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From manual: Trenches question

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I might be wrong here lettowvorbeck, but I believe that the trench remains, but the unit that moves in will have to start its entrenchment from "zero".

I'm not sure what you think about that, but my own opinion is that it would be nice if the unit moving in could automatically receive entrenchment level 1 where there is an existing trench. After all, the trench didn't move, the unit did---and the disruptive effects of moving into a previously prepared position do not merit such a harsh penalty. I presume that the movement of the unit lowers its effectiveness anyway, so that is enough imo.

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I can see the logic behind the rule in that it keeps players from taking a few corps and building a mega belt of unoccupied fortifications five squares deep behind the main line (TOAW had this problem), but I agree with you that the penalty is too high. If it were up to me, I would make the rule that as long as the square is reoccupied during the same turn, there should be no penalty. In WW1 units moved in and out of the lines all the time. That would solve all problems, IMO.

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I might be wrong here lettowvorbeck, but I believe that the trench remains, but the unit that moves in will have to start its entrenchment from "zero".

Not exactly, because not only does the Trench remain but the new unit moving in immediately receives 50% of maximum entrenchment value, and this goes up by 1 at the end of the turn.

This should provide it with a fairly decent level of protection before the enemy start attacking it in the next turn, and the new unit will almost certainly be able to defend itself better than the beaten up unit you've just pulled out of the line.

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