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Response to ww2steel

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I normaly do not respond to ridiculous comments or defend BFC in any way,they are quite capable of doing that on their own.But I must respond to ww2steel's following assanine comments:

First,"I want a random map with random troops for a quick battle. A 'quick battle' takes like 20 mins to even get to the friggin map now!"

My 10 year old son creates quick battles of all kinds in 30 seconds to a minute.I dont think ww2steel knows how to operate the game.

Second,"(damn it I just want a platoon of infantry and a tank!)"

My 10 year old son buys this all the time and is happily playing within minutes.I dont think ww2steel knows how to operate the game.

Since these two comments are so far from the truth we can't give any credibility to ww2steel's current post.Ww2steel,please contact me,my 10 year old son may be able to help you on how the game works, especially quick battles.

And I would also like to add something about relative spotting.Everyone was on board with this concept from the begining.Now I see plenty of posts from players complaining that I should be able to see this unit or that tank or why isn't my unit firing at the enemy?I know they can see them.This whole thing is comical.

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What exactly are you trying to accomplish here? The thread you reference is still wide open if you feel the need to post vitriol. If you just want to insult him and "make sure he knows it", why don't you just PM him? It's bad enough we seem compelled to stab each other and muddy potentially useful threads, but a direct public attack is uncalled for and embarrassing.

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My goal was not a public attack on ww2steel or to" stab him in the back".I should have kept it in the original thread.I did a seperate post to emphasize to any potential customers that ww2steel is clearly misguided on several issues.A potential CMBN player might decide not to purchase the game based on his comments.The more people that play CMBN, the better it is for all of us.If you feel my post is uncalled for and embarrasing, then you should feel the same way about ww2steel's highly inaccurate initial complaints.

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Weapon2010, if you had done your homework and read the thread you would have realised that the issue raised by you was dealt with in that thread (not the issue of your genius 10 year old, but the issue of ww2steel's complaints about the game). If you had bothered to visit his website you would have realised that ww2steel is a seriously obsessed grognard: so obsessed that I am tempted to tell him to get a life. If you had bothered to try to step into his shoes and see his point of view you would have realised that his complaints are perfectly valid and come from an intense love of CMx1 and an intense disappointment that CMBfN did not meet his expectations.

Now I reaslise that your intention in posting was to refute ww2steel's criticisms and inform potential customers about the true nature of CMBfN. But I don't think that publicly attacking ww2steel or stabbing him in the back is the best method of achieving this aim.

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Oh, give it a rest.

So. WWIISteel doesn't like the game. BFD. He's entitled to his opinion and clearly, lots of other people do like the game, so the franchise is in no danger of going under.

Granted, I do believe WWIISteel could have expressed his opinion in a more coherent and respectful way, but I could also say this of many of the people attempting to rebut him, so at this point I think it's best to just leave it lie.

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I'm locking this up. As has already been pointed out, this sort of response should have gone in the original thread. Which, as it turns out, is also locked up now.

As YankeeDog said, if someone doesn't like the game that's fine. No matter how uninformed their opinions may be, people are entitled to them. Even if those opinions are frustratingly off the mark factually.

Ranting, on the other hand, is quite counter productive.


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