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Strange behaviors

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I decided to hotseat the Road to Berlin. I set up an ammo team to walk by an AT gun to test weapons, the gun had a 40m cover radius the ammo team waltzed by the gunners didn't even raise an arm until after they had been in contact for 40 seconds then only the gunner fired with his pistol, even after a direct order to engage the team fired only a single pistol at the ammo team running in the open.

After killing the fire order the whole team finally opened up with the inevitable result.

I then flanked the gun with the MG team itself after a firefight where both sides took casualties their leader crawls in the opposite direction stopping only periodically to fire the MG which was 10 yards behind him facing the opposite way.

I order a mortar team to fire against the Pak40 they spotted 250m away, they did so except I couldn't see any effect the rounds were having, it wasn't until I was in the german seat that I noticed the rounds landing off the map nearly 800m away. Cancelling the order and reordering the fire fixed the problem.

Just figured I'd mention this stuff to see if someone else had a similar experience.

Lastly although not a strange behavior is there an explanation on how on map assets work. I've been able to use the mortars successfully, however, on occasion it seems to the spotter will go out of command or contact even though neither team has moved. Unless I'm misremembering have I done something wrong?

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I've seen some odd arty too - computer player arty hitting areas of the map that I am nowhere near, or in one case shells that looked (from the puffs of smoke I could see) to actually be falling off map? Wont be a problem though - I wont be wasting any time really playing the computer. This game is all about human on human...

well its not a bug, its a feature... the FO team might have been surpressed

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Area targetting the barn in the farm with heavy weapons seems to be tricky, too. I had a Sherman sitting with its gunner state flickering between rotating, aiming and firing for quite some time from 3 different firing positions in the hedge, as I tried to puzzle out what was going on. LOS around the bridges and farm also appears messed up, but that could just be unfamiliaritry with terrain effects.

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Here's my strange one.

Had a German armored car crew (recently bailed from their destroyed vehicle) come running straight at a Sherman of mine. Sherman was sitting in a crossroads, which was also a victory location. There was a low stone wall between the opposing forces.

Crew continued to run towards the Sherman, and rather than saying "Oh s****sse!" and diving behind the wall, or running in the other direction, they hopped over the stone wall and ran out into the middle of the road, not more than 30 meters from my tank, where they just squated down and chilled out.

Meanwhile my Sherman starts reversing away from the crew. I'm thinking he's spotted another threat, or been "pinged" by something, but upon review, no....he's scared of the pistol-wielding armored car crew :rolleyes:

He ends up reversing out of the victory location. I put him back next turn, he does it again. Crew still just sitting in the middle of the road, not firing at him or anything. Neither does he fire at them, for some odd reason.

Sherman crew was "rattled" from previous incoming rounds, but nobody was wounded or anything and they had plenty of ammo.

Finally, I drove the Sherman back into the intersection and hung a left, passing again within 20-30 meters of the German crew. Bot sides just stared at one another as the Sherman departed the area.

*shrug* Guess nobody felt like fighting anymore.

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