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Posts posted by Kwazydog

  1. Originally posted by M1A1TankCommander:

    Also, were are the thermal panels?

    Glad you like them overall M1! With regards to the thermal panels, do you mean the grill like panels used a lot in OIF, or the vehicle identification panels on the turret front? Ive currently randomly assigned the VIP's to vehicles, but Ive actually left those grills off at the moment. My thinking was that that as they glow under thermal vision and as the Syrians do have some of this gear (they are standand on AT-14's I beleive) they would likely not be used in such a conflict. I could be wrong though :)

    Originally posted by Peter Cairns:

    Is there any plans to add random effects for weather, ie if it's a wet scenario in Normandy the Tanks would be muddy around the tracks and hull.


    Heya Peter. Actually I agree but most of these are older textures. If you have a close look at the abrams in the middle two shots you should find that they are rather more grimey smile.gif Suprisingly though if you check out photos from Iraq most of the vehicles seem to be a hell of a lot cleaner than the ones we have in game, hehe. Either way though, Im sure there will be plenty of options after release.

    Originally posted by Sequoia:

    Which reminds me. Polys are still uneditable right? So modders won't be able to add goodies.

    Yup, no editing the models themselves. On top of any other reasons they are very complex to set up with special info embedded into the model to tell it such things as which part of the tracks and which wheels should conform to the terrain (we were wondering how long it would take someone to notice that! smile.gif ), which parts are slack on the return rollders which also reacts as the vehicle moves, which parts are skirts, special info on some for hit detection, where the exhasust is and in which direction it flows, muzzles, shell ejection...the list goes on forever and I could probably write a small book on it :)

    [ December 08, 2006, 01:02 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]

  2. Originally posted by Sergei:

    Actually I doubt if you'd see road signs in English in Syria. If anything, French would be more usual (and Baghdad is not French spelling).

    The writing, colouring and style of the signs were actually taken off of actual road signs in Syria, so if you have any questions about their authenticity you best take it up with the Syrian roads authority ;)

    Currently I think that there is maybe half dozen different signs, but we will likely add more if time permits. And yup, they should be moddable!

    [ November 14, 2006, 03:06 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]

  3. Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

    Can we get a 2 minute video now of paint drying on an M-1 Abrams? :rolleyes::D

    Very impressive but I kept waiting for something...anything...to happen....

    Hehe, yeah yeah I know, its not very exciting. To be honest I actually made it to test the capture software but figured you guys might like a look smile.gif

    Btw, if anyone can suggest some capture software that doesnt hit frame considerably please let me know (I used fraps for this one).


  4. Hi Guys!

    Just a few quick answers. Firstly keep in mind that this is the max wind setting as it was a small video and I wanted to make sure the movement was visible. Wind only went in for trees a short while back and movement, including the swaying movement of leaves, is still being tweaked. Palm trees in particular only went in a couple of days ago and what you see are placeholders.

    Clouds do move (last time I checked) an I believe that they cast shadows as well. You cant see it in these shots but the dynamic shadows cast by trees also react according to the trees movement. And yes, the distant mounts are indeed from CMAK, hehe, and they are just placeholders in there at the moment.

    Glad you guys like the way things are shaping up! smile.gif


  5. Originally posted by Cpl Steiner:


    A friend of mine in Liverpool, England said he sent you an email offering his services but didn't get a reply. Are you only considering 3D artists in the US? I've seen some of my friend's work (commercial TV adverts) and it is very impressive.

    Steiner its also possible we missed it! We are pretty much spammed with generic emails from people offering all sorts of 'help' that are sent to hundreds of places at the same time. I do try and reply to those that are contacting us specificaly, but its not impossible it got missed in the bunch. Apologies if so smile.gif
  6. Originally posted by Prinz Eugen_2:

    I'm not convinced why they'd select the RPK instead of the PKM, but it's their decision. I just want, as the Syrian player in CM:SF, to be able to use the coolest kit possible to defeat the imperialist capitalist godless hiphop blastin' aggressors ! :D

    My thinking is that they really serve two different roles though, with the RPK being a squad weapon and the PKM being a heavier MG, comparable to the US M249 and M240?
  7. Originally posted by rudel.dietrich:

    Good to know.

