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Posts posted by Timskorn

  1. The simple fact that Hubert is known to fully support his product should be enough to ease any fears. Play the original SC and then compare it to the final patched version and you'll see.

    Not to mention that he so generously created an awesome editor to go along with it, we can expect many many mods and scenarios in the future. On top of that, he's even supporting the editor to some degree and patching THAT. smile.gif

  2. Hey Hopper, thanks! Yep, I considered adding a city next to Casablanca which would help the current NA invasion. If it works, I'll keep it in, if it doesn't I'll keep it out until the patch.

    The direct attack on Sicily would be a nice option, but without naval support a human player could lie in wait for the transports and knock 'em out. My original intention (and the current script) calls for the US to take Algiers, move on Tripoli and then launch from there to Sicily.

    If I can't get it to work I'll shut it off for now and let the US build up better in the UK for D-Day. Thanks again for the feedback!

  3. Charon: Thanks, and you beat it in 1942?? That's pretty amazing, but I suppose that it's possible if you can perform a successful Sealion against the AI since Egpyt is typically a lost cause for the UK.

    One of the adjustments I'll be doing is garrisoning UK troops better to help with a potential Sealion. It seems pretty easy for most people to do agains the AI however.

    I've also noticed the general AI is pretty weak in determining when and what units to attack, like you mentioned in your Russia situation. When they should be sitting and defending (clearly outnumbered and outgunned in their area) they attack over a river in the dead of winter. Other times they make decent decisions, but some like these can have big repercussions especially if they are attacking with a key unit like a tank. It seems difficult for the AI to focus on eliminating a single unit, so they end up just damaging a bunch of units.

  4. Yeah the Coups are designed to give a huge boost in diplomatic relations, but they don't instantly turn them over to a specific side.

    As for the North Africa invasion, I've decided for the next version to take it out completely. Until I can get them to all land at Algiers right after the DoW, and also be protected by US warships, it's a waste of US troops that would be better spent in the UK.

    What year is it for you and how is the war going so far?

  5. Thanks again for the feedback guys! Useful in working on the next version. Unfortunately some things will have to wait to be fixed until the 1st patch.

    Karhu: I've played a lot and I noticed on 2 occassions when France didn't fall immediately after taking Paris, but it seems rare and never went longer than 2 turns. I certainly haven't touched anything regarding their surrender scripts, anyway.

  6. Heya Chris! Russian tanks out of Iran? Were you in Iran or was the AI?

    Yeah, the US NA invasion is tough to have happen correctly right now. Even when an HQ is sent the player has an easy time of dispatching them. Hopefully the 1st patch will allow us to have transports ready to drop the same turn as the DoW, that way the US can quickly take Algiers instead of making the long (and low supply) trek from Casablanca.

    Are you sure nothing happens with the Iraq/Yugo coups? If you check the diplomacy screen Iraq should be heavily leaning towards Axis and Yugo should be heavily leaning towards Allies after the coups.

    Currently working on the next version and ensuring D-Day happens with enough force. Glad to hear Russia is tough as she is the key to the entire war, but I'm still working on making her even tougher. smile.gif

  7. I enjoyed HoI for awhile because of the massively grand scale, which I had been looking for since Command HQ (hah!). I wasn't excited for HoI2 though and never bought it. SC2 just "feel's" more like I'm participating in WW2, and has a much better combat system imo. In HoI I'd basically just look at the numbers for both sides in a fight and if they were dropping faster than my enemy, I'd pull back.

    Nothing against Paradox, in fact I really enjoyed their mess of a game "Victoria" due to its massive scope, and their EU series is probably their most popular franchise. I simply get more entertainment out of SC.

  8. Great, nice info LC!

    1. Glad to hear Russia is tougher, and it sounds that the % probability just happened to create an extra 2-3 HQ's than it normally does. Doubtful they'd do it again on another playthrough. I focus Russia's IT research to ensure a steady income of MPP's to create units.

    2. How did you go about dominating the sea around England, did you get higher level subs or were you just overly aggressive with air/sea in preparation for Sealion?

    3. Until the 1st patch, experienced players will be able to continue to defeat the AI in Egypt and the US in Algiers. Right now it's impossible to do a 'surprise' hit on Algiers, or reinforce the Brits in Egypt through conventional means.

    As for the diplo pressure on Spain, I do plan on making it more variable. Right now it's completely focused on Spain, but I plan on spreading out the %'s a bit more and even try to get Russia in early. Should add enough variety to each replay of the campaign.

    Thanks again for the feedback! I'm glad it at least made it a bit more difficult for an experienced player. smile.gif

  9. I'm currently working on the next version so any more detailed feedback on people's experiences is much appreciated. smile.gif Thanks to those who have already!

