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Everything posted by aka_tom_w

  1. Thanks Spook That's kind of what I was getting at. Thanks also for the "My name is Francis...but everyone calls me PSYCHO! And if I hear any of you ever call me Francis....I'll kill ya!!!" Followed immediatly be Sgt Hulka: "Lighten Up Francis!" That line Always makes me smile. I think Stripes is Funnier than Kelly's Hereos but they are both entertaining. -tom w
  2. I use my tanks to flaten houses all the time. I also use area targets on tanks to keep them looking and pointing and firing EXACTLLY where I perceive the nest threat to be comeing from. I like area target, because as soon as a REAL valid target comes into there line of sight they will pick it up and shoot at it right away. You expect that if your enemy's tanks are area targeting something if you get one of your units close to the area being targeted they will get picked up sighted and targeted them selves. -tom w
  3. Can you tell us about Return fire on a Play Station Head to head? What is it? What is it like? SP2? or SP1? is it a FPS or RTS? is there strategy and tacitcs are just "shoot'em up"? Thanks -tom w
  4. Perfect! Annalist gets an e-amil notification EVERY time some one posts to this thread? Gee.. I wonder how irritating that could get?? funny.... I don't hear the lock master any where near this thread.... -tom w
  5. Great Post Steve!! Thank you! Who is is this guy anyway? He he someone that was once banned posting under another name? or is he just a brand new irritant? just curious -tom w [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 01-24-2001).] [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 01-24-2001).]
  6. Thanks Vanir I'm sorry, I was sleepy, and it was late when I wrote that so I admit I was not paying attention when I read it. Thanks for the correction. -tom w
  7. Thanks Ben for Stepping in and posting. I have been on the vanguard of this issue for sometime but I did not step in post the appropriate links here because I could not find them fast. The page Ben refered to above, has ALMOST all the relevent posts and info about tanks shooting through tanks if you care to read it. All new players to the game should be strongly encouraged to read: www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/008989.html Thanks Ben -tom w [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 01-23-2001).]
  8. yes but... they can build on CMBO (solid foundation in place) CMBO was like inventing the wheel from the ground up I trust that they are confident they have learned from their earlier mistakes. Yes you suggest CM2 will be almost twice the size and scope of CMBO BUT they now have TWICE as many full time employees. Kwazy dog is already working on Russian tanks, so he tells us (unless he is pulling our leg) I think they have a good plan and I suspect given enough time they will execute it brillliantly as we have come to know their high standards and tight quality control and attention to detail through CMBO. I wish them all the best of luck. -tom w
  9. Good question I guess we'll see when they release it. -tom w
  10. ...within the first 6 months of their release? When did version 1.0 first start shipping? Late July 2000 no? IT is now Jan and v1.12 is on the way (yet another patch and another example of the BTS dedication and devotion to CMBO perfection).... <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software: 1.12 fixes a slight problem with non-threatening targets so you will probably like that (should be released soon). 2. Surrender Option - this is not a bad idea, but units will surrender if and when they feel the need to. But until they are convinced they really do need to surrender, they rather not. This is realistic. Steve<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> It disappoints me greatly that there is still a great deal of bitching and complaining about this great game. I would like to ask all partcipants to step back for a minute and consider the meaning and intent of your posts. Does your post promote Combat Mission? Do you have something positive and constructive to say that will add to the game? Have you identified a previously unknown flaw in the game? Is your post fair, balanced and supported by rational logic or historically accurate documentary evidence? If we are all "really" trying to support BTS and really trying to make CM and better game lets take a minute and step back think about how far this game (our passion) has come in the last 6 months and how close to absolute perfection it is now. In case this thinly veiled reference was too thinly veiled for some here, I'm refering to all the "constructive critismm, and positive feedback" BTS has been getting lately regarding the minor, and really not exactly life threatening, changes that were made to the QB Combined Arms Points allocation table. so from Stripes I leave you with the wisdom of Sgt. Hulka: "LIGHTEN UP FRANCIS" ! -tom w [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 01-23-2001).]
