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1914 Call to Arms AAR - Bill v Dan

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Hindenburg lost, this is a catastrophe! :eek:

Still, Hindenburg's not exactly shined in this game, whereas fortunately for us von Hutier arrived for service in East Prussia last turn, so he will have to do his best to resurrect our fortunes in the east.

Austria-Hungary destroys a Russian Corps north of Krakow and then advances to Lodz, surrounding the city. Warsaw is being pounded and this battle is far from decided yet.


The destruction of Serbia continues as the enemy forces holding Kragujevac flee for their lives. Unfortunately our men were too exhausted by their exertions to move into the town.

In Palestine, our HQ has to run the gauntlet of the enemy forces in a dash for freedom. Alas, our guns have had to be left behind!


In the west, a British and a French Corps are destroyed on the Somme. But the battle continues!

Our people are now starting to go hungry as the Entente have cut off our food imports from Holland. It's time to tighten our belts and prepare for even rougher times ahead.

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The Atlantic UK destroyers go back to port for badly needed repairs and supply. The strength 2 U-Boat got away. I estimate that the Central Powers has four U-Boats in the North Sea. All left the area with battle damage.

I have not occupied the far East close blockade line square in the North Sea until now. I felt it was too vulnerable to German ships and I didn't want to attact attention to the North Sea. I din't want a sea battle with Germany. I could lose so many ships that I couldn't fully man the blockade lines. I now put a UK sub there. With so many German U-Boats sunk or damaged the risk is reduced. Also, German National Morale is down to 37%. Now losses from a sea battle could badly affect German morale.

Entente diplomacy has stopped food imports from Hollland. Holland swings another 9% to the Entente.

Ottoman National Morale is down to 46% and Austria is down to 67%.

The Entente destroyed another two German infantry corps in France. I am still pushing forward to gain ground but I am almost out of units to continue the push. France gets a Trench 4 and a Gas/Shell Production 2 advance.

Italy buys an artillery unit. Italy invests in Gas/Shell Production and gets an advance in it.

Serbia pulls back. I should have let the city go and stayed in my entrenchments.

Russia destroys another German infantry corps in Poland and damages other units. Russia is getting thin in Poland. However, the Central Powers have taken a lot of damage. Bill still holds the two cities that he took.

Last turn Russia subs damaged a German cruiser on the coast. I put Russian surface ships in port in ambush positions near my subs. Continuing the previous sea battle in the Baltic, Russia sinks a destroyer and damages a German battleship down to one point.

Russia has not seen Lenin and his communists for the entire game. I suspect that Bill did not send him to Russia.

Entente destroyers damage U-Boats in the Med. I estimate that two U-Boats are left in the Med. UK forces in Palestine liberate Amman. The Ottoman infantry corps in Damascus is again damaged down to one point. UK forces are coming back together, but they need to be repaired and upgraded to Infantry Weapons 1.

The USA invests one more point in ASW and gets an advance to ASW 1.

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While the situation in Palestine is bad, we have better news from Mesopotamia where the remnants of Britain's Force D attempt to flee from Qurna out into the desert. Their destruction next turn is assured, and then we'll have to force march our forces back to help defend the rest of the Empire.

The situation in Poland is also turning in our favor as our Bombers, Rail Guns and artillery continue to disrupt the enemy's supply. Lodz is now cut off, and our Tanks have arrived for the assault on Warsaw.

Things are going even better in Serbia where the enemy have vacated Kragujevac, and we're really close to being able to attack Nish:


The French lose 3 Corps in furious fighting on the western front, including one that attempted to run away, with a fourth being reduced to strength 1. If we had the reserves, we'd have been able to attack their artillery!


German income is down to 530 a turn, and National Morale is at a shocking 35%. The Kaiser is starting to think that he'd better practice his Dutch.

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Entente forces are taking losses and being strained in France but the Belgium front is about to be cracked wide open. Entente destroys three more German infantry corps in France and damages a German an infantry and a cavalry corps. France rebuilds two destroyed infantry corps.

All UK North Sea destroyers are repaired and ready for round two with the German U-Boats, if the U-Boats sail out again. All convoy routes are running again. Entente destroyers damage two U-Boats in the Med. The UK invests a point in ASW.

Russia sinks another German destroyer in the Baltic, allowing three cornered Russian subs to escape after they do three points of damage to a German battlcruiser. The second battle of the Baltic is a Russian naval victory.

Russia destroys German infantry corps in Germany. Russian units in Poland destroy an Austrian infantry corps and a cavalry corps. The Austrian invasion forces of Poland are almost destroyed. Then I can concentrate on the German invasion forces. It will be very hard to drive out Bill's Germans, if they choose to stay in Poland. Russia rebuilds a destroyed infantry corps and repairs two ships in the Baltic.

