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Posts posted by aka_tom_w

  1. Dirtweasle your post should have its very own thread..

    it started here:

    time-life first article

    time-life second most recent article

    "Shriver told TIME today that her one-car garage is now stacked with more than a thousand cans of the stuff. She's looking for more. TIME has also received inquiries from teachers around the country whose students read the story and want to help Shriver in her Silly quest.

    "You've gotten me into this mess," she wrote TIME via e-mail. "And I love it!" It will all be worthwhile, she says, if it can save one person's life.

    If you'd like to send donations of money (make checks payable to Marcelle Shriver) or cans of Silly String or other items for troop care packages, the address is:

    Marcelle Shriver

    c/o St. Luke's Church

    55 Warwick Rd.

    Stratford, N.J. 08084"

  2. http://www.battlefront-newsletter.com/portals/0/cmsfuntitled-1.jpg

    web page blog

    Posted by: Battlefront .com 12/8/2006

    Today we want to start a two-day series of screenshots showing off some of the details that go into creating the 3D models for CM:SF. Keep in mind that what you're about to see represents work from various stages of the game from Alpha to Beta, so it's still work in progress and contains various unfinished elements as well as mere placeholders. One such example, which some of you will recognize immediately without a doubt, is that the tank crew models are not yet finished. So don't be surprised if you see a tank commander with infantry gear for example smile.gif


    The above shot shows a basic Abrams model. In the end we'll have various sub-models in the game. Notice how each of the tanks looks a little differently. This is due to random placement of extra gear on each model. If you enlarge the image, you'll notice backpacks, watercans, even spare wheels all placed in different spots and configurations for each vehicle. This placement is random, so no two units will look the same anymore.

    Here is a detail shot of the rear equipment rack for the Abrams. The attention to detail the guys are putting into this is incredible

  3. Those screen shots are JUST so amazing in their detail!

    Folks actually serving in the US army and specifically in the Stryker Brigades should be looking at this game right now!

    They should be putting their pre-orders in right NOW to use it as a training tool for leadership.

    How could this not be the cheapest way to train Styker Team Leaders in tactics and leadership??!

    I say this because from the looks of the Artillery Model there is so much detail there it really looks to me like an actual military combat simulator and not so much like "Just another wargame/video game".

    .... but that is just my "non military" experiece (I have NONE) gee whiz, "wow factor" showing through.

    -tom w

    [ December 08, 2006, 10:28 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]

  4. Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

    Tom's right. I'm playing on a 2GHz system with a crappy ATI card. It works pretty darned well, though I certainly wouldn't mind something faster.

    What EVERYBODY should do is stay away from ATI cards. We're doing our best, but trying to work around their flakey shadow technique and a few other things is impossible. We can only do so much :(

    I hate bad mouthing hardware, but if someone has a purchase decision to make, going with ATI is a bad idea.


    OK then,

    Thanks Steve

    can you check your e-mail for something from me....

    -tom w

  5. Originally posted by dan/california:

    I'm sticking with the theory that the forum IS the game until it is on my hard drive. smile.gif


    here's a new business model

    why don't they just charge us a small fee ($5.00 US Visa paypal payonline or post dated cheques or whatever) per month to view the forum (and and ALL forums) and then just ship the games for free? :D

    Lets see.... there are over 20,000 registered members

    um that's over $100,000 cash flow in per month, SEE the forum REALLY is the game, then they can just ship their software for free... That would be over $1.2 million per year. (maybe $5.00 month per person is not enough?)

    he he he

    No? smile.gif

    -tom w

  6. Weapon of the future ready now?

    The ADS technology is ready to deploy, and the Army requested ADS-armed Strykers for Iraq last year. But the military is well aware that any adverse publicity could finish the program, and it does not want to risk distressed victims wailing about evil new weapons on CNN.
    web page wired news

    what is it?

    Air Force's Active Denial System, or ADS, has been certified safe after lengthy tests by military scientists in the lab and in war games.

    The ADS shoots a beam of millimeters waves, which are longer in wavelength than x-rays but shorter than microwaves -- 94 GHz (= 3 mm wavelength) compared to 2.45 GHz (= 12 cm wavelength) in a standard microwave oven.

