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PC/Mac PBEM incompatibility?


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While having a PBEM game with Lurkur (uses a Mac), one of the turns came over really weird. It opened OK, but I couldn't view the replay. It went from zero to 60 seconds instantly. Using the forward-back buttons I could switch the action to those positions, but pressing play just jumped to 60 seconds directly.

Also, all the infantry that weren't hidden were standing up, like at attention. There were other minor things too, like tanks that kept targetting things out of their LOS for way too long, but the turn review and standing troops leave little doubt that this is a bug.

I've a copy of the PBEM file, and I can supply that on request.

Edited to add that we tried using MIME and UUencode when sending, didn't make any difference.


[ November 10, 2003, 09:32 AM: Message edited by: SirReal ]

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Try zipping the file before sending, Lurka should get zippit or stuffit and send MIME encoded.

I'm on a Mac and have never had a problem in all my PBEMs but it's possible the raw txt file can have additional characters written to it somewhere along the way. Zipping it should prevent any changes in the file contents.

Same kind of problem and advice

[ November 10, 2003, 12:34 PM: Message edited by: Wicky ]

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