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Posts posted by Kwazydog

  1. Originally posted by Phillip Culliton:

    Rather than "endless posts of rants and complaints" they need feedback, bug reports, and updates as those situations change.

    Yes, this is exactly what we need guys. We are making good progress with 1.03 thus far and it should go a long way to sorting out the remaining major issues, but the more information and feedback we receive the better. General digs and rants only make it harder to keep track of the informative posts.

    Originally posted by pad152:

    Graphics - unfinshed

    Interface - incomplete

    Pad I've just done a quick search through your post list and cant find any posts you've started referring to graphics, so I'm not too sure what you are referring too here. There are no unfinished graphics that I am aware of, though after some initial posts in these forums we are working on improving terrain textures for 1.03. This wasn't an item that came up during beta so it was unexpected, but we are getting good results with the tests thus far and should have this complete for the next update.

    With regards to the TOE, let me know what you feel is incomplete and Ill ask Steve to take a look.


  2. Funkster, Im not sure how the Gamespot review validates your opinion anymore than the Worthplaying review invalidates it. You opinion should be just that, your opinion, and you should be willing to stand by it without the need to have someone else reassure you that its the correct one to have.

    As always we value everyones input, and we are listening. As you pointed out in your very first post though, you do already have a thread dedicated to your opinion, so Im not sure we need another on the exact same topic. Please feel free to continue to validate your opinion in that thread if you feel the need too, but lets keep our threads consolidated in order to reduce forum clutter.

    [ August 13, 2007, 07:09 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]

  3. For those interested, below are a couple of photos that demonstrate just how vulnerable an M1 is from the rear hull.

    The top image shows the rear exhaust area under normal conditions, and the bottom shows it when open for maintainence. As you can see, the only armor between the outside world and the rather delicate turbine engine around those slat armor panels which around 10mm or so thick. Its probably fair to say that even the Tiger tank had more rear hull protection overall smile.gif

    One RPG in this area is going to do significant damage, which is one of the reasons slat armor is being developed for the M1s rear hull.



    Photos are from the below site, which has some great shots -


  4. Jason, interesting info and the newer model of the AT-5 version is certainly a possible to include in the future.

    I will add though that we found no solid info that the Syrians are using the later AT-5 model (which is basically a completely different vehicle). Every photo we found of the Syrian ATGM BRDM was of the AT-3 model, inlcuded one recent photo from the Lebanon pullout.

    The AT-3 version we are modelling in game is an upgraded model over the initial batch though (with better optics). I would like to see the later model included at some point though.

  5. Originally posted by winkelried:

    Any idea if we could get additional objects on the map e.g. watertowers, minaretts, church towers, factories, hangars, etc?

    Winkelried, to answer your question yes, the range of flavour objects in game is something we certainly hope to expand on as time permits.
  6. Originally posted by Hertston:

    How much extra development time do some more voice samples, tank and infantry models, and extra scenarios take? Most of the delay will be fixing the first release, not working on the expansion.

    With regards to the vehicle/infantry models Herston, the answer to that question depends on whether you want a detailed representation of Commenwealth troops or only a token representation of major vehicles, weapons, etc. If you want the former like Im sure many do including myself, then it is indeed a considerable amount of work as for the most part they use unique equipment that will have to be built from scratch.
  7. Originally posted by Sequoia:

    Battlefront has indicated they will no longer take a "Kitchen Sink" approach to their releases as they did with CMBB.

    That is the case. Even if we wanted to replicate CMx1s equipment list in CMx2 its just not physically possible to create the weapons, vehicle and infantry models of the detail we now have for one single release.

    As for what will be included where, I dont think we have completely tied down the details yet, so its probably best to wait for some more info when we are much further down that path smile.gif .


  8. Originally posted by dima:

    So US solder was crawling to objective and shooting my guys and they just sat there.

    Okay, I had it back to front. smile.gif If you happen to have a save of that could you please send it too me, if not I will try and replicate the issue on my end. Thanks for the info dima!

