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Posts posted by Bog

  1. Hehe, I remember when I played a QB with computer picked forces at night, and I got a Hummel with the force selection. Once our infantry found each other, I was doing pretty well, using the Hummel to totally destroy entire squads. Until one squad ran right up to the Hummel, like 9 meters away. The Hummel depressed it's gun fully and fired. KA-BOOM! Result: Allied squad dead, and the Hummel explodes in a nasty fireball! :D

  2. Probably one of the main underlying problems is that the MGs in CM fire as if they're on a firing range.

    They fire about a 4 second burst, then WAIT for about 8 seconds, then fire again. In real life, the MGs would be firing at much faster intervals. And, of course, MGs cannot target more than one squad at a time, meaning that they concentrate on that one squad even after it's already broken and running.

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