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WIP: Valley of The Shadow

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New, improved and in the correct forum this time.

Two Ami Companies attack a hasty German defense. Forces are being tweaked and plans made. If I ever get a day off work it will be ready for testing.

The map from the German side and two views of the objective areas.

NE corner -


Center -


SE corner -


Northern buildings -


Southern Buildings -


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OK folks, it is starting to look like decision time for Schultzie. Your input is as always appreciated.

Map is done.

Forces are done with caveats(more later).

Too many different attacking forces/reinforcements to make effective AI plans for attacker. Human Ami attacker only no matter what.

Now here's the rub.

The battle/force I envision for the defenders probably cannot be done effectively by the AI for various reasons. Towing guns and deploying them properly among them, as well as too many small groups that should have individual guidance. I have backup plans in the making that address these issues, but it means a more boring, and possibly non-optimal/gamey battle for any Human defender.

Example -

There is a 150mm Infantry Gun in this battle(always been my favorite German defensive unit). It cannot/should not start the battle on the map. Trust me on that one. :)

I can either have it 'appear' magically in a proper place, which btw kills replayability, or try to make the AI tow it in and deploy it properly, or have the crew push it into play from out of deep woods(o what fun).

While I CAN make the AI tow and deploy, getting it to do it effectively and consistantly is another kettle of fish. Not to mention that every towed gun means two groups. One for the gun and one for the truck/halftrack. There are other things going on in that vein as well that are slowly turning my brain to mush. :D

So it comes down to this ...

H2H only sooner, or Human attacker vs altered-force-German AI defender later. I refuse to have whack-a-mole on one of my maps, and I also want a Human defender to enjoy him{her?}self. 'Tis a bit maddening it 'tis. :)

Which will get played more? I know it is not always easy to get a partner for longer PBEM battles, and some folks like to play the AI a time or two.

I could release it H2H and turn a different version loose for you guys to play with as far as plans. That way folks get to play it, and play with it, and I can move on to next project.

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Not sure if this would work, but put the siG in a reinforce group with its towing vehicle and have it appear on turn x for the Human player, then put both in a AI group, you can then select its position (which can be variable by plan), on the map with the setup orders as dismount... then on order 2 have gun put into ambush or whatever mode you want... just not sure how the disposition of the siG (facing) will be during setup...

...or you could put in two AI groups (wasting an extra group which is always not a good thing) and have the gun appear at up to 5 locations (plans) and the vehicle at point x, same as the human reinforce and then plot movement of vehcile to where the deployment of the siG is...That way the vehicle won't magically appear and give away any type of concealment the siG may have during its deployment...

Not sure if that made sense, maybe it will help...

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Update - Two days in a row off work did wonders.

I was able to tweak the defenders to 8 groups and 7 reinforcements. It's not as epic as that looks... reinforcements like single vehicles, off-map mortars and ad-hoc understrength platoons.

As soon as I get the Ami reinforcements the way I like them, there will be a H2H-only beta test version released.

If I get any takers and input before i finish the defender plans, I will adjust accordingly before full Human vs AI Defender release. there will be at least 3 plans for the defender.

Will post some testing screenies later today ...

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Nothing like being surprised by your own AI plan while playing scenario author test mode. (smiley not allowed due to 5 pics) The 1100+ meter diagonal across the map unintentional keyhole shot that killed a Sherman woke me right up ... and I didn't hear the report until well after the Zippo brewed up. There are 1300+ meter areas that I knew about, but that one caught me.

The Evil One, and friend passing through.



Amis on the move ... 3 out of 4 burning tanks are there at battle start as flavor objects. Last on the right was the Sherman flambe' surprise.



Ninja 'schrek firing prone from a wheatfield...



... makes for a nice flat trajectory ...



... leading to the inevitable ...



More to come later.

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