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Future possibility for showing vehicle armor and main gun penetration

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But while that's simple in terms of what is firing, its not in terms of what its hitting.

For every line in your table you'd need a whole bunch of target types, eg.:

I think that's a very poor excuse not to do it and by the same standards you'd have a separate colour coded thingy for every single plate of armour against every single gun. Yet BFC chose to keep it simple, which *gasp* also is a possibility with this system.

It should be a fairly accurate but by no means too informative guide, exactly how it was in CM:BB and AK, giving you fairly accurate penetration data against one standard target at different angles and ranges. Include too much information and you'll turn off players by confusing them, include too little information and it just ends up being too inaccurate. BFC had it just right with CM:BB and CM:AK IMO.

Oh and great job at the mod!

That's at last a fairly usable graphic. :)

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Well I'll try not to be rude (and please don't take it as such) but. ....

I've been involved in these discussions I think about three times now and its always the same discussion and I'm not a decision maker just pointing out the arguments that have been used before.

So if you want to continue I'm afraid it will be without me as I've already pointed out in post #2 above that "we" (collectively) have covered this ground several times before and use of the search tool to perhaps read and maybe revive those discussions, is a better way forward than starting all over again.

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  • 1 month later...
But, but, but....

We ve always had these:


Good enough for me!


Thanks for the link to these tables, Viajero - these are what I've been looking for to give myself a little more fantasy/background on whether or not to take a shot with a slightly more educated guess

I've played CMBB a lot and have always enjoyed the agony and ecstasy of waiting 20 turns before some battleship made the mistake of turning it's side or rear to where I could take a crack at it, maneouvering for that golden bb shot, or the old game of just desperately trying to sucker it into turning it's turret with some ruse to put the penetration margin into the realm of non-impossibility.

How I have imagined how smart I was when it worked or how so many other times I would have to sadly acknowledge that despite the best laid plans of mice and men the game-saving miracle just didn't come to pass because it was such a desperate mismatch with such low odds - despite all my dreams and hopes

I never knew or cared about these tables as the gun/armor info was abstracted right there within CMBB adequately enough for my rich fantasy-life - like others I have been missing it even though I haven't played with much armor yet in CMBN.

I do miss it within the game even in a somewhat primitive form - I've got Marco's mod and that helps ease the culture shock a little

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