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OT--Need Help With Asus Probe Software/Fans

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Does anybody use the ASUS Probe software that came with their MB? I have an ASUS AV7133 board and I have just upgraded my Probe software to version 2.10, model S1300A and I need help controlling the fan speed of my computer.

In my manual, it shows that when you go into the "Monitoring" section, there is a button called "Fan Control." Yet, when I go into the program, there is no such button.

Can someone help me find out which software I need to download or whatever so I have this option. I'm going deaf from the whir of this CPU fan.

[ April 28, 2002, 11:38 PM: Message edited by: Colonel_Deadmarsh ]

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Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh:

Does anybody use the ASUS Probe software that came with their MB? I have an ASUS AV7133 board and I have just upgraded my Probe software to version 2.10, model S1300A and I need help controlling the fan speed of my computer.

In my manual, it shows that when you go into the "Monitoring" section, there is a button called "Fan Control." Yet, when I go into the program, there is no such button.

Can someone help me find out which software I need to download or whatever so I have this option. I'm going deaf from the whir of this CPU fan.

I couldn't find that option in Probe either, but I did find a free program that supposedly can adjust fan speed. You can download it here Speedfan
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I don't personally use this utility myself. Looking at the manual it seems to indicate that the Monitoring tab has a full set of icons across the top and I guess that there is a button in the lower right of the icon pane that will move you over to the next 'pane full' of icons of which the Fan Control may be one of them. I'm not sure how the RPM is actually controlled other than varying the voltage (assuming that will actually change the RPM and not stop the fan altogether).

I'm not sure what the differences are between each of the versions and if they support certain motherboards or monitor chips or what, but the latest version of this program that I've found on the ASUS website is 2.16.01 (no part number) that I found via the site's search function. There are quite a few newer (or at least higher numbered) revisions above the one you just got, but again I'm not sure if there are particular differences between them that allow them to function with certain boards.

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Whoops, that last version is incorrect. I actually have v. 2.15.09

Tanks, I'll try that Speedfan and see if it works. I looked into getting lining for the case but it's just as expensive as a new fan so I'd like to try to slow it down first and see if that works before buying something new.

Aside from covering up the side vents, slowing down the fan seems like my best bet.

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Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh:

Tried Speedfan and it didn't work with my MB for some reason. Fans wouldn't change speeds at all.

It was worth a try. Did your fan always make that much noise? Make sure nothing is touching it and maybe try cleaning it with one of those cans of compressed air.
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Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh:

... I'm going deaf from the whir of this CPU fan.


I’m inspired today, so here it goes ;)

When the computer is on, the temperature goes up, with temperature metal dilates… When you shut off your computer, temperature goes down, and the metal contracts.

This fan axel radius differential will at the long run, induce a discrepancy between the metal axel of the fun and the plastic support of the axel (the plastic support becomes wither...The prime reason for this is friction by use and not what I described above, but never the less it adds up).

So, in the end the fun will have micro-oscillations wile it is high speed rotating (the fun will not be fully parallel to the MB), and that is what you are hearing.

Are you sure it is the CPU fan?

(Can be CPU, MB, Video Card, Hard Disk or supply source fun)

The costly solution (not that much) is to exchange the fan it self…

Another approach is; for instances, as all my computers are always open, when on those (hot day/cold night) spring/fall days one of the funs goes noisy, I just apply a little pressure on the center of the fun, in a way the noise goes away or goes down considerably…

What you should never do is to diminish your cooling ability by slowing the fun…

Semi-conductors are the back-bone of your computer, and contrary to metals, they work better cold, colder the better (don’t freeze them smile.gif )…

Ok, the prime function of cooling is not to work better, is to prevent melting, but never the less… ;)

For instances, in some video cards, 10ºC differential makes the card change is clock speed considerably (slower graphics)…

That’s why some low end computer components assemblers save on the fun, as they know it wont destroy the component… but on other hand it will under perform when “on” for some time (in truce is just a statistical problem).

Why you don’t have speed control of your funs ?

Your mother board has a 3 way connector for most of your funs…

One is the power, the other is the ground and the 3rd one the rev. counter…

To work, your fun only needs the power and the ground, so once again in order to save money some assemblers don’t connect/or don’t have the rev counter… No rev counter no speed control (by variation of the voltage in the power).

Hmm… maybe this is a bit confusing, never the less here it stays ;)

PS-By the way, in your MB BIOS you have a better temperature controling system then the windows software you are using…

[ April 29, 2002, 01:26 AM: Message edited by: Tanaka ]

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I guess the appropriate question here is whether the noise is something new in a fan that you've had for awhile. If it is, then what Tanaka described would be applicable; the fan is possibly wearing out and making noise.

If your fan is new, then it may either be possibly defective or very likely may just be a noisy fan. Many CPU fans can be quite noisy because of the RPM they run at and their design to move more air.

Do you know exactly which fan is causing the noise ? Is it the CPU, power supply or possibly a case fan ?

As I stated earlier I'm not sure of the method of controlling the RPM of fans. I don't know if they need to be of a special variety or if small voltage changes are enough for some fans to change their RPMs (but not shut off). As Tanaka stated the 3-wire fans have the third wire for RPM monitoring (but I don't know if any of these can use that line for RPM control). These will have to be hooked up to the motherboard in order to get RPM monitoring. If they are just hooked up to a power supply connector then they won't be giving any info to the motherboard.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think you'll find that controlling the fan speed is NOT available on any ASUS board.

Yes, the fans can be noisy - especially the little one on the Northbridge. You can try a little lubrication - peel back the label on the centre of the fan and put a tiny drop of light oil on the spindle then replace the label.

I run a Delta SK6 fan on the CPU which drowns out all other noise anyway .... LOL.

Regards, Len

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Well, apparently it WAS the Vantec fan on my CPU. It runs at 7000rpm so I got rid of it and got me a Volcano 6 or something instead. Much, much quieter. Of course it runs at 4500 or close to that so I'm worried about overheating my board.

The software says it's currently at 107 F. Is that about average? At what temperature do you start to get concerned about your board?

By the way, my system is an AMD 1.33.

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