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Trying to Create New Scenario for 1936

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Well, I'm working on a new campaign scenario for 1936 that I hope I can share with you. I'm running into a few difficulties, however, as I learn to use the editor.

I figured out how to select tiles in countries and change their sovereignty. This has allowed me to create the boundries of Austria, Czechslovakia, and the Rhineland.

However, none of that is holding out. That leads me to ask how I...

1. Get rid of minor countries I don't want

2. Create new minor countries I do want.

3. An issue with saving. When I try to save the scenario French Polynesia wants a capital. It has a city, Pepette(spelling?) The campaign edit window gives me the option to move Pepette from city to capital but when I click the add button it says it needs a capital. What am I doing wrong?


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Thanks BigAl for your reply.

Let's start with #1. I'm using the map from the 1939 World at War Scenario. I'll start with the Solomons. I found all the tiles belonging to the Solomans and changed their ownership to Australia. Yet, I still couldn't save the game because the Editor says I have to have a capital for the Solomons. You were saying I have to remove all tiles. Does that mean I have to delete the very tiles tiles for the solomon Islands and recreate them. Boy, I sure don't want to do that? I read in the manual about making my own localization file in the scenario folder and that I can have less than 37 countries but that they will also still show even if the others aren't in use. Hmmm. Can I do this? How to I eliminate the Solomons as a minor country? Any help is advisable.



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Its Its hard to explain. What basically has happened is that somewhere on the map is a set of tiles that have no capital. When you replaced Australia for Solomons thats what happened. If a country has a tile on the map with its control it needs a capital.

So 2 options

#1 set a side a space and temporarily set up a tile and plop a capital on it for the missing country.

#2 finish the whole map then save. Make sure there are no extra tiles for countries that are not suppose to be there.

Thats about it, I ran into the same problem. Which ever scenario you use try and use the same default countries and add in to the blank country spots. If you replace a country be sure its not one being used by the scenario. Makes it a lot easier.

I feel like an expert on this editor now.

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Hi BigAl,

Okay, was able to change ownership of all the tiles for New Zealand and the Solomons and make them Australian. I also made Hong Kong and Malaya part of Burma. I then saved the 1936 file without a glitch.

So far so good. That leaves me 4 open minors I can play around with and make into something else.

I set a bunch of German tiles to "New Zealand." Later, I'll rename New Zealand into Austria. However. Here is where the capital problem occurs. How do I place a capital? The Country editor shows Vienna as a city in New Zealand but when I highlight it and click add to make it the capital I get an error message that I have to give New Zealand a capital? What step am I missing?



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There are some resources specified as "Cities" and some as "Capitals" the graphic icon doesnt matter. So you need only 1 capital and can only have 1. When you mouse over the resources in the lower right the name appears of what it is. Only the ID for the thing you are editing will appear.

Soooo... if you are editing terrain on the map it wont tell you what the resource is in the square and vice versa. Hope that helps.

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