The Serbs are buckling. I hope that they can hold out long enough for the Russians to mount an offensive against Austria to save them.

UK forces in Palestine destroy an Ottoman HQ and damage three other units.

Italy is peaceful again. Italy puts two diplomatic points into Norway. Italy advances to Industrial Production 2.

German National Morale is down to 32%, Ottomans 43% and Austrians 64%.

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The British in Mespotamia have now been destroyed so our forces there are rushing at top speed to the north.

The Serbian capital of Nish has now been totally cut off from outside help, and their capital so badly damaged that the defenders are running very short of food and ammunition.

The Fortress of Novo-Georgeviesk to the north of Warsaw is captured as our Tanks go into action for the first time!


Although we have a lot of units preparing for deployment on the western front, certainly enough to stop the enemy's advances, they won't be ready for another turn or two. Hence I've reluctantly had to order a withdrawal from the Somme region into Belgium.


While most of our U-Boats are now returning to German ports from their campaign against British shipping, some more are setting sail out into the North Sea.

National Morale stands at:

UK 85%

France 67%

Italy 95%

Russia 80%

Germany 31%

Austria-Hungary 63%

Ottoman Empire 43%

Heavy German casualties and the strongly enforced blockade, both by the Entente navies and also through diplomatic pressure, largely account for the low German morale.

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The UK navy upgraded many ships to ASW1. I suspect that there are only three U-Boats left in the North Sea.

Three UK subs are now damaging convoys from Norway to Germany. The Entente diplomacy to Norway should shut down this convoy line soon.

The Entente completely broke through into Belgium. Arras and Calais were liberated. One German infantry corps and one artillery unit were destroyed. The new current German line in Belgium is very weak. France sacked/replaced a 5 HQ with Petain 8.

Russian units in Poland and Germany mostly repaired. Russian Baltic naval units returned to ports in hopes of having MPP's to repair them some day. Bill may take Warsaw.

The Serbs are being compressed but are still holding.

Russian forces in Turkey badly damaged an Ottoman infantry corps on the coast. I am sailing a French and a UK marine to the Med looking to take advantage of so many unoccupied Turkish cities on the coast.

Entente destroyers sank an Austrian sub. There may be only one Central Powers sub now left in the Med, now trapped in the Adriatic Sea. All my Med Entente destroyers, except the Italian one, are seriously damaged.

Entente naval forces sank an Austrian battleship and destroyer in the Adriatic Sea. Entente ships are sailing into the Adriatic in force looking for enemy ships to sink.

UK forces in Palestine mostly repaired and upgraded this turn, now that they have better supply. The Ottoman infantry corps in Damascus was damaged again to keep it from fortifying. The city of Homs was liberated by cavalry.

Italy invested one point in heavy artillery. France gets an advance in Advanced Aircraft 1.

German National Morale is down to 29%, Ottoman 42% and Austria 60%.

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Serbia loses their capital at Nish, so now they will have to hold Uskub or they will surrender. We really need this front to close down asap because everywhere else is just a little too hot at the moment, and Romania will probably soon enter the war against us too.

In Poland our Tanks destroy a Russian Corps, and further south the Austro-Hungarians have a similar success near Lemberg. Our advances have now cut off central Poland's rail routes to and from Russia.


The French lose a Corps to a swift counter attack just north of the Chemin des Dames, but until our reserves arrive this success will hardly make any difference to the speed of the Entente's advance.

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Two U-Boats attempted to break through the North Sea close blockade line but ran into destroyers manning the line. Both U-Boats were badly damaged.

If the main German surface fleet had been with the U-Boats, they could have caused terrible damage. I have been rotating my normal cruiser blockaders back for ASW upgrades. I dislike putting destroyers on the close blockade line because they can be sunk so easily by heavier surface ships. Crusiers are the best blockaders because they have some ASW defense and defend well against most surface ships. Subs do well also as blockaders. However if the German surface fleet doesn't plan to sail, destroyers are ideal blockaders.

In Belgium/France Entente forces Ostend and the Loos Mine. My Entente forces were too damaged to press much harder. I mostly repaired and upgraded this turn, included two French Fighters to Level 1.

Italy is saving MPP's for a second heavy artillery unit. It is so peaceful in Italy.

I am now missing the sea plane carriers in the Med which are far away in the Atlantic on the far blockade line. I can only spot with one UK carrier, either for future marine landings or for the Entente fleet in the Adriatic. So the Entente fleet is carefully creeping blindly forward one square a turn in the Adriatic.

