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Posts posted by aka_tom_w

  1. Mac rumour Link here:


    EXCLUSIVE: Apple Planning Intel-Ready iBook Debut for January

    By Ryan Katz, Senior Editor

    November 17, 2005 - Apple is planning to release its first entry-level iBook laptops with Intel processors next January at Macworld Expo in San Francisco, highly reliable sources have confirmed to Think Secret.

    It is not known exactly what processors or price points the new models will debut at, but it is thought Apple will expand the iBook line with one additional model and will lower prices—in some cases possibly $200 or more—to entice current Windows users and prove to the market it will be more competitive with the likes of Dell, Gateway, HP and Sony.

    Those behind the report of Intel-ready iBooks are the same sources responsible for past reports of the Mac mini and photo iPod, first reported by Think Secret.

    Those sources have told Think Secret to not rule out the possible release of other Intel-based Macs at Macworld Expo, but that it is more likely the initial release of products with the new processor will be consumer-based products only and not professional, high-end lines, such as PowerBooks and towers, as some Web sites have reported.

    Apple will almost certainly tap Intel's forthcoming Yonah processor for the iBooks, a successor to the company's Pentium M. It is unknown whether Apple will go with a dual-core version of the processor, slated for release in January, or a single-core version, which Intel announced in August would be delivered shortly after the dual-core version. The dual-core Yonah chip could very likely deliver performance greater than Apple's current G4-based PowerBooks.

    There is a little more at the web site if you are interested.

    -tom w

  2. It could still be a list

    like a hierarchy

    Battalion commander

    *.............Company Commader Able

    *..........................Platoon 1

    *.................................Squad 1

    *....................................Squad 2

    *.......................................Squad 3

    *..........................Platoon 2

    and so on

    With "carrots" or triangles (*) for drop downs

    yes and this sounds good too:

    Arrange the roster so that it looks like an organization table, with units and subunits arranged by hierarchy. The reason behind this is so that if you were to click on the name of a platoon, for instance, all the units in that platoon would be highlighted on the map and you could give all of them one single set of group commands.
    That all sounds sort of intuitive I hope smile.gif

    -tom w

  3. Thanks Steve

    May I make a suggestion? smile.gif

    ( I would like to hear from other folks on this one too.)

    How about this....

    As a interface design or feature....

    While playing in RealTime the Roster should be quick and easy and instantly available.

    Lets suppose most folks now use the ever popular scroll wheel 3 button mouse. (And YES Apple had even jumped into the game with the Mighty Mouse that scrolls BOTH vertically and horizontally! Apple Mighty Mouse page .

    OK so here is the idea...

    I am sure Steve and the gang have given this some thought and maybe they have something better easier and faster up their sleeve.....But about about this:

    Just let me Right click on the mouse anywhere on the map (not on a unit) and the Roster will pop up like an overlay on the map (maybe somewhat transparent). Then let me use the scroll wheel to scroll through the list really quickly and click on just one unit I need to issue orders to. I left click on the name of that unit in the list and the roster disappears and the interface takes me right to the unit and lets me give it orders right away. :D

    your comments and suggestions?

    -tom w

    [ November 17, 2005, 05:32 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]

  4. That simple "roster" or Order of Battle would be a great addition to the game for players who need to find units FAST or navigate inbetween units quickly in RealTime play.

    If they are giving us RealTime it would be nice to make the user interface so quick and "nimble" (perhaps with the addition of the "new" quick and dirty Order of Battle) that that easy navigating and moving between units RealTime play would be enhanced and now possible with the new "Roster" gizmo thing (or something) smile.gif

    Just dreaming.

    What ever they give us in the way of an interface for RealTime play WILL be the same for both sides so both players will have the same advantages and disadvantages (time constraint) in RealTIme play no matter how they lay out or design the interface.


    -tom w

  5. What I mean by an Order of Battle is simply a list of all your units and having them act as hotlinks to the actual unit.


    I could be wrong but I think that is all most folks here are asking for when they want the Order of Battle to be somehow part of the interface.

    This is all we are asking for "simply a list of all your units and having them act as hotlinks to the actual unit."

    I could be wrong but I had thought that was all that was ever requested?


