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Posts posted by Timskorn

  1. August 1940

    Luftwaffe continues bombings of London but RN runs into two German cruisers off the west coast of France and quickly sends more ships to engage. The Gneisenau is knocked down to 6 and the Scharnhorst to 5 as it sits in the port of Brest.

    Rambo finds quick and easy success in Alexandria, strolling into the deserted city. Where's all the British? smile.gif Two Corps. remain in Cairo but it's not enough to hold the Axis off, so transports are loaded and they're shipped off around the cape.

    Still have yet to see any subs after the sinking of U-30. I imagine if they're tech'd up I'll be seeing them within a couple of turns now...

  2. I'm sure if he knew he'd post it by now. Anytime you do the amount of changes HC is doing there needs to be a LOT of testing done, and things can crop up at the last minute. If he said "Friday", and on Thursday an unforseen problem comes up, he'll either have to delay it again (and get everyone upset) or release it anyway and get everyone upset. Best to release it "when it's done".

  3. R.J. pretty much said what I was going to say. The current system is a cool idea, but it's too basic to accurately reflect true morale changes. And as R.J. pointed out, if anything morale was dictated by events on the battlefield, which is not reflected in the game at all. If you've ever read personal accounts of men at war, you'll know that the things that affect them the most are what's going on right around them.

    If the Russians are striking back at the Germans and rolling them over but suddenly lose heart because Tunisia fell, that's an inaccurate potrayal of morale.

  4. Definitely! Game development is some grueling stuff. I've been on a couple of projects myself that lasted a year, and the company I work for had been developing their game for nearly 5 years (Titan Quest).

    Fury Software, being the small dev studio that it is AND working on a niche game must involve some very long hours and stressful days for HC. Forummers often only see the end product and are so quick to be negative about things, and threads like these are really needed!

    I play a lot of games, ranging from sports on the Xbox to Half-Life 2 and Rome: Total War...games with high budgets and fancy graphics. A game like SC doesn't seem to stand a chance against the 'big companies' but HC has done a terrifc job with it and has made an exciting WW2 strategy game that we'll be playing for years until SC3 comes out.

    I actually loaded SC2 up yesterday at Ironlore where I work and had about five different people come up to me and ask about the game. Four of them were really interested after I explained the jist of it to them so I'm hoping they'll check out the demo and buy a copy. smile.gif Tomorrow is 'game day', so hopefully I'll catch a few more in the net and get 'em interested.

    Anyway, great game HC and everyone involved with the development of SC2 and I hope you're enjoying good sales with it...we all want to see SC3, 4 and 5. ;) Or even a new grand-strategy franchise, bigger...and better??

  5. Not much going on yet. Rambo seemed to put the brunt of his forces into the attack on France as no visible activity went on elswhere. Italy is pretty quiet, although a cruiser was spotted off of Malta, but doubtful he's gearing up to take that.

    I didn't manage to take out any units during the defense of France but I inflicted light to moderate damage on most of his core units there by the time Paris fell, and nearly knocked out an Army group. I imagine he'll be spending upwards of 200-300 MPP's repairing all of his units and almost all the French units were gone when France surrendered so hopefully he had a low MPP yield out of those paintings. ;)

    We're now entering the post-France stage, it's about late July 1940 and it'll probably be 2-3 turns before I see where his next move is. No diplo movement seen in Spain yet and Italy is suspiciously quiet.

  6. Back to the real deal...

    DCR Tank Group in Paris goes down fighting, knocking 2-4 points off of multiple units. British hold onto Brest + port for a few turns, squeezing out what MPP they can from it. Lights are out in Europe...where Axis forces will be striking next remains to be seen.

    USSR is gearing up production and the UK cabinet is considering its next move as part of their "Action Not Reaction" military strategy.

  7. Cool, I know a few of us are very much looking forward to it, and your scenario may be a great foundation for other designers to make other versions.

    On one hand I agree, for gameplay purposes it may be better to make both sides equal from the beginning. On the other (and more difficult) hand, I believe a balanced game CAN be done while remaining historically accurate. In a way the situation is similar to the Axis/Allies predicament. Axis (Confederates) enjoy early success while the Allies (Union) must work to get their manpower and resources in full gear to turn the tide of war.

    I would love to check your scenario out and work on another version of it in the near future, I see it as a wonderful challenge to balance the game and remain close to historical accuracy. Having a faithfully reproduced game of the ACW available, for FREE, would give some people enough reason to buy SC2 just for that.

  8. French 4th Army on the Maginot, the last Army left there, withstands withering attacks by more than 3 German units and 3 Luftwaffe runs. The snow has done its job so far! French Tank in Paris sorties out against another German Corp., stinging them in the nose and racking up some experience in the process.

    In the Atlantic the crippled U-30 fires a torpedo and manages to get a hit on an RN Battleship before attempting to escape again, only to be caught in the net and finally sunk to the bottom. RN accepts this as a first minor victory in the war at sea.

    Italy gets trigger happy at the prospect of Paris falling soon and joins the Axis.

  9. Winter finally hits and the French are hoping it'll be a long and blistery one. Paris armor enjoys some target practice on VIII Corp. in the snow to keep their engines warm while U-30 is chased unmercifully into the Atlantic. I have to say, subs are painful. Even if they don't dive they barely take any damage. I can see how advanced subs could dominate a game.

  10. French curse the weather. November and no rain? Storm clouds should be brewing.

    French counter-attack German 4th army, soon to send it scurrying back behind the lines or livened up with some freshies from boot. French army near Paris reinforced and hoping some chilly weather will let them live for another month.

    German U-30 spotted off the western coast of France and dinged up as allied ships pursue her into the cold Atlantic sea.

  11. Haha, great title.

    Poles strike out valiantly. Runstedt's tent has a few bullet holes in it and his staff car driver is dead. A couple German armies and a tank group take a little heat on their way through Poland. Warsaw reinforced, awaiting invevitable doom.

    French forces strike the Siegfried line, where a fresh German Corp. straight outta boot is shown the art of war.

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