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Problem on iMac

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I have a iMac with Mac OS 9.0.4.

All the unit informations (#kills, ammo, support weapon, etc) do not appear. I have only black square.

Does anybody have this problem before me ?

Thanks answer me.

Nicolas (from Paris)

PS excuse me if my english is not very good !

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I believe you will have to wait until Apple/ATI release the updated drivers. It sounds like you have a newer iMac and the drivers for the ATI video chipsets in them have problems with some of the info boxes.

You may want to try your Software Updater control panel to check for newer drivers. I don't think the "Multimedia Update 1.0" applies in this case - the driver update will be even newer than that when it is released.

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Oh, but of course I have kept playing smile.gif

I haven't figured out a solution, I'm just waiting for ATI to put out a new driver I guess.

Do you also have an overall text problem?

When I click on a unit sometimes I can see their names,ammo,etc.....and sometimes I can't. Also, the vehicle hit info pops up very blurry.

I have 2 ATI grapics cards, One 32mb Rage6 built into the system, then One 16mb Rage128 that I put in.

I get a little better grapics on the 32mb.

Still loving the game though.

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Thanks for the confirmation, at least the problem is being worked on.

The video card I was trying to refer to is the new Radeon 32mb, I'm not sure of its complete name. But its in the AGP slot built in.

I read on the ATI siter regarding updating drivers:

WARNING: The drivers supplied here are designed for the specific ATI retail add-in products listed.

"If your ATI graphics controller is built into your Macintosh system (i.e. incorporated on the main system logic board or pre-installed by the system manufacturer), please consult with the system manufacturer before updating the drivers. "

Do you have any experience with this?

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Otto Mekanik - ATI is the primary video chip OEM for Apple. The drivers that they provide on their website are geared towards add-in cards (PCI or AGP). They can be used for built-in video (if you know the exact chip on your motherboard). ATI provides driver updates to Apple for the chipsets that are part of their motherboard (and I guess Apple has some input/QA on the drivers that they release).

I'm not sure what problems the Radeons may have with CM (on the Mac). Some of the newest iMacs and G4s with OS 9.0.4 have some problems with the drivers that are part of that OS (which are the newest ATI drivers available at the moment - even newer than the Universal Installer that ATI has for their cards). Hopefully ATI will release these drivers soon and they'll be posted on Apple's site. A member of this board (elementalwarre) is an internal Apple developer and he may have a bit more info on where the drivers are at this point (QA, etc.).

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