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Ok, what do you guys out there do about the sideshows.

1a) Serbia as CP: Invest heavily as the CP and try to know them out with artillery, Germans and a German HQ? Will they ever fall against the AH only given that they have artillery there?

1b) Serbia as Entente: Do nothing? Beef up the Serbs to threaten Austria directly? Pull back after the fall of Belgrade?

2a) Mesopotamia as CP: do thing? Advance on Basra?

2b) Mesopotamia as Entente: Try to conquer the small cities? Sit and wait for the HQ and the attack Bagdad?

3a) Egypt as CP: Try to capture Cairo? Or beef up the defense and await the Entente?

3b) Egypt as Entente: Wait for the Indian corps and shift forces down, then attack in 1917? or do nothing?

4a) The Caucasus as CP: Dig in?

4b) The Caucasus as Entente: Launch an assault with artillery and corps onto Erzerum? Chances of that?

5a) Italy as CP: Defend or attack? Shift Germans there?

5b) Italy as Entente: Try to knockout Austria or keep quiet?

These are the sideshows I consider worth thinking of...Gallipoli is such a hazard that I do not even consider it here, but of course, if somebody feels it's worthwhile, then let me know?

Which of the sideshows really lends itself to a large investment? Or shall we ignore them altogether once the trenches are deep?

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Ok, since nobody is biting, I will start with Theater 1: Serbia.

The effect of the Austrians deploying their second army against Serbia is not big enough to cause Serbia to collapse in my opinion. However, they can take Belgrade and even penetrate a bit further given decent combat rolls. The lack of troops in Galicia due to this deployment is sorely felt and will lead to the loss of most Galician cities including Lemberg if Germany decides to press in the West.

Therefore, I propose not to send the Austrians against Serbia and wait for a German HQ with artillery (or a decent HQ for the Austrians with heavy artillery) to start the offensive. The Bulgarians are nice to have, but by now means a must if Germany invests. If AH has to go alone, they should have the Bulgarians at their side and maybe even some Turkish corps. Then Serbia might fall in 1916.

For the Entente, all depends on the commitment of the CP as above. An offensive into Austria is most surely a failure as the Serbs lack artillery to press against entrenched positions.

All in all, the front is destined to become bogged down after the initial clashes in 1914 and stays quiet until the CP decides to act. Otherwise, it's a real sideshow which needs significant investment of both sides with no realistic hope of having an effect.

Suggestion for the CP: Finish the Serbs in 1916 with some investment, otherwise treat it as a sideshow.

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Rabelsius, I use to play CP vs. AI 100%, +0.


For the first two years, I don`t do anything at this theater. I guard the cities at the austrian border and move my forces to Galicia. Once Bulgaria joins, I start to conquer Serbia from the south. A turkish rail gun helps a lot to kill serbian supply.


Usually I do nothing down there. Leave one unit in Baghdad. The AI is not capable of overthrowing it.


Sorry for being not inspired at all, but at this front I build up defensive positions and keep it until war ends. I have tried to take Cairo, but I don`t get any hold on the western shore of the suez channel.. too many units over there. I would need to transfer unit from other fronts down there, and I need them elsewhere... Egypt is pretty useless.


Simply: yes, dig in.


Usually I decide to garrison the austrian cities and let the italians move to the north in the direction of Klagenfurt. Once a few units have moved up there and are out of supply, I take Udine and kill the starving units. After that I start to kill the italian units one by one.. but I need to admit that I never got to Rome before the war was over. Taking Bologna is a big hit for the italian NM. And don`t forget Venice.

In general I try to either hold the front at these theaters with local forces or take the enemy out quickly.

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I think with Gallipoli the trick here is to hope that you can lull your opponent into a false sense of security, so that hopefully late in the game when the Ottomans aren't doing well (here's hoping!) you might be able to land at Gallipoli and find that he's evacuated the garrison.

Alternatively, the threat of a landing here should keep some Ottoman units in the area, even if they are only Detachments, and as a result it should be worthwhile making the enemy think that a landing could occur. Obviously this applies more to playing other humans than against the AI.

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Interesting, playing against the AI seems to be a different beast altogether!

Ok, here is my take on theater 2 Mesopotamia:

It is sneaky to use the detachment to occupy all towns south of Bagdad but perfectly viable. I sometimes use a CP Turkish detachment to do the same and try to occupy the oilfields next to Basra, though competent Entente play might prevent that usually. This theater really leaves me scratching my head. As the CP against the AI, you can leave the corps in Bagdad and do nothing. As the Entente against the AI, I have no experience.

I think this theatre only gets interesting once the British HQ comes. Sending a Turkish HQ there is maybe a waste as this HQ might serve better in the Balkans supporting the Bulgarians or the CP against Romania or Greece. Any thoughts?

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