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Pulling my hair out over CMMOS & mods

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I've become extreamley frustrated over 2 days trying to figure out this thing. I'm trying to install mods for CMBO and use CMMOS. I downloaded the 4 rulesets which give me the tabs at the top of the program but I am totally confused as to where the mod files I download go. Reading the help file I'm guessing the *.bmp files go in my CMBO bmp directory and sounds go in the wav directory etc. There are other files like text files with info that I have no idea where they should go and I guess this is part of the problem. I need a very step by step guide like I'm retarded to guide me through coz I'm having no luck experimenting.

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When you download a CMBO CMMOS mod, put the bmp files in your CMBO bmp folder. Don't put anything else in there. The txt files that come with the mod can be discarded. Some of the more recent CMBO mods that you might download will have icon files in them ( ie. ATF_320-100, ATF_320-100 disabled ). Put those files in the appropriate ruleset folder in the CMMOS directory ( GEM Software Productions ).

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