    -tom w

  6. I did not know what COLT was so I looked it up and found this web page

    more here:

    Pen Box Operations

    The key events in 1st Cavalry Division Pen Box operations follow a rough timetable that I have summarized in Figure 1. From H-hour minus 48 hours to 36 hours (H-48 to H-36), the targeting team begins to adjust the location of the Pen Box, based on intelligence gathered as part of the deep effort. The 48- and 24-hour looks at the targets of the deep fight provide us with the ability to see the enemy in the expected Pen Box. With this information, the division can adjust the collection effort or scheme of maneuver as needed to support the expected location of the Pen Box. The key to this phase is to identify quickly which assets at theater, corps, or division are required to improve our picture of the Pen Box, especially those assets that require long-range adjustment and coordination such as the combat observation lasing team (COLT) and signals intelligence (SIGINT). At the same time, the targeting team plans air interdiction (AI) and other deep actions to remove the enemy's ability to affect the Pen Box.

    From H-36 to H-24, the collection effort focuses on confirming the enemy disposition and the effective emplacement of collection assets. The division Pen Box team coordinates with the maneuver brigades for the aerial emplacement of COLT teams and any additional deep collection assets. This emplacement is best done in conjunction with the division's deep attack, conducted between H-24 and H-12.

    During this same timeframe (H-36 to H-24), the targeting team conducts a subsequent review, refining its deep plans and the identification of AI targets. Initial close air support (CAS) allocations developed for maneuver units are published in the Air Tasking Order (ATO). Also, the brigade targeting team begins its initial input to the Pen Box process. The brigade team begins to identify initial Pen Box locations and to nominate targets that will require division resources to locate.

    Between H-24 to H-12, the targeting team focuses on building an initial synchronization timeline for execution. CAS allocation is finalized for maneuver units based on any adjustments to the ATO. The maneuver brigade tasked with the Pen Box mission must refine the zone to the desired area of ten kilometers by ten kilometers. The intent here is not to obtain a perfect square box but to allow the division to focus the collection effort on the projected zone of penetration to support our scheme of maneuver and the targeting process.

    At H-12, the Pen Box team meets to finalize the synchronization of all assets operating in support of the Pen Box operation. The team also meets at H-8 and H-6 to finalize mission requirements. Fire plans are built at the fire support element (FSE) at the division main command post (D-Main) and are refined as necessary. The FSE passes the plan to the division artillery (DIVARTY) tactical operations center fire direction center (FDC) NLT H-6, with the final revision due NLT H-4. After H-4, the fire support coordinator (FSCOORD) is the approving authority for targets in the target plan. Targets not on the target plan are passed to DIVARTY and treated as targets of opportunity.

  7. It happened, U.S. admitted to it

    US used white phosphorus in Iraq

    Falluja suffered great damage during the offensive

    The Pentagon has confirmed that US troops used white phosphorus during last year's offensive in the northern Iraqi city of Falluja.

    "It was used as an incendiary weapon against enemy combatants," spokesman Lt Col Barry Venable told the BBC.

    Col Venable denied that the substance - which can cause burning of the flesh - constituted a banned chemical weapon.

    Early this month, Italian state TV, Rai, said white phosphorus had been used against civilians in Falluja.

    White phosphorus is an incendiary weapon, not a chemical weapon

    Col Barry Venable

    Pentagon spokesman

    US military interview

    The US military vehemently denies this.

    Washington is not a signatory of an international treaty restricting the use of white phosphorus devices.

    The US-led assault on Falluja - a stronghold of the Sunni insurgency west of Baghdad - displaced most of the city's 300,000 population and left many of its buildings destroyed.


    Col Venable told the BBC's PM programme that the US army used white incendiary munitions "primarily as obscurants, for smokescreens or target marking in some cases".

    "However it is an incendiary weapon and may be used against enemy combatants."


    Spontaneously flammable chemical used for battlefield illumination

    Contact with particles causes burning of skin and flesh

    Use of incendiary weapons prohibited for attacking civilians (Protocol III of Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons)

    Protocol III not signed by US

    Rai interview

    And he said it had been used in Falluja, but it was "conventional munition", not a chemical weapon.

    It is not "outlawed or illegal", Col Venable said.

