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Marco Bergman

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Posts posted by Marco Bergman

  1. By the way, any of you using Scipio's unit panel mod will have to delete the "def" icons he included or they will overwrite Marco's changes.

    Mods are loaded in alphabetical order. If a conflict like this occurs, rename the one you want to load last to something later in the alphabet than the clashing mod.

    So in this case, rename my mod "zmb-defence.brz" and you should be fine.

  2. Well it's definite: Gordon Molek has had to retire from modding due to health reasons.:(

    I would like to take the opportunity to publicly thank Gordon for all the years of collaboration. We've been a mod team right through from CMBO times, and it's been quite a ride. From my initial fumbling Sherman mods in CMBO, through the madness of my batch-file mods to the ever-expanding CMMOS (entirely Gordon's work), to official textures for CMBB, CMAK, Dropteam, CMSF and marines. There's a whole heap of textures in that lot, all coloured exquisitely by Gordon. (Colours I can do, but it bores me. I prefer to stick to base textures. )

    Thank you, Gordon. I shall miss your enthusiastic shower of texture updates. (You probably won't miss my erratic updated file stream.) I wish you all the best for the future.

    You certainly leave a large legacy for the CM community.


    As an aside, this news means I'm now looking for a new colourist partner for my nearly-completed CMSF T72 series mod, and beyond.

    (With CMN coming up, this will be a demanding commitment. Interested modders should email me - I won't discuss this here.)

  3. Did you try editing the "display size.txt"?

    Sure did, but just to be certain I've reinstalled the demo and tried again. I can enter 1024 600 60 as often as I like, or desktop, but the game keeps resetting to 1024x768.

    It is playable in wego, but scrolling about isn't the smoothest experience. I turned 3d model quality to minimum (which is still miles better than CM1).

    Also the smallest size font is blurry but understandable.

    (note: I meant eee 900A with 9" screen. Not sure how I got to 8s...)

  4. I have tried the CMSF 1.11 demo during testing on an ASUS eee 801 (Atom chipset, 8" screen.)

    It runs, although a bit too slowly for RT. In WEGO it seemed to cycle through turns ok. (Note that the demo scenarios are not very large battles though.) The graphics displayed fine, although the 3D models are a bit chunky compared to what I'm used to. Pentagonal wheels... The biggest problem I had ( and it would be a biggie for RT ) is that due to the computer's resolution of 1024x600 vs the game's apparent minimum resolution of 1024x768 you have to constantly keep scrolling the screen up and down.

    Tests were tried on mains power because the Atom cuts its processing wherever possible on battery.

    I really wouldn't recommend one of these as your only CMSF PC.

  5. I welcome the return of a free BFC mod repository. But I wonder if you might need to reconsider the file-size limits? CMSF mods are huge using default resolutions. For example, the LAV mod I'm completing now is approx 53MB. Downloading that would mean not being able to get, say, scenarios for another month. Maybe an idea would be to have a certain size below which there is no restriction on downloads, say 1MB? That would cover most scenarios.

  6. Thanks for linking to this, where do I download it?

    Right-click on one of the purple rectangular font bmps above, choose "save picture as", select cmsf/data/z as save location.

    The required file name is:

    font geneva 9.bmp

    Note the spaces in the name.

    If the font doesn't work for you with the existing name "font%20geneva%209.bmp" then rename it manually to "font geneva 9.bmp"

    Or else use one of these links I just made.

    Unzip one of these into cmsf/data/z




  7. In PSP:

    Make an empty layer.

    Copy your graphics to another layer above the empty layer, and hide the original.

    Delete the required-to-be-empty spaces in the copied layer. You should now have an image with a transparent background. (Shown as a checkerboard effect.)

    Set background-pen colour to black.

    Save the file as a .png

    Open the .png in Paint (the freebie useless thing that comes with windows.)

    Select "Save As" and choose 24-bit BMP. (Paint will actually save as a 32bit bmp)

    Save file.

    IMPORTANT- restart CMSF. (Otherwise you'll find the whole texture has disappeared.)

  8. I have modified the default font used for the breifing text to assist those who are having trouble reading the small text.

    Here are the options available:


    TALL doesn't affect the game functions at all.

    The wide fonts affect the editor.

    Asuming people will go for the maximum sized version, here's what the editor looks like:


    Note the overflowed text on some buttons. When the cursor is over this text, the whole line displays.


    The elevation readout is unreadable except at 2nd-closest or closest zoom level.


    You could of course move the font file out of the z folder while working on maps.

    The files:

    Standard width, tall:


    Double width:


    Double width, tall:


    (I didn't stretch the international characters vertically in the tall sets because it seemed pointless. If this is a problem, let me know.)

    The font changes only affect the editor, as can be seen in the picture above. Sometimes the text overflows the button, and is cut off. But when you move the cursor over it, the full text appears.

    All you have to do is copy one of the above files into the data/z folder.

    (Right-click on a font, choose cmsf/data/z as save location, don't change the name from "font%20geneva%209.bmp".)

    It's non-destructive, and if you don't like it you can just remove it.

    If you use the tall version, there are no issues at all. It is only the wide and wide-tall ones that have any problems.

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