    When I say that I see pictures, I mean like half a dozen pictures that are very grainy :D

    Hehe, I know, the Syrian military is secretive to say the least...in fact I think they are one of the worst. It sounds like you have more piccies than I do, and Ive been looking for a couple of years :) Are you seeing any variation in uniforms between unit types out of interest?

    I do have one tiny request though...

    Once you finish it, can I be mailed a copy of the Syrian TO&E?

    Not to nit pick, but perhaps I can spot any errors and try and get them corrected before release.

    Im sure it can be arranged Rudel, but youll have to ask Steve when he is about as Im just doing the models/textures :)

    BTW one question on the BRDM's...did you have any pics of these? Im curious to know if they use the AT-3 or AT-5 types...I suspect its the AT-3 but I have conflicting info on these.

    Thanks again!


  8. Originally posted by akd:

    Does have a side-folding stock, but it is solid instead of skeletal. AK-74M also come with an optic rail, so if all these Syrian rifles truly have optics, I would suspect they are AK-74Ms. AK-74M is now pretty standard issue for the Russian military. Kalashnikov advertises a "AKS-74M" for "airborne forces," but I am have trouble determining if there is actually any difference from AK-74M.

    Actually Im pretty sure that they have both as I have found several references to the AK-74M being purchased by the Syrians in 2001, such as in the below.


    I dont know how we should deal them out though at this point.

    Rudel, thanks again for this info, it has been a great resource! I am currently making the AK models so this combined with the info we alreayd had is helping very much to determine just what we should do here smile.gif

  9. Rudel, that is some great information, thanks for passing it on!

    Originally posted by rudel.dietrich:

    One command squad (like I listed above)

    Two three man ATGM teams. Usualy AT-3 or AT-4 types. Can also be Milan, AT-13 or AT-14 types.

    All three carry AKM rifles. Probably with half loads of ammunition.

    It also seems that they carry a RPG-7V...

    Not sure how reliable that is but I guess it makes sense in a defensive role or for fire support which is one of the functions of the support squad.

    I may be able to shed some light on this one, at least as far at the AT-3 teams are concerned. As I understand it the RPG is carried as a backup with AT-3 teams as the AT-3 has a 400m odd dead zone in which its trajectory cannot be controlled and thus its basiaclly useless. Within this zone RPG's are used instead of the AT-3.

    Interesting info about the AGS-17, it appears that it is widely used.


  10. Originally posted by flamingknives:

    Not particularly hard to find the answer, though.

    Maybe not, but its also not hard just to ignore threads asking what may be annoying questions because they have been asked a dozen times, leaving it too others or the mods to answer smile.gif

    We will likely have more and more newcomers over the next few months, and we would like the forums to be a pleasant place to visit. Im not particually referring to this thread specifically, but Ive just noticed a bit of a growing trend lately to jump on new members asking repeat questions, and its something we would like to avoid ;)

    [ August 27, 2006, 05:35 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]

  11. Hey guys, lets not be too tough on the newcomers, please. Lets remember not everyone is familiar with forum etiquette, so to speak, and we were all there once.

    EDIT : hideous spelling error fixed ;)

    [ August 27, 2006, 05:07 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]

  12. Actually there is quite a bit of such terrain in Syria, particually as you head west. That being said urban areas would probably be even worse for such ambushes. This one looks to be by an RPG I guess.

    Just a word of warning to others...some of those other videos are rather graphic. I certainly wouldnt want to be in Iraq in a humvee if I could avoid it.

