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Errors in Scenario Parameters.


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I'm relatively new to CMSF but not to CMBB / CMAK and after having played the scenario "Abu Susah" from the Shock Force base game scenario list to test some things i noticed a disturbing thing when i got to the result screen, i found i had achieved a minor victory despite suffering over 75% casualties and losing five out of seven Strykers.

Being somwehat confused as to the result i checked the parameters in the editor which i have posted here so someone can confirm if im reading them right.

Blue Force Parameters are :

Enemy Casualties - Threshold (%) = 0, points = 0

Enemy Condition - Threshold (%) = 0, points = 0

Enemy Ammo - Threshold (%) = 0, points = 0

Friendly Casualties - Threshold (%) = 75, points = 100

Friendly Condition - Threshold (%) = 50, points = 50

Friendly Ammo - Threshold (%) = 0, points = 0

Terrain Objective points = 70

Red Force Parameters are all set to 0 apart from the unit parameter that awards 25 points to Red for each knocked out Stryker.

So according to this Red get 0 points for inflicting infantry casualties and reducing enemy morale and Blue get 100 points for suffering less than 75% casualties and 50 points for having 50% of forces on good morale or am i reading it wrong ?

The Blue briefing warns about losing too many men and vehicles and getting involved in a serious and prolonged engagement, but the point allocation doesnt take that into account.

If i am right there is a serious error in the way points are allocated to the forces in this scenario.

IMO Blue Force Parameters should look more like this:

Enemy Casualties - Threshold (%)= 0, points = 0

Enemy Condition - Threshold (%) = 0, points = 0

Enemy Ammo - Threshold (%) = 0, points = 0

Friendly Casualties - Threshold (%) = 15, points = 100

Friendly Condition - Threshold (%) = 30, points = 50

Friendly Ammo - Threshold (%) = 0, points = 0

Red Force Parameters should look more like this:

Enemy Casualties - Threshold (%) = 15, points = 100

Enemy Condition - Threshold (%) = 30, points = 50

Enemy Ammo - Threshold (%) = 0, points = 0

Friendly Casualties - Threshold (%) = 0, points = 0

Friendly Condition - Threshold (%) = 0, points = 0

Friendly Ammo - Threshold (%) = 0, points = 0

Would this better reflect the briefing ?

If the VC's in this scenario are in error has anybody else found any other standard scenarios that are this wrong ? and if so has anybody fixed them ?

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I know its possible to change the parameters but thanks for mentioning it anyway, i intend to look at the parameters of each scenario before i play them, then maybe discuss the potential changes, if there is an obvious problem like the one i mentioned, with my opponent before we play.

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Well, since you brought it up here is a post of mine from the CM:BN Forum. I am posting it here, because I feel that this needs attention from BFC.

Noob, you mention thresholds, however, the orientation of the > and < signs is important when referring to a percentage. The way it is now, regarding the Condition Parameter is screwed up.

Hi Moon,

The problem is with the functionality of this parameter and the way it is presented within the Editor.

This is how these parameters appear in the Editor within the Game when setting Victory Points -

Friendly Condition > X%

Enemy Condition < X%

This does not make sense, based on the definition of Condition in the Manual which is as follows -

Condition (friendly and enemy): if the player keeps his percentage of wounded, incapacitated and routed soldiers below this percentage and pushes the enemy above another percentage, he is awarded the respective victory points

So when a Scenario designer sets the Condition Parameter for Friendly in the Editor, it looks like this -

Friendly Condition > (greater than) 20% This means greater than 20% of Friendly Troops are panicked, routed, etc...

Enemy Condition < (less than) 30% This means less than 30% of Enemy Troops are panicked, routed, exhausted, etc...

The problem lies with the orientation of the > and < signs in the Editor. They are backwards, and don't make sense based on the defintion of Condition.

A player wants to keep his panicked, routed, troops below ( < ) a certain percentage not above!

I can't believe that after three years no one else has picked up on this issue. * Please forward to Charles or Philip or do somefink.

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I would like clarification of this also...

The way I assume it to be, is that if we keep a certain percent of friendly troops..say ">20" condition, is that we need to keep at least 81% of our troops above the bad conditions, in which case the < and > are accurate as written..but if the idea is how you are stating it, it would be backwards...

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