UK forces destroyed an Ottoman corps in Damascus and a detachment, liberating that city along with Tripoli.

Russian forces in Poland destroy an Austrian infantry corps probing my lines. My lines are really thin. The Central Powers evacuated Syedlets (thank goodness) and the Russians reoccupy the city. The Russians damage a German infantry corps down to one strength. The Russians rebuild two badly needed infantry corps. Warsaw still holds for now.

German National Morale is down to 25%, Ottoman 41% and Austrians 59%. The lowest Entente morale is France at 65%.




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The last remnants of our Ottoman army in Syria are now encircled at Beirut. Better news is that our troops are starting to arrive from Mesopotamia via forced marches, and our Heavy Artillery have somehow survived the enemy's onslaught.


The enemy's position in Serbia is falling apart and our forces are advancing on Uskub, but the Entente haven't given up hope and we are here facing a ragged mixture of Serbian, Montenegrin, Greek, Albanian, Italian and amazingly, even Belgian units!!


So far von Hutier is having a much better campaign in Poland than Hindenburg had, as Warsaw is now virtually surrounded, while further south Lublin is captured by Austro-Hungarian forces, and the Russian cavalry that had been hovering around Krakow are driven off.


Thousands of German reinforcements arrive in the west, and some in the east too. The British and French didn't pursue us as hard as I'd expected into Belgium last turn, so we've got time to build up some defensive positions near Brussels.

Reconnaissance flights show that the enemy have no artillery units near the German border, so they are probably planning on continuing their thrusts into Belgium for the near future.

Our Zeppelins have just been upgraded, and Austria-Hungary is stepping up shell production. If it weren't for the German people going hungry and our forces being chased out of northern France, the Kaiser would be feeling much more optimistic!

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A moving seriously damaged U-Boat in the North Sea is ambushed by a UK destroyer near the close blockade line. Other UK destroyers sink it. More UK ships upgrade to ASW 1. UK cruisers now equipped with ASW 1 are moving back to relieve destroyers manning the close blockade line.

Entente forces in Belgium/France liberate Lille, Maubeuge and Ypres and destroy a German cavalry and an infantry corps. New French reinforcements lead by Petain, including artillery are forming up on the Swiss border to open a new front on Germany. France rebuilds two destroyed advanced infantry corps.

Entente naval forces in the Adriatic sink an Austrian sub, one battlecruiser and two battleships. Again, no Entente ships were lost.

French marines disembark in a Med port to prepare for an amphibious invasion of Turkey. UK marines from England are still sailing to their disembarkation port.

UK forces in Palestine destroy two Ottoman detachments and liberate Hiafa. Half of the UK forces there get badly needed repairs or upgrades. The UK rebuilds an advanced infantry corps.

Badly stretched Russian forces in Poland destroy two German infantry corps and damage an Austrian corps. One unoccupied Russian city was taken by the Austrians. Warsaw may fall next turn from attacks by Bill's German infantry, tanks, artillery and railguns. The Serbs must hold their last capital or the Serbs will surrender.

Russian forces in Germany repair and rebuild a destroyed infantry corps. Russian forces in Turkey damage an Ottoman infantry corps down to one point.

Italy builds a second artillery unit and invests another research point into Gas/Shell Production. The US advances to Intelligence 1.

German National Morale is down to 20%, Ottoman 29% and Austrian 54%. The war should be over sometime in early 1917.




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A The Serbs must hold their last capital or the Serbs will surrender.

A common mistake in WW1 games - Serbia got completely over-run in "the real war", and not only didn't surrender, but after a year of retraining & reorganising supplied 2 corps on the Macedonian front for the rest of the war!

simlarly belgium and Romania - both of which were essentially almsot completely over-run except for small slivers of land, but were re-armed and retrained, kept several corps in the field, and in Romania's case arguably had a much more effective army after "conquest" than before!!

Romania only "surrendered" with the fall of Tsarist russia - and rejoined the war on 10 november - the day before the armistice!!

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Warsaw Captured!

Great news from Poland: Warsaw is ours at last. Russian morale falls, and Lodz should soon be ours too!


In Serbia we nearly captured Uskub this turn, but hopefully we'll have better luck next turn as our Austro-Hungarian artillery will be able to provide a significant amount of fire support then.

In the Middle East, Arab partisans trying to enter Mesopotamia are beaten back, and they flee in disorder.


Our chances of holding Belgium for long are very slim, though more reinforcements are due next turn, it's best that our Headquarters move back into Germany leaving just some infantry behind to slow the enemy's advance.