    The longer waves are thought to limit the effects of the radiation. If used properly, ADS will produce no lasting adverse affects, the military argues.

    Documents acquired for Wired News using the Freedom of Information Act claim that most of the radiation (83 percent) is instantly absorbed by the top layer of the skin, heating it rapidly.

    The beam produces what experimenters call the "Goodbye effect," or "prompt and highly motivated escape behavior." In human tests, most subjects reached their pain threshold within 3 seconds, and none of the subjects could endure more than 5 seconds.

    "It will repel you," one test subject said. "If hit by the beam, you will move out of it -- reflexively and quickly. You for sure will not be eager to experience it again."

    But while subjects may feel like they have sustained serious burns, the documents claim effects are not long-lasting. At most, "some volunteers who tolerate the heat may experience prolonged redness or even small blisters," the Air Force experiments concluded.

    John Kettler why didn't you tell me about this one 1-2 years ago ? :( (I am dissappointed)


    -tom w

    [ December 14, 2006, 06:58 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]

  7. This thread is now more then a month old....


    this screen shot was released in Mid Nov.

    Just wondering if we will be playing this game by maybe March or April next year?


    (sorry, I know I know, "when its finished", my issue with that concept is the programer's motto: "The last bug isn't fixed until the last user is dead." so.... by definition when is it actually "finished?

    Hint: I don't plan to give my life for this game :D )

    -tom w

    [ March 13, 2007, 09:25 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]

  8. "One neat recent addition to the current alpha build code is the ability to place what we call "flavor objects" on the map. Their tactical impact is close to zero as any such objects hardly provide enough concealment (and certainly no cover) for one soldier let alone a squad, but they're important to immersion as they increase the "natural" look of a map tremendously. It's actually amazing how such a little thing as a street light, telephone pole or road sign can suddenly bring a map to life. See for yourself:

    (Shot in the second post!)

    Flavor objects can be placed on the map in the editor anywhere the user wants, and can be directly manipulated (like many other objects such as buildings) directly in 3D view, i.e. you can move them or rotate them for example."


    Tom Says:

    VERY COOL!!!


  9. "If nothing else, it will generate endless forum threads on "realistic/non-gamey turn lengths" and will create "Time Grogs", which should be good for a laugh. "


    Since it has already been pointed out the forum is ACTUALLY the game (and the release of the "actual software" will simply mean we will have more game action to play on the forum) then it stands to reason the forum and the game would be better off with:

    "endless forum threads on "realistic/non-gamey turn lengths" and will create "Time Grogs", which should be good for a laugh."


    -tom w

  10. yes a 2 or 3 minute turn would be nice for variety

    OR even just to try it to find out how much we REALLY don't like it.

    I would like to cast me vote for a variable turn timer, nothing outragous but maybe 1 min increments up to 5 mins (and for sure 5 mins might be considered on the "outrageous" side, but some of us would like to try 2-3 min turns maybe)


    -tom w

  11. :D

    you are joking right?

    (sarcasm detection filter set to "Finest Granularity" for best results)


    -tom w


    I believe I have been insulted, so says this web page:

    web page of urban slang (AND yes, I did have to look it up because I neither an urban dweller nor an American.)

    1. sizzlechest

    It is used as an insult because it was made common from the Jerky Boys phonecalls and movies, but its more of a condition. Sizzlechest is light curly chest hair that appears almost like smoke puffs rising off the chest, little spirily colums of hair. Usually found on assclowns.

    Shut yer hole, sizzlechest!

    by Jimmy Knuckles Mar 14, 2004 email it

    2. sizzlechest

    A common way to say "ASSCLOWN", particularly in the Philadelphia, New Jersey region.

    Eyyyyy, yo, sizzlechest. You wanna go and git a cheesesteak?

    by Rian Feb 26, 2004 email it

    3. Sizzlechest

    a fruity ass; milky licker

    You got that SiZZLeCHeST?

    by Phil Dec 9, 2003 email it

    [ October 20, 2006, 08:07 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]

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