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Posts posted by Kwazydog

  1. Originally posted by Peter Cairns:


    I wasn't so much talking about angling buildings but rather about having a building that had a bend in it, almost like roads that have bend tiles.

    Would doing it that way avoid the processor problem.

    Ah I see what you mean Peter. Hmm, to be honest I suspect that the issue remains similar to what I meantioned above as we still need buildings to be able to be placed on more angles than is currently available. Also there is an added level of complexity in that we need to work out a way to allow designers to join these buildinds into a single solid row. It is certainly something I would like to see in game myself and it is something we will look into, but its too early at this stage to know what we may be able to do there. smile.gif

    Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

    They were the comments I had read Michael, but I hadnt taken them in a negative tone as it appears you may have. Nowhere do I see Steve blaming scenario designers for poor path finding itself, as you suggest, but rather he is commenting on them using the editor in a previously unexpected way which then resulted in the odd path finding. It was always possible to place the building so that this didnt happen, but Charles has since reworked the code to make the process much more intuitive.

    Such things happen all of the time in development...at one point Charles had to totally rework the terrain LOD algorithms as people were using trenches far more than he has even expected smile.gif

    [ February 08, 2008, 01:49 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]

  2. Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

    Michael Ive seen Steves comments and I certainly dont see how he was out to 'blame' anyone on this issue. The situation was that people were using the editor in what had been an unexpected way and a solution has since been found, nothing more.

    The building issue is certainly something we have considered, but the down side is that the more angles we allow buildings to be placed on the more complicated LOS calculations become, resulting in more processor intensive calculations. As such its something we will have to look into further and investigate the results.


    [ February 08, 2008, 03:04 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]

  3. Originally posted by bodkin:

    Its the latest export model, the T-90SA. It does away with the active protection system but in return does have full reactive armor coverate on the front turret. I have actually seen a couple of examples of this model in Russian service, so its even possible they may be considering trading in the active protection system for better era coverage (and likely a lower cost per unit).
  4. Originally posted by Vanir Ausf B:

    Can we pick our own forces in QBs again? If not, we are not there yet.

    As can be seen in the patch notes, this was not something that has changed in 1.06. It is something that we will be looking into as we move towards WW2 however, as has already been mentioned I beleive.


  5. Originally posted by Runyan99:

    I don't think so. For one thing, the enemy strat AI was doing it's usual dumb stuff, and they were in a very secure position under very little or no pressure. They didn't get wiped out.

    Runyan, Other Means was actually suggesting they routed. Currently when a unit does this they have a marker indicating such, which when dissappears (this is something we will likely expand on in the future). If you hadnt looked at them in several minutes it sounds like this was at the least a possibility.

    If this didnt happen, youve found a problem that hasnt been reported to us. If you happen to have a save please feel free to forward it to us.


  6. Originally posted by The Warrior:

    Interesting. I still think with the right terrain mods, a second Korean war mod could be done.

    Its worth noting that the North Korean equipment list is very similar to that of the Syrians, too. The main differences would be that Syria has newer gear that the NKs likely dont, such as modern ATGMs.
  7. Heya M1!

    Okay this one is a little tough as it opens fine for me, and as another artist did the origionals I cant comment on if they were saved using any different settings.

    Any chance you could try it on a different system, or is there anyone else here that could try and open one for us to see if they have any luck :)? One though...if you can open under a different program and resave, I suspect all should be fine. Can you view them in any other applications?


  8. Webwing, I suspect that the problem is actually your texture setting being set on best. Try setting and the model quality to medium for a start and see what results you get in the same location/same scenario. Also turn of Antialias/Multisample as well so as to remove any potential issues related to video card settings. If thats okay, increase your model setting a notch and check out the results.


    [ November 21, 2007, 04:56 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]

  9. Hi Guys,

    At this point I would suggest waiting for 1.05 before running any tests or comparisons. Whilst I am not sure of any specifics relating to cover, the list of new features, improvements, enhancements and bug fixes is so extensive that I think it would be best wait it out, particually as changes in one area can affect others. Not much longer now! smile.gif

    After 1.05 such comparisons and testing would be very interesting indeed I beleive, and Steve should have time to answer some of the more spevific questions (which I unfortuantely dont know the answers too).


    [ November 17, 2007, 04:41 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]

  10. Hi Guys,

    Firstly thanks for taking the time to pass on your thoughts.

    As Ive mentioned in a couple of other similar threads, we are very busy at the moment trying to finalise 1.05 and get it out to you guys. We are getting closer now guys, and I am happy to say that personally I am very happy with the way its shaping up thus far. Until that point we will probably be a little more scarce than usual in the forums. After 1.05 hoping time will allow us to be more active here.

    With that said Im going to lock this one up as its heading off topic fast.


  11. Originally posted by mazex:

    As the 8800 problem is gone now with the same drivers, without doing some ugly workaround for a specific card, It's really hard to not put in a little "well?" here smile.gif

    Im not sure what you are referring too Mazex, but there certainly remains an 8800 issue that we will continue to investigate. Its great news that there are overall improvements though, that is what we were hoping for.

    [ October 03, 2007, 04:30 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]

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