    "When you have enemy forces that are in covered positions that your high explosive artillery rounds are not having an impact on and you wish to get them out of those positions, one technique is to fire a white phosphorus round or rounds into the position because the combined effects of the fire and smoke - and in some case the terror brought about by the explosion on the ground - will drive them out of the holes so that you can kill them with high explosives," he said.

    He said a statement on the US state department denying it had been used was old and based on "poor information".

    After the Rai documentary was broadcast on 8 November, Italian protesters went to the US embassy in Rome to vent their fury.

    But a spokesman at the UK Ministry of Defence said the use of white phosphorus was permitted in battle in cases where there were no civilians near the target area.

    web page source BBC
  8. great link


    TONY CAPACCIO: "Colonel, do you have any specific tactical instances where in the city Mosul these vehicles accomplished more than a tank could of or a Bradley could have, given their construction and their mobility?"

    COL. BROWN: "How much time do you have? Because I could give you an example every single night. I'll give you one example of a company. In Deuce Four, 1-24 Infantry, a young company commander out being very agile and adaptive, he went out, and during the day some cars drove by and fired at the Strykers. They chased the cars in the Stryker. You wouldn't have been able to keep up in a tank or a Bradley. They chased the cars. The guys got out of the car and being, again, the cowards that they are, they hid behind women and children, so the soldiers didn't shoot them. But they went up to the cars. They found caches of weapons in the cars, and they found their wallets in the cars. They then went to some sources who said, yeah, we know where these guys live. So two hours later, they went and raided the home with one platoon, captured some more. Those guys talked. They went and raided more.

    By the end of the night, one night, one Stryker company, about 120 soldiers, about, you know, 14 Strykers involved, went seven different locations, captured 15 out of 20 terrorist cell members, captured mortar systems, sniper rifles, a very large cache of weapons, et cetera, all that was mobile, all in cars. And they were able to get their quickly using their digital capability, using the speed of the Stryker, and oh, by the way, maintained perfect situational understanding at this time using a UAV up above and all the digital systems in what the Stryker affords. And the biggest thing the Stryker affords is nine infantrymen out in this urban setting -- this was all in a city, population of 2 million -- a very populated area, downtown city area that this happened. So that's one example."

  9. Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

    Group Commands may or may not make it in. We'll just have to see. There are a lot of niggly little problems for us to work through to make this feature somewhat useful instead of totally useless.


    Please keep us updated about where you are at with Group commands.

    I think something like a "group command" is important for the quick action in Realtime play.


    -tom w

  10. Group Commands

    I am not sure if we are talking about the same thing here...

    Perhaps this issue needs and/or deserves its own thread.


    If we are talking about "band -boxing" or group selecting a whole bunch of units and asking them all to do the same thing once, (like in CMx1 almost all units could be group selected and asked to MOVE forward) THEN this is a MUST for RealTime play IMO.

    I say this because the quick and dirty way to play CMx1 if you are really lazy is to group select or band box all your units and have them ALL move forward. Done! thats it. Its ugly, but it gets the game moving quick.

    NOW in CM:SF if there is a time constraint inherent with any RealTime system then group orders and band boxing of similiar units becomes a MUST HAVE feature IMO. smile.gif

    I could be wrong and they may have overhauled the User Interface so heavily that some other quick and dirty system (whatever it is) will work better to issue commands to multiple grouped units all at the same time in RealTime and that would be fine. BUT for Realtime play the player should have some option to use some very quick and dirty (quick and easy) method to order mulitple units to all do the same thing. All move and ALL target are big ones off the top of my head.

    I don't think we are asking for group moves with mulitple way points (although in RealTime that would be nice), but some form of group move or group order would be a great help in a tense RealTime battle.


    -tom w

    [ November 15, 2005, 07:17 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]

  11. Originally posted by Ivan Drago:

    I'll settle for a couple of small, incomplete beta screens of some combat, **** blowing up, y'know, general stuff I can compulsively masturbate to for the next 8 months as I drink cup after cup of coffee while sittin at my Dell, lurking and refreshing this board every few minutes for any new tidbit of game mechanics or the occasional witty quip by some pompous, middle-aged blowhard.

