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Differences between soldier

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I am curious to know whether there are differnt stats for different troop types. For instance, what are the differences between the Prussian Guard Corp and a typical German Corp or Reserve Corp if any? What about a typical Austrian German Corp and a Czech, Slav, or Hungarian Corp? For other nations?

Also I haven't played SC for many years but I think I remember that units could stack and hexes were used in the original game. Why the change? I can understand at this scale that a Corp would fill up a square generally but what about stacking a couple of Detachments or Heavy Artillery with a Corp?

As for the AAR, good to see Verdun fall. On to Paris!

Looking forward to release!

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There are differences in some units starting experiences, and also in the combat factors between some nations. This represents training, combat experience, armaments and doctrine.

So, the British start off with literally the best formation in their I Corps, while the Germans have some very good, and also not so good units (e.g. Reserve Corps). These are generally better than their French and Russian counterparts, but the latter have some Guard units too.

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