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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Bil Hardenberger

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Everything posted by Bil Hardenberger

  1. Finally received the file back from Elvis. I just completed my purchases and they are as follows (changes from my earlier list are bold): • One IL-2 - strafing (aircraft requirement) • Tankodesantniki Company (-) (SMG) - Two Platoons • Pioneer Platoon (-) - Two Squads • T-34/85 Platoon (3 tanks) • Two - ISU-122 • OT-34 (flamethrower requirement) • Two rifle companies • Battalion Support @ 6 HMG teams and 6 82mm mortars • One Supply Platoon @ four trucks Total spent: Purchases from the editor (Note the yellow text, I added this text to highlight that you have the option, when purchasing the Supply Platoon to identify the type of ammo each truck will carry, infantry, SMG, MG, or weapons.):
  2. I wanted to share with you some of my thoughts on the terrain, and how I plan on approaching this battle. First of all I have quite a few options in this battle.. I could feasibly move on one or more of the following avenues of approach and I will be scouting them all: Even though my setup zone is spread across the width of the map, I will be setting up my entire force in the woods as indicated... Avenues of Approach (AOA): Axis Red is a sweeping move through the open ground to the left of the woods. I expect this route to be well covered and perhaps this is where he will deploy his armor or AT guns to block such a move. My intent on this action would be to blow through the town and seize Objective Red. This would be a mounted attack with my armor and tank riders. Axis Yellow-1 would move directly on the town to seize Objective Yellow in the town (note: there are two Objective yellows.. this is an error in the map for the allied objectives, this objective should be named Objective Blue). Axis Yellow-2 Another attack on the town objective... yellow-1 and yellow-2 do seem too direct for my taste... but I will have to wait until I see how the enemy is deployed before I decide whether this is a good approach or not. Axis Yellow-3 this approach would be a deep attack bypassing the town and attempting to seize Objective Yellow in the north. I like this route, as if I can achieve a breakthrough the payoff could be dramatic. Again, which AOA I choose will depend of course on enemy deployment and movements. Key Terrain The key terrain for this battle, at least in the opening stages are as indicated on this map. Control of this terrain is vital for the success of my attack, at least the key terrain on the AOA I ultimately choose. Observation and Field of Fire This image shows the key positions along Axis Yellow-2/3... from these two positions, my opponent can cover with fire any advance across the open danger area between these two wooded areas. This image illustrates the key positions necessary to cover the flank of any advance along Axis Yellow2/3 and across the danger area that would need to be crossed for Axis Yellow-1. The Axis Red route is interesting. There are several positions that allow my opponent to cover the route, but the LOS would be very patchy and fleeting. The terrain undulates and could provide good hull down positions and perhaps some good covered approaches. It would dilute Elvis's combat power tremendously to cover this approach completely. Now, with all that being said a few well placed mines could make any advance difficult and time consuming.. hmmm.. perhaps I do need a platoon of Pioneers.
  3. Jishmael, I really appreciate you contributing! Yes the IS-2 is an amazing piece of machinery... it is not invulnerable (ask pnzrldr ) but in this close terrain I much prefer the quicker maneuvering and faster loading T34/85s... it will make a difference. I am only including the ISU-122s because a few people have requested them.. and I want to show some new equipment off. I am willing to bring along one ISU-152.. but talk about a piece of eqipment that has failed to impress. Yes in this terrain you need to lead with infantry. In fact, you have to scout the terrain ahead before you commit any major portion of your combat power. regardless of whether its armor or infantry.
  4. Steve, they moved most of the Ft. Knox and Aberdeen Proving Ground armor collections to Ft. Benning.. I toured it yesterday. Its called the Armor Museum Restoration Shop... they were working on an M2 Light Tank turret while I was there. The place is simply incredible.
  5. Mikey, that would make me c3k, and I'll never stoop to his level.
  6. Would you call a task organized force (Battle Group, Kampfgruppe, Task Force, Combat Team) that was organized with the terrain in mind gamey? Because that is exactly what happened in real combat units.. sure they could not cherry pick units like we can, but this is a game, and these BETA AAR battles use cherry picked forces to show off certain features or units. I find QB games to be a lot of fun and a great test of skill. That is indeed gamey, but this is a game, and I enjoy facing off against a skilled opponent as if we sit across from each other with a really advanced chess board separating us.
