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Preserve Buildings?

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Hi all,

Couple questions about the requirements for a "Preserve Buildings" scoring condition:

1) If you have a whole neighborhood covered with a large "Preserve" objective, how much damage invalidates the condition? (One building wrecked? What about one wall or roof with a hole in it?)

2) Does destruction of high walls (not buildings) by breaching count against the preserve condition?

I try to role-play by minimizing damage even after I've ruined the condition, but I'm just wondering about the game mechanics. I did a search, but couldn't find a definitive answer.

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In my experience you can shoot buildings for approx a minute with 20mm-30mm without voiding a "preserve building" requirement. Similarly, 81mm and smaller arty can fire anti-personnel at buildings and not do enuff damage to the buildings.

Try it and you'll get a feel for what you can get away with.

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