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Preorder > no download-only possible?

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Hello everybody,

I'd really like to preorder SC-WWI. However, the shop only offers me a download+mail delivery option which means that I have to pay another 20 bucks just for CD.

So my question is if there's any possibility to just buy the download-version of the game? I'd really like to have a physical copy of it - but not if it's that much more expensive for me.

Thanks for any hints and advices!


Just noticed Moon's reply that the download-only option will be available once the game is officially released. But why isn't it possible to pre-order the download option? I'd really like to preorder due to the lower price and cause I think it will be an awesome game.

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Pre-ordering a download doesn't make any sense. You won't be able to download any sooner than when it's released.

The discount we offer on some pre-orders is to provide an incentive for people to buy the hardgoods with the printed manual. This is a little "reward" for fans who like the game and do care about the manual, and for us it makes planning the printing a little easier, so it's a win-win. Even if there was the option to pre-order a download, we wouldn't offer any discounts on it.

PS. It's $20 for European customers. $10 for domestic. $20 is only about 14 Euros at the current exchange rate, not a huge amount of money.

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Yes, pre-order customers will receive an email. In fact, they will receive it some time before the official release announcement, so you'll be (in theory) the first to download. Make sure to whitelist sales@battlefront.com in your email program (putting it into the "safe sender" list or even sometimes just into the address book should help).


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I started to place my pre-order but I ran into a question. It seems to indicate that the total price(download and mail) is $45.00 but it tacks on another $10 for shipping. So I guess I'm not really saving anything if a download will suffice. do I have the figures correct?

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Pre-orders give you the "mail&download" option by default. This option will cost $55 + S&H after the release. You are getting it for $45 + S&H now, as a pre-order. So you save $10 off the later regular price.

Downloads will cost $45 later on. "Mail only" delivery will cost $45 plus S&H.


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