    But hey, that's just me... ;)tongue.gif

    um, no.... :(

    ... actually I sort of think that pretty much typifies most of us here in this forum if not ALL of us reading this thread smile.gif

    That one sentence could easily be someone's signature line.

    ( I like mine now so I don't plan to change it :D )

    -tom w

  12. Mac video card options web page: video cards for new Macs

    Gaming Performance

    3D gaming involves complex visualizations and rapid movements that require maximum processor performance and top-of-the-line graphics capabilities — all with more complexity and better texturing than ever before. Frame rates were measured using the game Halo, one of the most popular gaming titles on the market today, which leverages the programmability features of the graphics card.(3)


    NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GT

    Need faster performance for motion graphics, animation, and 3D design and visualization? Upgrade to the NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GT, designed to accelerate the latest creative applications and blockbuster games.

    NVIDIA GeForce 6600 LE and GeForce 6600

    Standard Power Mac G5 configurations come with the GeForce 6600 LE or the GeForce 6600 from NVIDIA — providing excellent all-around performance for creative applications and office productivity.

    Comparison reference chart web page article and review web page from Nvidia

    how's that?

    -tom w web page from Nvidia

    [ November 13, 2005, 12:38 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]

  13. And if you expect to play your computer game on the Mac OS X platform you can multiply your comments and complaints by about 100 -1000 times!

    I am only playing two games right now. No other games are worth my time. Sim City 4.0 for OS X is not really a military strategy game so that doesn't count (BUT I can play it on my OS X only Power Book so I like to waste my time with it because it is calming sort of)

    The other game is CMAK, still played on an OLD OS 9 iMac in the basement, when I have a chance.

    Other games? What other games??? they are all crap and not worth the time or effort to buy or download, (where download via purchase is an option).

    I would rather spend my time posting and ranting on this forum (perhaps like Abbott smile.gif ) than waste my time playing bad crappy, boring, predictable video games, (most of which are not available for OS X anyway).

    So if anyone out there knows of any great new games for OS X that they like or are playing or would reccomend I would like to hear from them (but that might need another thread because Abbott original post was not about the lack of OS X games, JUST the lack of GOOD games in general)

    I agree the three best games I have ever purchase were the three BFC classics! CMBO CMBB and CMAK!

    Sadely Abbott, we are a VERY narrow market, I think we are lucky there is still ONE good game developer that takes our interests to heart and still listens and we are posting on their forum. :D FWIW

    -tom w

  14. Originally posted by Cpl Steiner:

    The Strat AI scripting idea sounds very interesting, but will it be purely linear? I can imagine this making a scenario very predicable after a couple of play-throughs.

    It would be nice if the designer could specify some "switches" or "triggers" to alter the AI behaviour depending on events. For instance, perhaps one route of attack could be closed off if it receives a lot of enemy fire, resulting in the AI using another less preferred route.

    I am not concerned about this.

    After a scenario is played once it should be understood the Strat AI behaviour each time the scenario would be re-played would likely be similiar and predictable.

    If you want a new challenge play another pre-made scenario.

    I would suggest it is unreasonable to expect the Strat AI to be upredictable each time a designed and hinted scenario is played over and over again.

    Look at the shear number new scenarios available for CMBO CMBB, and CMAK. After just a few months of the release there will be so many new user designed scenarios available you should never need to play the same one twice.

    I disagree completely with the idea that a user made scenario should be coded to be play different ever time you re-play the scenario. The thrill of playing the scenario is always best the first time around and after that it is just "another NOT new, already played" scenario in my mind. For a new challenge either design a new scenario for someone else to enjoy or download another new user made scenario and play it for the first time and see if you do any better. Or you could fall back on the ever popular "Quick battle" and see how you do there.

    -tom w

  15. One of the things we are allowing scenario designers is the ability to "spell things out" for the StratAI. Instead of CM trying to figure out how things should go, the designer can give some pretty strong instructions. For example, defining where the best defensive locations are for an Objective or what the best advance route is to an Objective. Stuff like that. Since the worst problems with the StratAI were determining context, its performance should be quite a bit better.
    That sounds GREAT! smile.gif

    Solo play against WELL made scenario's by "Big Name", Marquee (i.e. experienced) scenario designers could be something to really look forward to, :D as the player will know he will have a royal battle on his hands because the Strat AI (it would appear) can now be hinted by the designer (human intelligence!) to give the AI a fighting chance.

