mechanized infantry...right? Anyway, to go along with this, what was the typical size of a tank platoon, company etc.? Thanks! Donald
  2. I did a search on this, but did not see the the answer I was looking for. In Doubler's book he states the US Infantry urban warfare tactics had to be re-written. He mentions them being formed as they took Brest. Some of the tactics mentioned were blasting thru walls and then charging thru, house to house. Is this possible in CM? Donald
  3. Re: churches destroyed and injuries do occur. I speak from experience: In one particular scenario I was making myself a pain to my opponent and he kept pounding away at a church until it collapsed. All those within took hits. Some died outright.' Bummer Donald
  4. I too echo the above. Great job all around. Loads of patience, dedication and just damn hard work Thanks! Donald p.s. a prime example of 'true' labor of love.
  5. Greetings. What I do is create my own and shuffle it about. Actually I've created several sub-directories for pbem, my own games and etc. I rename the files and put them where I want them. It's fairly easy in Windows and the deal is, wether BTS had them saved in another directory or not, it would still get pretty darn crowded. So doing it yourself is the best bet imho. Don
  6. A friend and I are trying to figure out what mechanism a bazooka shell had. They seem very small for a shaped charge. And I see them referred to as a 'rocket grenade'. But that would not explain their power. So...? Thanks! Donald
  7. Thanks Steve! Search is about all I use now with all the traffic Don
  8. Another great article Fionn. Thanks! Of course all you do is add the the already excruciating pain of anticpation for the full release (or the next demo!) that many of us feel Donald
  9. This seems the same for bazooka's. I had one hiding with a clear LOS to a 88 within 50 meters, and even tho' I targeted the 88, it would not fire till I un-hide it. Donald
  10. O.K. Folks. Is HyperSnap part of the Win95 suite, or a seperate product? If the later, where can I get it (is it shareware?)? Thanks! Don p.s. btw, I have W95OSR2c
  11. Thanks Mike! I only went back 30 day's. Anyway they don't seem to be linked anymore to the message, so it would of been a hassle to go thru them all (unless something is not working correctly from my end. I would of swore that a couple weeks ago you could click on the search results to go to the message. But I've searched 3 times in the last week or so and they have all been unlinked. Could just be my memory Thanks again! Donald
  12. First, I searched on this topic and didn't find anything (weren't the searches linked before?) Anyway my question is say a friend who lives out of town who I have a pbem with, comes to town on visit and we would like to finish up a pbem doing hot seat. Is this available somehow? No big if it isn't just curious (Oh, and vice versa: i.e. if I was playing hot seat with him and he had to get home before we finished, could it be continued by pbem.) Thanks.
  13. Hello Peter. If I understand it correctly, these are visual que's of bonuses that commander gives to the troops. If you hit return, to bring up the information panel, you will see the bonuses spelled out. If they have a gold box around them, it appears it means a '+2'. If not, '+1' etc. It's they mean 'morale'...etc. Hit return when you click a leader and you'll see.
  14. I agree with everyone that this is a fantastic demo/game. Gawd, as others have also said, I've waited years for this. AND I'm calling/ talking to everyone around me about it (they are starting to think I'm a front man for you guys, BTS I just not only want everyone to experience this fantastic sim, I want BTS to be totally successful so we can expect more add-ons, theaters...well you name it (hey, o.k. I'm a bit selfish Great work BTS (Charles, Steve etc.). And of course thanks much to those 'recon' folks, Fionn and Martin...AND for their continual support on this forum. Your were 'killing' us at first with the AAR's (I actually heard someone trying to play a 'twilight zone' and become one with them . But now we can share the experience, the delight of it. Thanks again all!
  15. Thanks again everyone for the information. I'm still deciding and then will go try some. I had the conventional ones at first, but as several folks mentioned, it fit badly, on my ear and it was very bothersome in an hours time. I'll take a look at Koss, Sony and Phillips (and any other's other folks might mention.
  16. Thanks Pixman! More informative mail for me to digest. And thanks for the warning about volume. I don't see it as harping in the least when it's for one's own safety.
  17. Thanks for that information Ben! That pretty much makes it a done deal at my local Radio Shack.
  18. Thanks! I'll check these out. I've heard Koss one's are very good too...and at a reasonable price.
  19. Actually this is a concept in chess that few conquer, and as a result, lose. In chess, as most likely in the battlefield, one has a tendency to look at 'their' winning strategy and then look at an oppositios 'weak' response. Instead, one need's to look at the strongest response, no matter how elegant your original plan may seem. For some reason this is a very hard concept to practice. You can call it many things, but basically it's just tough to discount ones on 'perceived' winning strategy. In reading biographies of platoon or squad leaders in WW II, one repeatedly reads something like, '...what were they thinking...' (eg. the Hurtgen forest). Flexiability, adaptability and a willingness to admit error and correct it is a successful routine in chess and combat...but very hard to implement.
  20. I live in a place that has pretty thin walls and I'm usually gaming at odd hours. So in preparation for CM and wanting to hear that brush move, on my flank real well, I was wondering if any of you folks can recommend a good, yet economical pair of headphones or headsets. I have a Montego soundcard (would love to get the Quadzilla, but as I understand it, you just can't have surround sound on headsets.) Thanks
  21. It seems that are putting in alot of effort to make this an excellent demo. (of course Charles and Steve are doing a tremendous effort, period, in just getting CM out.) Someone mentioned also that they were guessing that BTS hopes to have the full release on our doorstep before Christmas. But of course this is just a guess, but I do get alittle nervous know it's going to be threading thru and buried by so much Christmas bulk. Donald
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