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Posts posted by Timskorn

  1. It sounds like some people are wanting more visual feedback of enemy units so they're not surprised by some flank attack, or so they can spot a weakness somewhere in the enemy defense easier. Others are looking for simply more feedback from the Reports, giving general overall unit strength of each country. To me these are pretty different requests.

    Personally I feel there is enough ability to scout enemy positions right now. Russia is the only real place that I think people have trouble with because it's so huge. In France and North Africa, it's not very difficult to get a visual on pretty much every enemy unit in the area.

    I'm in favor of making the Reports more useful, but I'm against revealing any more of the FoW. The more you can visually see of your opponents forces the closer you get to a non-FoW game, which would play out more like a game of chess.

  2. Isn't part of the strategy finding that info out for yourself? If you displayed the # of overall enemy units in the report, it would either have to be 100% accurate or not at all, otherwise the info would be pretty useless. If it says Russia has 25 units and I've only seen 5 so far, will that report really affect my strategic thinking if I know that 25 is a wrong number? I'm still going to base my strategy around what I've seen so far, and what I believe my opponent has.

    If we're talking about giving 100% accurate feedback on the # of enemy troops, then it becomes more like chess in that you determine your moves precisely based on what your opponent has and what he's currently doing with them. If the report says he has 15 units, and I see 5 around Moscow and 10 scattered around Rostov/Stalingrad, I'll know exactly what I can get away with around Moscow.

    I suppose some people want that level of strategy, and I agree that less randomness is better in strategy games, but SC2 is not a pure strategy game. There's a ton of random factors that can determine the outcome of the game. Maybe it would be funner knowing the exact amount of troops my opponent has, but I think with the type of game SC2 is and the uncertainty of war in general, not knowing all of this info is PART of the strategy, and getting as much of it as you can through scouting helps your overall strategy.

  3. From what I understand the non-script AI does create its own offensive and defensive plans based on the situation, but I'm fairly positive these are only for local situations. I don't think it would ever invade the UK or US unless it had a script for it. The 1st patch may have some of these scripts in it, but I imagine HC will leave it up to the community to make them.

    If the AI was winning so much to where you were stuck in the UK and Russia had fallen, most players would have probably quit by then and started over which is why those scripts are probably absent.

  4. Thanks Jollyguy and yeah, it's still very early and I know JJR's "combat" records so I'll definitely not underestimate him. Hopefully this'll be the last major showing of the Kriegsmarine. At the same time, I have lost the entire Middle-East and exposed Russia's belly.

    I feel like against an opponent like JJR, you have to go all-in with the UK to either England or Egypt, but not both, or you're setting yourself up for short and long-term defeat. I think I'd rather have England, as now I have both strong sea and land forces, and a clear Atlantic for the US to move around in.

  5. First "battle" of the Atlantic is beginning around Brest. My attack against the Gneisenau and Scharnhorst brought out the Luftwaffe and U-boats.

    Rambo moves over 3 LF to the shores of France, 2 U-boats and another cruiser.

    11 various RN ships swarm around Brest. One sub down, another wounded and surrounded. One LF hit down to 7. 2 RAF on standby, including 2 additional carriers for the Luftwaffe counter-attack.

    Rambo's subs, surface ships and air all show level 1. If he stays to fight this battle will be bloody, but unless he has something up his sleeve Churchill will be popping cham-pain-ya soon.

    Egypt falls but was expected as I've evacuated everyone from the area. US and Russia are alarmed and their readiness increases.

  6. Major Spinello: It doesn't cover a wide range of topics outside of the bunker. It centers mostly on Hitler and his staff (Himmler, Speer, Goebbels, etc) Eva Braun and Hitler's secretary (which I believe most of the movie is based off of her memoirs). It does show some of the fighting in around Berlin, and includes a side-story with the Volkssturm and a 13 year old boy.

    Bruno Ganz does an unbelievable job in the role, recommended just to see him transform into the lunatic. The movie also paints a picture of those who had lost complete faith in Hitler, Nazism, the war, etc and those who nearly worshipped him until the end, willing to rather die with him than to see a world without the "dream" of Nazism.

    [ May 27, 2006, 09:20 PM: Message edited by: Timskorn ]

  7. He's posted quite a bit already what is being fixed/added, although they are mostly just confirmations that it's being addressed.

    Off the top of my head:

    - AI will upgrade their units properly

    - Russian AI will defend smarter

    - Ability to task naval units to specific tiles

    - Allies will react properly if you ignore France and go after Russia

    - D-Day will work

    - Can send units around the cape

    Not sure about event scripts. I doubt HC will do too much extra stuff (Like Operation Torch or Axis invasion of Norway, or Sweden, Spain, etc). I'm sure he'd rather leave that stuff up to the community, and I'd rather him spend time on stuff WE can't work on anyway. smile.gif Just the AI upgrading its units will do a lot in terms of difficulty.

  8. Yes, and some units you don't always want all the upgrades. For backwater garrison I won't upgrade at all. Partisan duty I'll only upgrade infantry weapons. Sometimes I really need to start production on units but I don't want to wait to have enough MPP to purchase it with full upgrades.

    Kuni: Yeah, hopefully the editor will become used enough (or the mods made with it popular enough) for HC to justify additional work on it. It's pretty awesome as it is, but with any editor there are always things we want to do but can't. HC has already made a good # of additions for the 1st patch, so hopefully he'll continue that with subsequent patches.

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