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A common mistake in WW1 games - Serbia got completely over-run in "the real war", and not only didn't surrender, but after a year of retraining & reorganising supplied 2 corps on the Macedonian front for the rest of the war!

simlarly belgium and Romania - both of which were essentially almsot completely over-run except for small slivers of land, but were re-armed and retrained, kept several corps in the field, and in Romania's case arguably had a much more effective army after "conquest" than before!!

Romania only "surrendered" with the fall of Tsarist russia - and rejoined the war on 10 november - the day before the armistice!!

Rather than reply in this thread I've started a new one on this subject.

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The Entente in France liberated Brussels and Namur while destroying two German infantry corps. The advancing French units in Belgium are both significantly damaged and need to be upgraded. I may have to pause and repair next turn. French units lead by Petain are now in position for an attack next turn by the German/Swiss border. France did a few repairs and upgrades and built a new fighter unit.

UK units in Palestine liberated Beirut and Alexandretta while destroying an Ottoman rail gun. The other half of UK units either upgraded or repaired for the eventual attack on Turkey itself. The UK rebuilt an infantry corps. A French marine unit embarked onto landing craft.

Italy built a Fighter unit and is waiting for its new artillery units to arrive to go on the offensive. It is so peaceful in Italy.

Serbia's last capital is trying to survive against Austrian/Bulgarian units, well equipped with three artillery units. Romania joins the Entente.

Bill took Warsaw. The remaining Russians in Poland nibbled at the Central Powers or entrenched. Russia can fall back a long ways if needed. The war will be over soon. German National Morale is down to 16% and Ottoman is 29%.

Russians in Germany destroyed a German detachment. Russia rebuilt a destroyed infantry crops and repaired two lightly damaged Baltic ships.

There are no screen shots this turn.

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T.E. Lawrence's Arabs take a drubbing in the desert, and are destroyed. But we currently have no troops in southern Turkey capable of stopping the enemy's advance, so we can only hope that their logistical problems prevent them from advancing too far before our reinforcements arrive.

Uskub falls to Bulgarian forces, which is great news at long last, but I do not feel that our campaign in Serbia is really over. The Entente won't give up that easily and now that Romania has entered the war, this area is going to see a lot more fighting yet!

Romania may already be regretting her decision to enter the war, as our Zeppelins are bombing Bucharest and the Ploesti oilfields.

Prince Rupprecht marches into Lodz at the head of his victorious troops. It's good to see success on this front too!


Given the grave situation facing Germany, we've decided not to send out some commerce raiders to attack British shipping in the Pacific and Indian oceans. The war will probably not last that much longer, so their expedition wouldn't be worthwhile. Although Germany has many units currently in training, the people are losing the will to continue the war and we are facing growing amounts of industrial unrest.

Finally, here's an image of the Caucasian front, showing Russian attacks in red. I've just withdrawn two Corps from near the Russian border, as things are not looking good for the Ottoman Empire.


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The Entente in Western France destroyed a German infantry corps and liberated Antwerp which liberates all of Belgium. Otherwise the Entente there mostly upgraded to Infantry Weapons 1, Artillery 2 or repaired. I really need another turn to repair that Western group. In Eastern France, Petain launched his offensive destroying another German infantry corps and captured Mulhouse. France built a recon bomber.

The UK in Palestine assigned the five best infantry corps to Allenby and force marched them East to meet the Ottomans returning from the Basra area. More UK forces in Palestine upgraded or repaired. Haig continued north with the rest of the forces and captured Adana and Aleppo.

Entente naval forces destroyed an Ottoman destroyer. The French marines will land somewhere in Turkey next turn. UK marines unloaded into their friendly Med port to embark next turn.

Russian forces in Germany destroyed a German detachment and advanced into its former location. One entrenched Russian attacking corps was badly damaged and may not survive a German counter attack. I reinforced this area with the new corps as I may be able to continue attacking here.

Russian forces in Poland destroyed an Austrian infantry corps and a detachment. Otherwise, they are entrenching, repairing or falling back. I plan to give ground here as needed. For every city the Entente loses here, the Entente is capturing three or more in other locations. It is a long ways to St. Petersburg while Berlin is getting closer with each turn.

Russian forces in Turkey attacked and again badly damaged an Ottoman infantry corps on the coast. Other Ottoman forces there are falling back.

Serbia surrendured as a nation and two Serbian corps vanished. I had moved most Serbian units out of the country to safetly just in case this would happen. That lesson was sadly learned in my last game with Bill. Romania is in the war and will hopefully draw off some Bulgarian units. The UK built another Greek detachment. I am concerned if the Central Powers makes a hard drive into Greece.

