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Machine Gun firing animations

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I know coding animations is time-consuming, but can something be done about the firing animations for bipod machine guns? It looks really goofy seeing, for instance, German soldiers firing their MG42s and MG34s like they're an assault rifle.

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I know coding animations is time-consuming, but can something be done about the firing animations for bipod machine guns? It looks really goofy seeing, for instance, German soldiers firing their MG42s and MG34s like they're an assault rifle.

It´s not just looking like it, they´re truely firing from the hip or shoulder! It comes from LOF issues, if the gunner can´t go prone and has the LMG properly setupped with bipod on the ground, in order to shoot at the selected targets. Or in other words, there´s some terrain obstacles, that the shooter has to shoot over.

Try a crest or raised shooting action spot and "face" the LMG (or team) directly on desired target. The LMG/team might then position in way, that it can go prone and shoot from lay down position. Then you´ll also have the "accurate" fire, you would expect.

There´s also issues, that the LMG can´t be "rested" on something (wall, berm, ect.) and the resulting fire mode, again is "assault" fire from the shoulder and thus very inaccurate.

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I think it can be rested on windows, walls, bocage, etc. The recoil doesn't seem much different between firing from resting on an object and firing prone with the bipod. Where as the few times I've seen MGs truly shoulder fired, seemed they were anti-aircraft guns.

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