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Is it possible to set a map as background and build over it?


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No, not possible with the existing map editor. It's a feature many of us would have liked.

Failing that, maybe someone could invent a tool that "breaks" a JPEG into 8m segments and generates a roughly pre-tiled CMBN map based on the overall pattern recognition (field, town, road, water) that at least would give mappers a head start.

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I took a blank map, put tall grass on 6 sq x 6 sq in the editor (48mx48m) took a screen shot scaled it to google maps of 50m and 100m (could be scaled to 200m but the squares get real small... I take screen shot of the google map, overlay the screenshot of the editor map, and give it a 60% opacity... Then view that (I have a dual monitor setup, but you could print it) as I make my map in the editor it is to scale and accelerates the map making process... for anyone interested in the overlays just drop me a line...

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I'm trying to do a carentan causeway map,

as first map ever done, I'm wondering if i could stick the map, on the ground, and then build over it?


Oh we would really like that. Here is one person's solution: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=98602

I am hoping that one day it will be added. The amount of time it would save scenario authors would be amazing.

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