The Entente tried by decision event to sieze the Greek Navy. They got only a destroyer while the prized battleship defected to Austria. I am sending a Med French destroyer back to the Atlantic as the sub war seems over in the Med.

Italy is shore bombarding and nibbling at an Austrian detachment on the coast. Italy built a rail gun. The new artillery units will start arriving in December.

The French advanced to Trench 5 and Intelligence 2. The US advanced to Intelligence 2 and invested one point in Industrial Production. The Russians advanced to Industrial Production 2.

German National Morale is down to 14%, Ottomans 28% and Austrians 51%.




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Hammering the Russians in Poland continues, and we hope to soon be advancing on Brest-Litovsk.

Some Serbian forces are still carrying on the fight in the Balkans, though one unit defending Uzice takes a pounding, and the Belgian Detachment serving near Uskub is destroyed.

In the west, French units have crossed the Rhine! Mulhouse has fallen and Strasbourg is threatened. The situation is looking grave and Ludendorff is on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

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The Entente in France went on a half offensive in the West and a full offensive with Petain in the East. There were still too many damaged French corps left to repair in the West. There will be a full Entente offensive next turn with artillery support. The Entente captured the Briey mine, destroyed two German infantry corps and a German Fighter level 2. France invested one point in aerial warfare to catch up. France got an advance to ASW 1.

The UK cavalry in Turkey captured Karaman. Allenby's UK corps outran his HQ support and did moderate damage to the Ottomans. French marines stormed ashore and captured Smyrna, in Turkey. There were no MPP's left to put UK marines on assault craft. French destroyers are being redeployed to the English Channel.

Russian units in Poland destroyed a German cavalry corps and an Austrian detachment while conducting a fighting withdrawal. Poland got both rebuilt Russian infantry corps as reinforcements.

Russian units in Germany damaged German units and advanced forward. I ran out of MPP's and could not repair many units there. Air cover is down because the lone fighter has been damaged down to strength 4.

Italy shore bombarded, ground attacked and damaged an Austrian detachment. Italy built a new infantry corps.




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Tough fighting continues in Serbia and Turkey. The Entente's landing at Smyrna certainly opens up a new threat to the Ottomans, but fortunately some fresh troops deploy this turn so we should be able to contain their bridgehead.

Radom in Poland falls to a pincer attack launched by German and Austro-Hungarian forces, leaving one Russian Corps cut off and without supply. Konigsberg is still holding out ok.


French and British forces are continuing their advance into Germany, and a counterattack we launched against a French Cavalry Corps failed this turn due to the strong support they were given by their artillery.


Germany's National Morale is now very low, but we will fight on until the end. Our armies in the west are attempting to hold their positions so as to slow the enemies advance, and we've just deployed a fresh artillery unit near Aachen which should help.

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In France, the Entente attacked all along the line with artillery support. Four German infantry corps were destroyed. Others were damaged and Luxembourg was liberated. France repaired ground, air and ship units. France got a Gas/Shell Production advance.

The UK rebuilt a Greek infantry corps and built a Greek detachment. The UK marines transported to Greece for defense instead of preparing for a landing.

A UK cavalry unit conquered the Turkish city of Konia. A UK seaplane carrier on a recon mission noticed an Ottoman infantry corps near the French marines. The marines are digging in instead of exploiting. Other UK units attacked in Palestine but due to low supply and/or lack of HQ support, the attacks damaged but did not destroy Ottoman units.

Russian lines in Poland are solidifying a little. They got another rebuilt infantry corps as reinforcements.

Russian units in Germany attacked, did damage and repaired. They also got a rebuilt infantry corps as reinforcements.

Russian units in Turkey repaired. Serbian and Romanian units could not fully repair for lack of Russian MPP's. Romanian units attacked and damaged a Bulgarian border detachment.

Italian units bombarded and attacked an Austrian detachment. Italy repaired some ships. Italy got an advance to Gas/Shell Production 2.

Norway complained about UK sub attacks then the UK got a 9% positive diplomacy hit. Political doubletalk?

German National Morale is down to 6%, Ottomans 25% and Austria 49%.




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The Kaiser is packing his bags and booking his train to take him to Holland.

Although the German army is still fighting hard, our positions in the west are crumbling as the French have achieved a breakthrough in Alsace-Lorraine, and their lead elements further north are not far from the Rhine at Coblenz.


Our Ottomans have been very badly mauled by the British and their Arab allies in the desert. It turns out that T.E. Lawrence has been a better leader than we'd thought, and our survivors are retreating back into Mesopotamia.


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