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Posts posted by gunnersman

  1. I don't really know much about engineers other than not only can they blow holes in walls and bocage (as per CMBN and CMSF), but they are supposed to be able to build stuff (Bridges mostly?). A group of guys that have a valuable skill that (I would think) take a long while to teach, seems a bit of a waste to put into combat doesn't it?

    After my game play experience with CMSF and watching the VAARs that Tyrspawn put up as well as the DAARs with Elvis made me think it's kind of wasteful.

    How often were engineers used as a part of the "tip of the spear"?

  2. On page 43 of the now posted CM:BN Game Manual, it says under 'BREACHING BOCAGE,' "At least 2 demolition charges are required to breach a hole large enough for a vehicle to pass through (bocage is tough stuff!). The best way to ensure a large enough breach is to order two consecutive Blast commands, the first Blast command across the far side of the bocage, and the second Blast command returning to the start point."

    Here's to us all quickly mastering the art of fighting in the Normandy bocage country!

    À bientôt!!

    Hmmm...I would hope one would be able to do like in CMSF where the player could split his squad so that each team would have their own set of explosives for the two of them. That is, assuming there are enough for two separate teams.

  3. One thing about CMSF that always frustrated me was not being able to "see" what small arms ammo was available vehicles which were unoccupied. I guess that was to simulate not being able to see the ammo because no one was in the vehicle to see it. Is this still the same?

    Also what about knocked out vehicles that have ammo left over? I would always have a Bradley or LAV that was knocked out with tons of 5.56 left over but my guys were never allowed in to get it.

  4. Release date 2012

    Genre Action/Supernatural

    About "PANZER 88" is a 2011 motion picture, produced by Gary Kurtz ("American Graffiti", "Star Wars", "The Empire Strikes Back"); to be directed by Peter Briggs (co-writer, "Hellboy"); and written by Briggs, Aaron Mason & James Cowan.

    Plot outline In October 1944, the German Army in Russia is in full retreat. The 5 man crew of the King Tiger tank they nickname "Ilsa", stumbles across a small Jewish town that has previously been the target of an S.S. purge. Soon, they become the target of a vengeful supernatural entity that will stop at nothing until they're destroyed.

    Directed by Peter Briggs

    Screenplay by Aaron Mason & James Cowan, and Peter Briggs

    Produced by Gary Kurtz, Peter Briggs, and Priscilla Ross

    It sounds like it would be a short movie, as we all know King Tigers are sssslllooow. Unless the monster cannot penetrate its armor....would that make it a...shall we say a "Sherman" monster...perhaps?

    Ha! I kill me!



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