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Veins Muzzle flash problem(how to use it)

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Hello,I'v downloaded the 2 mods for CMSF from Veins

The Muzzle Flash and Sky,witch look great.

But I really don't know where to put the 2 files in CMSF(I have CMSFBase+Marines)

Can you explain how use these beautiful mods.

Thanks by advance for your help and thanks for the mods maker.

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If you have not already, create a new folder under DATA and name it Z. Place all mods in there.

Often the mods will be in ZIP or RAR format. These have to be unzipped to get at the mods themselves.

Note, sometimes you have to place the actual .bmp files and sometimes you can simply place the entire mod folder in the Z folder. This is very frustrating especially if you want to swap mods later as you have a mass of bmp's and you don't know what is for what. I am unclear as to why modders use different methods. I hope someone more knowledgeable can explain/clarify.

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