    [ July 28, 2007, 11:23 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]

  9. Originally posted by dima:

    Dan, I don't see how it could be your fault. When squad of men is being fired upon by one solder crawling, who is killing them one by one - why would they not fire back?

    Dima, its likely becuase I told the AI to rush the objective, so they are pushing forward as quickly as possible with little concern for casulites. In hind sight that is probably an order better suited for combatants for instance. I will check it out though, and pass on any other oddities to Chalres smile.gif
  10. Guys, this could be my fault. I actually made that scenario to test fire the Syrian ATGMs, so the AI and victory conditions may need some tweaking. Some of the beta testers found it fun and a good training scenario for the Syrians, so we decided to include it. I will take a look at this one again and post an update if so!

  11. Originally posted by Hoolaman:

    A few tweaks and this game will look magic, but ATM it doesn't look great at all.

    Just so you guys know, this is something that we will be looking into. We have a few more important items on our list first, but this one is pretty high up there.

    Originally posted by AdamL:

    About the hotkeys - they are much better now imo. I can access everything, all the menus and commands without moving my hand.

    Adam, II like them too, as well as the camera control. I actually find it hard to go back to CMx1 now as it feels rather clunky to control in comparison. Im not saying that improvements cant be made, but I think its important that people give themselves some time before making a final descision.
  12. Originally posted by securityguard:

    Any form of pause & play would help tremendously, as right now tcp/ip is pretty much impossible to handle. I'm glad you guys are considering it.

    Securitygaurd if you remember the CMBO release and the weeks and months after youll remember how much the input from you guys helped direct the continued development of the product and how much we do try to work towards solutions to make everyone happy smile.gif . Thats one thing I have always enjoyed about our development process and one of the bonuses of being a smaller team, we we have much more flexibility after release to continue to evolve our engine.

    Of course we cant always find solutions for everyones woes, but hopefully we can here.

  13. Originally posted by InvaderCanuck:

    My rig runs the game flawlessly on maxed settings. If my system chugs using the keyboard I can only imagine what happens to people having issues with frame rate normally.

    Canuck, something sounds odd here. What it sounds like your saying is that the game runs perfectly smooth unless you use the left/right mouse or keyboard controls to move the camera?

    If so, could you please post a more detailed description of what you are seeing in the tech support forum so we can investigate it a little future. Thanks!

  14. Originally posted by Ryan Crierie:

    The fact that I can see textures from a distance, instead of a blurry mass.

    Ryan, its not something we have had mentioned to us before but Ill speak to Chalres about it. Its hard to tell from a screen shot, but if you have textures turned up in game, and manually set your video card drivers that should be all you can do on your end.

    To an extent this is a trade off between the sparkles of old or the smoothed textures. The reason the sparkles existed in CMx1 is that the textures werent smoothing as happens in most game, and were retaining full detail even what a great distance from the camera.

    Originally posted by Redwolf:

    Would it be possible to give us a user controllable parameters to control density and distance of doodads?

    Redwolf, possibly. Ill chat to Charles about this too.
  15. Ryan, what are you referring too in CMBB that looks better out of itnerest? I think that part of what you are seeing here is the texture smoothing we are applying to remove the sparkles you used to see in CMx1. Also, you might want to take a look in your control panel of your graphics card and try turning up you AF settings. That might give you the visuals you are looking for. smile.gif

  16. Originally posted by metalbrew:

    Kwazy I believe this entire conversation began while the original poster was playing the 2nd mission of the training scenario. I don't recall the Styker model in that mission, but it should be easy to look up.

    Ah, okay thanks metalbrew.
  17. Guys this is odd as I dont recall any problems being reported with the Mk-19. Can you confirm for me which Stryker models appear to be giving you the issues? As I mentioned the recon versions do require you to be unbuttoned, and the weapon does take a while to reload, so this may also be a factor here.

    If there is a problem though, we will get it sorted smile.gif


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