  7. Jishmael, thanks for your thoughts. I know the ISU-122 is not ideal, but it is what the masses have called for and this is a BETA AAR, not personal, thus I hope to show off what people want to see.. and really the IS-2, as awesome as it is, is really just another tank. I would actually prefer a second platoon of T34/85s. Well the woods don't frighten me.. a nice infantry screen should reveal any surprises Elvis has in store.. hopefully I have an initial plan of maneuver and I will take whatever my opponent gives me.. but that detail will have to wait until the game begins. Thanks again! I appreciate the feedback.
  8. I will think about a flyover... but I will be doing a map analysis regardless.
  9. So for my purchases, I am looking at the following: • Two IL-2s - strafing (aircraft requirement) - might go own to one if I have trouble getting under the 3500 point limit • Tankodesantniki Company (SMG) • T-34/85 Platoon (3 tanks) I decided to go with 85s in case he does bring some big armor, and the cost difference is negligible • Two - ISU-122 (I decided to go with two 122s because the 152 carries so few rounds and the 122 reload sequence is quicker) • OT-34 (flamethrower requirement) • Two rifle companies • Battalion Support @ 6 HMG teams and 3 82mm mortars • Four supply trucks Anyway.. that is taking into account most of your suggestions, thanks for those.. sorry about the rocket artillery though.. I just couldn't justify the cost.
  10. 76mm you haven't been reading the thread then? I've been thinking about what Elvis might buy. I suspect the Hetzer will make an appearance... As for the large armor, if he buys too much he will not have much staying power. Maybe one Tiger or Panther to work with a Hetzer or two? None of those are cheap and I suspect will hit his rarity points hard. I don't know much about his play style, but I suspect a lot of infantry and infantry support weapons. There will be few long range tank engagements in this one. So maybe a lot of mortars maybe some off map stuff. Etc. he does have to buy a flamethrower and some AA. The flamethrower will be effective in any combat amongst the trees. So suspect he will get man packed flamethrowers. He does have access to a cool half track with dual flame sprayers and that would be neat to see. But I suspect it wouldn't live long.
  11. Ian, no I'll still get one platoon of T34/76s and the two ISUs. They and the tank rider SMG company will be my shock force.
  12. Vark, I was thinking my recon elements would be infantry due to the close terrain. Plus they are better at spotting. I learned a valuable lesson in my game with Ken when my armor was shooting in the dark because I couldn't spot his infantry.
  13. Oh, as far as unit quality goes I usually just get whatever the defaults are and then tweak the values up and down to get the most of of the points available.
  14. The SU tanks have HEAT rounds. But I don't think they carry very many. Okay I will purchase a couple of those big gunned tanks instead of a platoon of T34s. I'm open to off map artillery but not too excited about it to be honest. Yes I would then need to buy an FO as well. I don't think every Russian HQ can call in artillery. Well we'll see how big the outcry is for arty, but of course I have veto power.
  15. Yeah it'd be at the cost of one tank platoon.. I could purchase one SU-152 and one SU-122 if I cut three T-34s. Might be a good exchange. Sorry Speakeasy, I am not a fan of rocket artillery