    There should be no end of great scenario's to play as either side against the AI where the opposing side has been designed and hinted by scenario designers.

    This is exactly what EVERY married guy with young kids at home dreams about! Some of us don't have very much time to play and prefer solo play (unfortunately) due to RealLife time constraints, so the option to play Solo late night battles battles against the Strat AI that has been hinted and programed by clever humans (he he) would be a dream come true! smile.gif

    (I think early on the favourite scenario would be to design clever defenses and ambush style counter attacks for the Syrian AI player to allow the American human player to feel the "sting" of the low tech Syrian (asymetric warfare??) defensive tactics. But I could be wrong smile.gif )

    Thanks for the update Steve.

    -tom w

    [ November 13, 2005, 09:09 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]

  16. Steve,

    Can I ask, has what I know as the Strategic AI been improved in CMX2? The TacAI, the control of the units, given their orders, during the one minute movies was outstanding, but the Strategic AI did struggle a bit . To give an example. In defense it ambushed very well, could be very deadly opening fire at the correct time for the weapons system. However… it insisted on counter attacking way too much, and generally rushing around under the guns of the attacker… in my view. Will this be better in CMX2?

    My view of the Strategic AI is that it should be less ambitious, stick to what it does best. i.e. in defense stick more to ambushing and positioning units in the set up.

    I agree

    and if I may add

    I am not so sure the set up and positioning of units should be such a big priority because in any pre-made scenario the scenario designer can position the units at set up best.

    I would suggest that because quick battles are just that "quick" then no further Strategic AI work is required as the set up will never really be ideal any way. The quick battle against the AI is the least realistic and most opportunistic way to play so the Strat AI should not be expected to do set up all that expertly or as clever as a scenario designer or human opponent.

    BUT on the other hand, while playing solo in a user designed scenario against the AI it would be nice to see the Strat AI put up a better fight.

    "My view of the Strategic AI is that it should be less ambitious, stick to what it does best. i.e. in defense stick more to ambushing"

    I think this could be tricky in CM:SF because the "things" (concepts principles and tactics) that the America Strat AI will need or use or rely on will be completely different (or "should be" IMHO) completely different than the tactics and strategy of the Syrians. (this alone would almost double the work load of Strat AI coding. (But I could be wrong about that smile.gif I hope.)

    Just my few thoughts.

    -tom w

  17. Unless, of course, Charles is simply designing the tac AI and armor penetration modeling as if turn-based wego was the only play option in the game and whatever affect it has on frame rate for RT, then so be it. Hopefully that is the case. I don't mind people having the option to play RT if they want to, but if it starts to cause a lessening of the realism that we could have going on under the hood for turn-based, then it becomes a real issue.
    I could be wrong but everything Steve has said so far indicates this potential problem you think they "might" be having or going to have does not appear to an issue for Steve et. al. AT ALL.

    Steve has said a few times over EVERYTHING about the game engine has been designed and developed to deliver a high quality RealTime play experience. (at least I think that is what they have been saying)

    I guess the demo can give us a clue of what we can expect... and yes I know it is a long way away at this point. :(

    -tom w

  18. stryker page



    Each model in Openflight (.flt) includes :

    * 4 Levels of details

    * 6 different paint schemas (where applicable): Normal Green, Desert, Camo, Winter, Radar, IR

    * Articulated parts (where applicable): Wheels, Turret, Gun, Machine gun, Launcher, Mortar, Commander, Camera

    * Destroyed State

    * DIS entity kind information

    • .max 3D Studio MAX format STRYKER Package $2,995.00 $1,995.00 On Sale!

    File Size: 57 706 KB

  19. Originally posted by MikeyD:

    I don't know if BFC makes a regular practice of checking out the CMx1 mods as they come up, but they might want to look over Vossiewulf's new CMAK menues and panels for CMSF design ideas. Very classy looking stuff.

    Vossie's UI mod

    (and any of you on this CMSF discussion site who hasn't yet touched a CMx1 product might find the menu items informative).

    that is a GOOD looking mod!

    they should hire that guy!!

    If you have not seen it click on Mike's link and check it out!

    -tom w

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