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Can' t TCP/IP ??/

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I used to be able to host IP games without any problems - now I can't and don't know why.

One thing is strange my IP number has changed from what is was originally. Also this new number that I get from WINIPCFG is the same as what shows up when waiting for opponent to connect. BUT when I got to web site that tells you what your computer IP is it is something different again..Anyone know how I can try to sort this out. CM without IP is cruel and unusual punishment.

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Let me guess, your IP that you get from WINIPDFG is a 10.xxx.xxx.xxx number. Or it is a 198.xxx.xxx.xxx number.

If so that means that you are using NAT. Your ISP is giving you an internal network number and translating that at thier location. You are behind their firewall.

Use the IP number that you get externally from the other web site. That is what the world sees you as, not your internal IP number.

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Hi Sturner - thanks for the info' my "Imternal" IP is

I tried using the IP number that the world sees as you and others suggested (64.24 206 120), no luck so far with one of my regular opponents.

I would welcome someone else who is sure that their system is in good shape trying to connect to my IP - any offers? Please email me to set up a time awillis@berkshire.rr.com

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Attempting to ping your IP address ( I get a 'destination host unreachable'. If your computer is off (12:39pm EST) then this is expected. Otherwise your ISP is blocking a lot of IP ports and rejecting PINGs (which might be an anti-hacking measure). Is this IP address always the same for you ?

You may also want to make sure that your router is forwarding port 7023 to your internal IP address, otherwise CM won't be seen.

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Thanks Schrullenhaft for the "Ping" - Computer has been on all day.

Yes IP address has stayed the same for several days now.

I assume to find out about the router forwarding to port 7023 I need to contact my ISP (RoadRunner)or is this something I can find out for myself.

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Did you purchase or lease the Cable modem ? Some of the larger ISPs may provide documentation on configuring the router. If it is a common model (3Com, Cisco, etc.) there may be generic instructions on the internet to configure it. Some routers are configurable through a web page (using their IP address in the URL with some other address info).

You may want to fire off an email to Roadrunner's tech support (though it may take awhile to get a reply). You can tell them what you're attempting to do (play a TCP/IP game using IP Port 7023) and what it may take to configure your router/modem.

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Schrullenhaft - Thanks again for your help, I really thought I had fixed the problem by removing a "Net-to-phone" device that I use for overseas calls, this resulted in consistant IP numbers. Also your positive "Ping" response sounded encouraging. But I still can't Host, I can play if opponent hosts.

One thing I have not yet done is to try and host to a different person (Other than my current opponent) - any offers from someone ??

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