  13. Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

    Charles and I got to play around with the Javelin trainer (fantastic chunk of taxpayer money smile.gif ) and we were plinking tanks pretty easily. Our escort, the head of Javelin's doctrine and employment, joked about drafting Charles :D

    Hehe, yes, but dont forget that this is Charles your talking about Steve...the man who calculated acceleration and relative G's Matt would be experiencing after he had made a joke about leaving his driveway in his car doing 100mph. ;)

    Im betting Chalres have the missiles formalas and trajectoies calculated before even taking a shot! smile.gif


  14. Thanks for all of the info guys, its a good help, once we revise the solider I will probably get back to you for some clarifications!

    M1, the M1A2 isnt yet complete, but we can probably get you guys some shots of the M1A1 somwhat sooner rather than later. Keep an eye out. smile.gif Im not too sure of your question about the editor, youll have to try and grab Steve for that one.


  15. Originally posted by Imperial Grunt:

    Gosh, okay to get on the critical bandwagon:

    -no 3-point sling on M-4

    -no 40mm pouches on vest

    -no smoke grenade(s) on vest

    -no PAQ-4 or PEQ-2 on M-4

    -no tactical light on M-4

    -no NVG mount on helmet

    -no kneepad(s)

    -no pistol holster or thigh mag rig

    -no squad or individual radio

    -cant tell if there is a division patch

    -Army rank is place center mass on flak (or the IBA as they call it), cant tell if that is there

    And of course the soldier and the weapon are parade-ground clean.

    But that is way better computer work than I can ever do, so who am I to complain?

    Actually Im happy to say that most of this is possible and planned IG (including the goggles cover M1), depending on how we go with time smile.gif The sling is certainly a problem due to its dynamic nature and I doubt its something you will see in game in the near future (though not totally impossible to do).

    The cool part with the new engine we are working on is that I can make all of these items individually and add them to the soldiers depending on their needed loadout (this guy was set up with the standard rifleman loadout, as least standard according to the molle manual I have, but we havnt done much to him in some time).

    Out of interest, how common are the below items in the field?


    -pistol holster or thigh mag rig

    -individual radio

    The first photos we had of the ACU in use didnt have any of the guys using kneepads, but many do appear to be using them now. Also I see some guys using pistols but not too many, at least in recent photos Ive sen...what sort of ratio are using them?


    [ August 10, 2006, 07:28 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]

  16. Originally posted by mazex:

    Spooky isn't it? They've clearly ripped mod crotch mod! What am I going to do now? ;) I remember other moroons like me whining about the M4 beeing to big and they have obviously been ripped of their modding ideas too!


    Hehe actually Steve noted that problem and it was changed way back, sorry mazex ;) The problem was actually with the boning process where the model stiches to its bones underneath the character.

    And as Steve mentioned the origional model was an M16 now an M4, and was scaled to its actual size. Since then it looks like the M16 is near completely phased out so currently we have switched to the M4 with M203a1, though that may change again too.


  17. Originally posted by Bil Hardenberger:

    Hey Kwazydog, those guys look awful shiny, can't you cut down on the specular a bit?


    Hehe actually your right Bil they do, and Ill rerender them if I have a chance, but they are set up that way for a reason. In the real time engine the slight specular is needed to increase the shadow defination. The result is darker shadows without the shine smile.gif
  18. Originally posted by Angryson:

    And the technical data is identical for both the M203 and the M203A1. So, I'm not trying to be a prick, I just thought I'd point that out.

    Hehe no worries Angry, I didnt think you were. In fact your post promted me to double check it...youd be amazed how many different sources give different measurements for different items ;) Ive found several sources stating the lenght of the RPG's launcher as the length of the tube *plus* rocket. Its amazing how even on modern items details can vary.

    The cool part is that with the new engine it would take me about 20 seconds to make the longer 203 one from the shorter, so if both are in use we can model both easily enough. As Steve said though, we may even have to move to the HK...lots of things are in a transition at the moment.

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