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software: BTW, we will most likely offer another level of Fog of War where the player will NEVER know things like headcount and experience of an enemy unit. Not exactly the same thing discussed here, but it should be a bit more scary for the human player Steve<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> PERFECT! Thank you! I know MadMatt is kean on this one as well and now that we have it in writing with your signature on it, you know we'll be looking for it in CM2 and dreaming that is will be backward compatible with a patch to CMBO ! There seem to be some QUITE heated threads around, sure is nice to read some light and entertaining ones like this one and the CM=Crack thread -tom w
  12. Hi I played Paydirt Great game we played Tactic II as well and all the other regulars too. Including Tobruck which I still have. I think the Ravens will take it, but I hope it is a close game and it is interesting. -tom w
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Guy w/gun: Man! If there's one thing remarkable about thi board, it's the fact that BSing will get you no where. There's always someone with REAL expirience ready to step in ! This is probably one of the few places where gamers can actually converse with those who have actually expirieced combat, or atleast tanks/infantry etc.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes Good point and if I understand what Iron Cross is suggesting CM could use an even thicker FOG of war setting like Extreme FOW or "Extra Real Can't see a Damn Thing unless its 10 m's away FOW" Good points made by IronCross I respect his experience, especially about the TC-less tank withdrawing. -tom w
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by russellmz: sandy i tell again, you guys should use http://www.google.com the answer was the number two search result...the number one search result was an even more twisted joke. http://www.google.com/search?q=woman+no+arms+legs+beach&num=100&hl=en&lr=lang_en&safe =off <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Thank you and yes I should have looked it up myself. (sheepish, sorry) That other joke was funny too. -tom w
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by 109 Gustav: I tried a couple searches, but got no useful results. Where can I put pictures so I can have them appear in the forum? I tried Geocities and Bravenet's services, but I don't think they were Macintosh compatible. Isn't there some program similar to Apple's iDisk that works? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Are you on a MAC? do you have System 9.0? Have you tried iTools at www.mac.com http://itools.mac.com/WebObjects/iLogin.woa/wa/loginXML9WzcPLvoeOrVndWV Again more free web space. -tom w [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 01-22-2001).] [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 01-22-2001).]
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf: snip IMO over 50% of the games I play come down to knocking out the otherside's armor. If you can do that then whoever does it will have an advantage. At least that is what I have always seen. Too many times in games, as the axis player, I get swarmed with Allied armor, which is to say historical, but in all truth not very much fun to play. snip Jeff <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I am Not entirely agreeing with Jeff here BUT I think the above quoted statement is VERY true. I think that at LEAST 50% of the games I play are won or decided by the player that wins the tank battle. If there are tanks involved and there usually are, the winner of the game is usually the winner of the tank dual. What does this mean? I'm not sure, but in a 1000 pt QB the player that KOs the most emeny AFV's usually wins the battle. So what is my point? I like the game just fine the way it is now, but I think that it is STILL all about winning the armour battle and now Allied tanks shoot fast and hit harder with Tungsten, they are more accurate at short range (as are all tanks so it seems) than before. There are now more first shot hits. Many of these things favour the Allies with their fast tanks and fast turrets. What I want to know is if die hard players that like to win and ALWAYS play the germans are not choosing the Germans any more in QB's because they can't win the way they used to. Is this happeing out there? In Ladder games are players now mostly takeing the Allies because this is the only side they can win with in the 1000 pt QB? Somehow I don't think so but I would be interested in hearing other poeples opinions on this question. If "winning is EVERYTHING" and the Only thing in the 1000 point combine Arms QB will you now (the way things are right now in v1.1) always take the Allies? Or if you have prefered to play the germans in the past will you still choose that side? I don't play ladder games so I would be interested in finding out what is happeing in the arena where people play with this passion to win at all costs. (I prefer to play to win at all costs as well, but I have always prefered the Allies, particularily the British) Thanks -tom w
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kanonier Reichmann: Why does that title remind me of a joke about the woman who had no arms & legs whilst on the beach... Regards Jim R.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I'm VERY sorry I have to ask? What the hell was her name? -tom w
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by LuckyStrike: I assume, when you say you are using a Gaussian bell shape, you are only taking the right half of the bell shape? That is, the maximum hit probability, which would be the mean (highest point) of the bell, occurs at the minimum range. Otherwise, a (complete) bell-shape accuracy curve makes no sense. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I hope Charles is refering to this "bell curve" in the lower half of this diagram? Is that correct? and like the half bell in this one: I would be interested to see just one of these diagrams for one main weapon as modeled in cm. Can we see the bell curve diagram cm uses for chance to hit accuracy to set up the allgorythms for the 88 mm main weapon in the Tiger 1? just curious -tom w [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 01-22-2001).] [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 01-22-2001).]