    Specifically, these are some of the more important things I'm looking at:

    1. Russia: Was she tougher? What year did you have both Moscow and Stalingrad?

    2. D-Day: When did it occur? Were US troops involved or just British? Did it happen at a critical time for you, or did you have enough units to defeat D-Day?

    3. North Africa: Did you ever take Alexandria, or did the British ever take Tobruk or Iraq? Did the US ever successfully take Algiers?

    4. General: What difficulty did you play it on and with how many experience bars for the AI?

    I'm currently working on the Brit AI in Egypt, the code for D-Day and further refining the Russian defensive AI (Including a Ural Mountains defense should both Moscow and Stalingrad fall).

    [ May 08, 2006, 07:23 AM: Message edited by: Timskorn ]

  10. Hah, I'm not sure, we don't have that kind of control with the editor. I just tell the units to go there and take Algiers, and the AI decides where to place the units. smile.gif

    Stalin's Organist: No, any changes to the AI .txt files (production, research, etc) cannot be used with saved games. If you were to add anything to a .txt file you would need to compile the campaign in the editor and then start a new game.

  11. Ranchero: Thanks, I know what that is. I had pop up boxes in to let me know things were activating properly, but I guess I left some spaces in that still causes it to popup.

    JJ: Odd! Yeah, I've never touched that trigger, that's standard for the campaign and I think Canada will eventually join anyway right? I've never seen them not join anyway, just not maybe in Nov all the time.

  12. Edwin: I've found that in my recent games the AI (US and Russia) have had excessive funds as well. What I've been doing is finding the approximate month/year that either side begins accumulating this much and placing in a new production plan starting around that time. Once 1943 hits, for example, I increase the odds by 5% or so of producing Corps/Army/Tanks and also increasing the # they produce by 2. It's not perfect but it'll ensure if the AI purchases tanks, they'll buy up to 5 at a time if they have the funds.

  13. Thanks Retributar for the info. Sounds like the US got a bad roll with the North Africa invasion. They usually have an HQ available to send with the attack, but in some cases they don't by the time it's launched.

    Glad to hear Moscow still stands in the summer of 1943. smile.gif

    As for D-Day this is something I'll be continually tweaking. It really has to be balanced so that it doesn't happen too late or too early. I'm finding that a summer of 1944 launch date is becoming more and more optimal in terms of force size, but most good players will be finishing up in Russia by then. smile.gif

  14. Glad to hear it Retributar! Yeah, the Operation Torch plan was the only alternate event I added to the original Fall Weiss campaign. It's historically correct and puts early US pressure on the Axis.

    Couple questions for ya:

    1. Did the US land during D-Day as well, or just the Brits?

    2. Where are you currently at in Russia and what month/year is it for you?

    3. Did the Brits try attacking Tobruk or Iraq, or have you taken over Alexandria already?

    Since all the production/research scripts are based on percentages, every game will play out differently, so I'd like to get a gauge from those are who playing the game as to how things are turning out.

  15. Kristian: Thanks for the feedback! As far as the US transports and the DoW on Vichy France, this is only something Hubert can fix. Right now it's impossible for me to get the AI to move transports next to Vichy France first, and then DoW. The DoW happens first and then the transports move to the goal position. Hopefully after the 1st patch we'll get the ability to move the transports into position first and then DoW, which would make taking Vichy France much more effective (and I could do I direct Algiers landing, for example). But for now it DOES work, and the transports will land and do their thing, just not as effectively as it should be.

    Karhu: All ya need to do is extract it into your Campaigns folder. It'll add a new folder called "_1939 Fall Weiß TK Allied AI Mod" and also drop the actual .cgn (campaign) file into the Campaigns folder. That's it, then just load'er up. It's considered its own scenario, so you don't need to mess with the original Fall Weiss folder or campaign at all. You can still play that one as it was out of the box, so to speak. smile.gif

  16. Hey guys, glad to see it's been enjoyable so far. I just got back from NH on a camping/canoing/hiking trip with a bunch of friends.

    Fantomas: Thanks, I agree, I'd like to include a detailed readme next time on all the changes (big and small). I would put a disclaimer on it though if people didn't want spoilers. Some of the stuff is nice to be 'surprised' with at first, but after that you want to know more about it and the readme would be good for that.

    Ranchero: Thanks, I'm glad you're enjoying it so far. This is the first version and I plan on refining it even more, especially once HC releases the 1st patch.

    LampCord: Yes, I did. I switched their pressure from Yugoslavia to Spain to better reflect a common human strategy for the Axis to switch Spain. This is one of those things that I did that wasn't necessarily historically correct, but one that didn't deviate 'too' much and is a tactic to counter a typical Axis strategy at this point.

    Russia definitely techs up very well with the changes I did. They typically get level 2 or 3 minimum on infantry and heavy tanks, and level 4 IT which allows them to get a LOT of MPP's.

    I'm definitely interested to hear more feedback from people, the good/bad/ugly and suggestions for future versions.

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