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US General refuses to leave Midway

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I am about half-way through the Operation Z Scenario and recently launched a successful amphious operation to retake Midway with the 1st Marine Corps.

Battle over I withdrew most of the landing units from Midway to Hawaii for R&R and some have since retaken Wake Island. However, the US General Eichelberger who led the assault force simply refuses to get back on a boat to leave the island.

He was landed on the beach in the east (Hex 131,28)of the island and now will not display transport or amphious mode, and will not move to the Town (Hex 128,28) or accept a transport command where he is.

Any ideas?

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Well hex (131,28) isn't adjacent to the port obviously, but the town hex (128,28) is but he refused to move there. So, it became a bit of a catch-22 and I'm not sure why he suddenly agreed to move, because evenutally I found I was able to move him to the town and get him off the island. The only possible thing I can think of is some sort of random weather condition, but the weather is not that unstable over Midway Island.

In fact, I had an even worse situation arise later in the campaign when MacArthur led a US Army landing to retake Bouganville and Guadalcanal. The landing was made at Bouganville and the Army then trekked overland from there to Kukum in the east of the Island.

However, whilst the US Army units completed the trek and eventually re-embarked for their next objective. MacArthur and the supporting Artillery unit became stuck.

MacArthur would not leave the area defined as Choiseul by hexes (103,52) and (104,52) and the artillery would not leave the area defined as Santa Isabel by hexes (106,54) and (107,53). Their supply situation seemed to vary from 0-5 but they never seemed to gain enough movement capability to reach either end of the island to get to a port and spent the rest of the campaign camped where they were.

Although of course they had the movement to get there in the first place having both been landed at Buin on the western end of the island chain.

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I think with the problem you encountered in the Solomons the only solution would have been to land another HQ nearby because if MacArthur's supply could be brought up from 5 to 8 then he should be able to move.

The weather is almost certainly to blame for the example from Midway as it's in a weather zone with a very small chance of mud.


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