  19. My guess is the ROF may be slower, but I suspect the chance to hit accuracy of each round is not affected. (I could be wrong) What is the range to your target? IS it hull down? is it moving? 3 misses seems like alot, I would figure you are due for a hit SOON. it the target really far away? What is it you are trying to hit? Good luck -tom w
  20. Very VERY nice Great detail thanks so much for all the hard work I will be looking for them tomorrow -tom w
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software: (snip) The player most likely to complain about these changes is the German player who is overly attached to using “heavies” to win battles instead of utilizing more realistic forces and better tactics. For those people all I can say is that it was always our intention to have balanced QBs. (snip) Steve <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Thanks Steve I think the truth of the matter is most accurately quoted above. There are still plenty of other options. First letting the computer choose the force selection and play the hand you are dealt. OR Play scenarios made by others like Rune Designed specifically for 2 player head to head gaming. OR just don't use "Combined Arms" and play Armour vs Armour or Armour Vs Combined arms. Its really NO big deal. This game as it stands right now is probably saving you money just because you keep playing it, because if you are at all like the rest of us, we havn't spent a dime on another game since we bought this one. Its a GREAT GAME!!! Now what was it, we were all moaning about? some obscure point allocation thingy? that is somehow only now become unbalanced? I can't see it really. -tom w [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 01-21-2001).]
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software: Just a few things I want to clarify. 1. CM does model subsequent shots having a higher accuracy than earlier ones (up to a point). However, we model this in a somewhat simplified manner and don't do a strict simulation of bracketing per se (though the results are similar). 2. We do not use a "to-hit probability table" in any way, shape or form. The core basis of our to-hit equations is a Gaussian function. It has a "bell" shape very similar to the accuracy curves that people have posted in this thread. 3. Let's not use M1A1 Abrams gunnery as a yardstick for what we should expect from WW2 gunnery. Having said that, I'll take a look at the long-range figures and perhaps "up" our Gaussian curve at the long range end. Our method is fundamentally sound but we could have a weight or a coefficient off by a bit. I'll see if it needs a tweak. Charles <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> WOW I think thats worth repeating "Having said that, I'll take a look at the long-range figures and perhaps "up" our Gaussian curve at the long range end." Who said the magic words in this thread that got that reply above from Charles? Long range accuracy now maybe more accurate? That's a big deal The accuracy in the game under 500 meters is now a little higher as well so it would seem. -tom w
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software: Tom, The Tungsten vs. highly sloped armor fix is already in 1.12 (not released yet). Rexford's points were valid. So if you are in a Panther at decent range you will probably see Tungsten rounds bouncing off. Steve<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> GREAT! Thanks for the VERY prompt reply! -tom w
  24. its not just the Allies that now get more first shot hits. I have played with Panthers and other German tanks and found that there are more first shot hits and there is great short range accuracy. Charles has admitted he will look at the HVAP tungsten penetration calculations (as per Rexford's request) against sloped armour. There are now more first shot hits and if the Allied tanks are quick and fire first they are certainly more leathal if they use their tungsten. I am enjoying the game NOW more then ever. Thanks agian to Charles and Steve for their unwavering dedication to historical accuracy. -tom w
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