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Encountered a fatal error

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Hi all,

I am playing CMSF (Paradox version) and have just finished the Night Stalkers level, the game now crashes every time with a fatal error when it goes to load the next level. I was hoping to buy the addons but; can anything be done to fix this game so that I can finish it? Will the patch with the addons make it work or should I buy the patch on its own?

Thanks for any help

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Unfortunately this is a known issue that doesn't have a fix. The only solution is to take a save from a previous point in the campaign (which may be hard to come by, probably requiring you to start the campaign over) and surrender the scenario BEFORE Night Stalkers. Not a satisfactory solution, but it seems to be the only one that gets around this problem.

If you perform a 'Search' in the Tech Support forum on 'Night Stalkers' you'll find several threads about this.

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Hi all,

Thanks for the replies, tech support gave me a workaround that allowed me to finish the campaign. I have now bought all of the modules in the one hit download. They have all eventually (some problems) installed except for the Marines. The Semper Fi module is in the list but greyed out, it also appears to be in the CMSF folder. I cant select it in game and if I double click th icon nothing happens. I registered it, checked it worked, installed the others but when I tried to select it nothing happened.

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Apache - yes, this issue affects the Paradox version to. Some customers claimed to not have seen this problem, but a majority seem to experience it.

Artorius - I'm confused. You have now purchased the triple-module set and it installed with problems. What problems did you experience during the install ? To my knowledge the triple-module set will install all of the modules, one after the other in one installer. However each module has its own license key, were you prompted for a license key for each module ?

When the game loads up you get icons in the lower left hand corner of the main menu indicating which modules are 'installed and licensed'. They do NOT actually launch anything themselves. I take it you can see scenarios that start with 'USMC..' and the Semper Fi campaign, but cannot launch any of them, is that correct ? And you are seeing the Marine LAV icon in the lower left hand corner of the main menu, correct ?

What patch version was your base CMSF game at BEFORE you installed the triple-module bundle ? Was it at 1.10 or 1.11 or higher ? If not, then you NEEDED to install the 1.10 patch for your distribution BEFORE installing the module bundle, since the module bundle does NOT have ALL of the 1.10 patch content (namely some .BRZ data files). However the lack of the 1.10 patch would not specifically affect the Marines module only.

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