  16. Those are 270-280 points each.. what would you sacrifice in my above list for a few of those?
  17. I am seeing a common theme with your requests.. a lot of infantry,, much of it SMG... that we can do for sure. Armor, yes the Russian tank platoon has 3 tanks.. I need to explore the point costs of tank riders and their mounts... maybe I can afford more than one platoon? Indirect artillery. can I ask why you guys, almost all of you, would like of map artillery? My philosophy is, even though I do a lot of area fire, is that I hate wasting firepower.. and indirect artillery takes so long to come in that it can be wasted if it doesn't arrive in sync with the attack. However, I had a very successful artillery barrage in my AAR with ND (CMFI BETA AAR).. so maybe. But I prefer on map assets.. either SP guns or mortars. Yes I am thinking of bringing several trucks for resupply. Aircraft - I was thinking of perhaps buying two strafing IL2s, problem is they bring a big hit to the rarirty cost.. 79 to purchase, 257 rarity... But rarity might not be an issue for me: Tankodesantniki Company - 3 platoons, with two platoons of T-34/76 costs: 1711 points and 0 rarity. That is six T34 tanks... maybe a good core to build on? I was thinking of an OT-34 to take care of my flamethrower requirement.. it costs 250 points and 1175 rarity. I suspect Elvis will purchase dismounted flamethrower(s) and think the armored variety would be fun. If I add two rifle companies to that with Battalion mortar and HMG support (6 82mm mortars, 6 Maxim HMG teams) my total goes to 3589 with 1649 rarity... so very close to my 3500 point limit. I could then play with the various settings to get beneath the 3500 point cap. I did not account for supply trucks so will have to sacrifice something to get at least four.. they are cheap though, from 32-35 points so I should be able to make room. Thoughts? Tweaks?
  18. So this AAR will of course serve to highlight some of the new features included in CM: Red Thunder. Note that this is still a BETA and as such whenever textures or other features are incomplete, those will not be highlighted until ready. For this little fight I will be taking on Elvis. The map is by the incomparable GeorgeMc, thanks George! It is of course a cropped down version of a map he created for a specific scenario. I gave Elvis the option to choose which side he would take, and he chose the Germans, he also preferred an Attack QB to an ME so that is what we will be doing. I will take the Russians and will be on the attack. Here is the QB setup screen: Note that even though we chose this as a large QB we will not be spending all of the available points. We will stay within these parameters: • Attacker (me): will spend no more than 3500 points • Defender (Elvis) will spend no more that 2500 points • We will use standard rarity.. not spending more than the points allotted (3500 & 2500) in the rarity column • Russian: must buy at least one aircraft • Russian: must purchase at least a platoon of tanks capable of carrying tank riders • German must buy at least one AAA gun (of any flavor) • We each must purchase at least one flamethrower, of any flavor • No limits on anything else As for what forces I will play with, what I want to do for this battle is take advice from you, and use that when purchasing my force. So start thinking of what you would like to see, we must include the items listed above, so keep that in mind. We will work point values out as we go. So you can get an idea on the type of terrain we are fighting over, here are some screen shots. These images are from the Russian setup area.. note that there are some fords so we can cross some of those beautiful streams that George provided. From the German side.. the built up area is a major concern. Finally, here is a large topo map for planning purposes. The grid is at 100m. Looking forward to hearing what your thoughts are and what type of force YOU think would be best to attack the German force defending. Please, if you read both threads keep the cross pollination to a minimum.
  19. PanzerMiller, yeah sorry. I am getting pulled off on something that is higher priority so this will have to wait. I'll try to update it as I get a chance. HL, the gridded terrain is my mod and is available on the repository.
  20. kensal, I am not aware of any holes in my set. This set should be complete, if you look at it in game and notice anything missing let me know.
  21. I added a new section to teh blog, this one for my mods, starting with my floating icon mod and my hex-shaped marker mod for CMBN. Get them here CMBN Mods
  22. The Third Minute My 1 Zug reserve squad (3rd squad) is moving into position this turn, A and B teams will be moving into the covered lane (discussed in my last post) to help shore up the defense of both that potential route and to cover two fields that need more support. C team will be kept back as the platoon reserve. Once again my opponent attempts to bully his way through the hedgerows... and pays for it. 1st Squad's A and C teams push this attempt back through the hedgerow. Here is the video of the action. Finally here is an image showing the current situation... note that there was almost no movement on my left but a lot was noticed on the right. I cannot make any determinations about what this might mean at this point, I need to see a few more turns of action to see if there are any patterns that I can take advantage of. I definitely do not have enough enemy contacts to account for more than a company's worth of troops.. and he has up to a full battalion so I am still gathering information. Also notice that in the backfield I have placed two trucks, the intent was to use these to resupply my forward units as they fall back. Always think in depth when defending... and consider that your forward elements might burn through their ammo quite quickly before being forced out of position so plan for resupply if possible.
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